
Jun 22, 2012 17:29

TV shows, shows and some more TV shows:

- Finished Once Upon a Time and season 2 of Game of Thrones. Thoughts? Opinions? :P
American Horror Story )

lovely ladies, fandom: glee, fandom: [anime] misc., fandom: once upon a time, fandom: dexter, fandom: american horror story, fandom: lip service, fandom: game of thrones

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hyena_gal June 22 2012, 17:01:01 UTC
Oh thank god, that makes me happy to hear - I don't feel like a complete idiot for not getting all of it. ;)

It was! :)

Yeah, gotta admit, I didn't see that coming so that was a nice way of letting me know "... oh, it's going to be -that- kind of show!" ;D


majorrogue June 22 2012, 19:42:39 UTC
OH game of thrones is awesome!! that finale???!!!! those dragons!!the mother of dragons!! *le sigh* :D

I'm watching once upon a time on the telly so haven't seen them all but i'm really enjoying it! :D

- Brittana sex tape: still pics or it didn't happen! ;D True True
- D'awww, Santana doesn't want to be Queen if Brittany isn't Prom King. :P i love that bit! she was so desperate last time, but this time she just walks away coz brit wouldnt be her king!! *swoon* :D
- Holy hell, is Rivera attractive as Artie! I mean - sheeet. *fans self~* I tell ya, if she (or frankly any hot glasses wearing girl) was artie he would not be so close to the bottom of my list!! there is a fic called 'You can leave your glasses on' where santana is a nerd, and i picture her like this!! :)
- I don't like what they did with cooter and beiste at all!!

Also, new layout??!! cool! :D


hyena_gal June 22 2012, 19:54:26 UTC
I don't know what the hell was going on with Jon Snow and Co in that last episode but Daenerys being all "Motherfuckers, Imma take my dragons back!" was awesome! :P

Lana Parrilla is pure gloriousness! She's glorious~

D'awww, Santana doesn't want to be Queen if Brittany isn't Prom King. :P i love that bit! she was so desperate last time, but this time she just walks away coz brit wouldnt be her king!! *swoon* :D I know. I loved this part too. ;) Also, the Faberry was ridiculous - "Don't you want to make a change?" (Quinn speak for - "Won't you let my own girlfriend win because I just want to see her face light up?") ;P

Zijhgsijhg. I'll have to go find nerd!Santana fic because yesplz!

No, and it wasn't dealt with at all - but that's Glee for ya.

Yeah, felt like looking at something new. :P


majorrogue June 22 2012, 20:06:24 UTC
i'll admit that i haven't quite known what jon snow and the other were doing there or what all that was about all season, but that last bit withe the 'zombies' was awesome!!
I had been a little bit worried about how she'd get the dragons back, but was SO please at how it went!! also that bit with her hubby and baby!! aww my heart!! :D

i'm so bad i had to look her up!! ;/ but the evil queen is cool!! not all that keep on her as mayor, coz she's just mean and that's it at least when she's queen she seems to have more of an agenda and she looks awesome!! :D

-'hey stop making out with rachel and come count these' (or words to that effect!! that made me laugh! :D

nerd!santana/badass!brittany fic starts here!!

it's nice :D


hyena_gal June 22 2012, 20:14:54 UTC
It all turned out well... that is, for now. Who knows what's going to happen next season... <.<

I just like Lana Parrilla whether she's playing Regina or she's the Evil Queen. Swan Queen is a beautiful ship! ;D

Yeah, even Santana knows what's up. ;) I like how Brittany kept calling Joe a girl, because Quinn is such a queermo. ;P

Ooh, thank you. :) Awesome - will check it out.


immortality June 22 2012, 23:22:38 UTC
I actually found Madoka to be a really simple show, but ... > >


hyena_gal June 22 2012, 23:48:46 UTC
I probably wasn't paying much attention then. Or maybe I'm just kinda slow. Perhaps a mix? :P

I think it was the 'jumping in time' stuff - in which version of 'the world' did Mami survive, etc, etc.


hoshinekoyasha June 23 2012, 08:16:31 UTC

Debs falling in love with him was WAY too rushed and weird because her tharpest is a creeper BUT ITS ALL SO PERFECT



hyena_gal June 23 2012, 18:23:24 UTC
Yeah, I absolutely agree - it did feel rather rushed. :P I did kind of pick up on an incest vibe, although it was just with Dexter/Brian. I think I kind of, slightly ship them? *gasps* An m/m ship? Those are hella rare with me. :P

Next season gonna be interesting, that's for sure! ;D


hoshinekoyasha June 23 2012, 18:36:01 UTC
It was way they rushed into it made it seem like it was not actually going to go anywhere.
because I am one of those people who picked up on dexter/debs their pre married UST and was shipping them since season 1. And I would really like this to happen but the way they see it up makes me think its a bait and switch.. : ( !!!

I read a meta about how this season Debra was learning to be more morally grey so her accepting that someone could fall in love with their brother is like a precursor to accepting him being a serial killer. In the books shes known for years tho so its all gonna work out.

I cant WAIT for next season


hyena_gal June 23 2012, 19:29:32 UTC
Hmm... yeah, hadn't thought about that. Guess we will have to see where they are going to take this. :P


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