(no subject)

Jun 22, 2012 17:29

TV shows, shows and some more TV shows:

- Finished Once Upon a Time and season 2 of Game of Thrones. Thoughts? Opinions? :P

Watched American Horror Story, or as I like to call it: Ghosts - The Soap Opera. While I did enjoy the show I think there were some major problems what with the portrayal of Hayden and the gay couple. Even though Hayden is supposed to be this young, smart, modern, independent woman she still ends up being portrayed as a completely unhinged baby-crazy person, which - ugh, come on! I know all the baby stuff ties back to the family as a major theme, but really - I could do without having to see another woman being defined by her ovaries and the fact she's able to procreate. It's an old and stupid trope. So is the trope of gays being predatory douchebags. Really, Murphy, you don't feel like you could have handled that a bit better?
So, all in all, while I did quite like this season, (all the awards to Frances Conroy, all of them, and of course Alexandra Breckenridge who is just... haijfhakjfshaffud!!!!) I felt like the overall execution (no pun intended... maybe) of the show was... clumsy and sloppy. Hope they do a better job next season.


Season 2 of Lip Service was a lot more enjoyable than the first one. I really quite liked it - shifting the focus from the Frankie/Sam/Cat love triangle to the rest of the cast was a good move and, well, the only right thing to do, really. :P The whole world and the rest of the planets, Pluto included, just want to see Tess happy but apparently the writers don't like that idea so everyone is just busy looking all like - ;___; - because life is unfair and it likes to kick puppies and kittens. Is it too much to ask for that Tess gets a break? Is it? Lexy, come on~


Season 6 of Dexter: I actually quite liked this season, although it seems a lot of people weren't too impressed. I think focusing on religion was the next logical step with Dexter as a character and his development and, hey, it does make a lot of sense seeing as it's an American TV show. I wish Debra would give up on brothers men, though, because there's a lot of women who wouldn't mind hooking up with her~ ;) Am of course interested in seeing how they are going to handle things next season.


Puella Magi Madoka Magica managed to... confuse me. 12 episodes and I was all "whut?" I did love the animation, though, especially when things were set in the other world and I loved the Faustian theme going on.


Glee. 3.15: Big Brother
- "First of all: all my plumbing still works which is awesome." (You hear that, Rachel? My plumbing. It works. If you'd like to check for yourself...)
- ~Don't cry for me, Asientina~ 
- Aww, Unholy Trinity hug. :)
- Uhm, so Blaine is upset because his big brother.... acts like a big brother? :P Lollll, okay, kiddo. I'm not sure how comfortable I feel about Blaine singing songs that are about scorned love... seeing as he's singing them with his brother in mind.

Blaine Anderson starring in Wet Boys 2 - Droppin' the Soap...

Glee. 3.16: Saturday Night Glee-ver 
- Goddamn you, Blaine! No disco! 
- When did Kurt and Mercedes have sex? During Blame It on the Alcohol? Because this is their child: 

- I'm not down with these falsetto voices, yo...
- Brittana sex tape: still pics or it didn't happen! ;D 
- You know it's true love if someone is willing to bring you a bull's testicle to eat~
- Alex Newell's vocals are awesome. :)
- Santana is smokin' in a suit! Smoking! :P

Glee. 3.17: Dance With Somebody
- The cover of "How Will I Know" is awesome. Well done, homos and Mercedes. :P 
- Hee, of course Brittany sings "I Wanna Dance With Somebody". And Rivera and Michele nailed "So Emotional". 
- "I don't know, Joe is really pretty but I've heard she doesn't shave her armpits." Lol, even Brittany thinks you're a queermo, Quinn. :P
- "Cheetahs have the fastest land speed of any living animal." LOL, ohhh burn~ Well done, Brittany! ;P
- Hee, Pezberry. :)
- Heh, you're okay, Puck. :P
- Wait, did Joe press his... erection against Quinn's thigh? D: That's... not only incredibly awkward but also not very pleasant.

Glee. 3.18: Choke
- Ungh, "Cell Block Tango" was yummy. :P 
- Rachel, nuuuh. /o\

Glee. 3.19: Prom-asaurus
- Lol! Okay, so at 06:05 Tina is about to sit down, and in the next scene we're shown Tina holding Mike's hand about to take a seat. Nice job, Glee. :P 
- "And frankly I don't like the way you look." *snickers* 
- The cover of "I Love You Like A Love Song" is really good. :P Guilty pleasure~
- Control yourself, Finn. - Faberry scene. :)
- D'awww, Santana doesn't want to be Queen if Brittany isn't Prom King. :P

Glee. 3.20: Props
- Tina fucking Cohen-Chang! :)
- This was the best! The best! :P 

- Holy hell, is Rivera attractive as Artie! I mean - sheeet. *fans self~* 

- "Cooter was in 21 Jump Street? I didn't know he was an actor." I laughed. :P
- Aww, Puck, you mean well. *pats your back* 
- The thing is Glee is pointing out one of its own problems in this episode, but... it's not willing to fix them. :-/ *sighs*

Glee. 3.21: Nationals 
- They win. That's it. :P

Glee. 3.22: Goodbye
- They sing a lot of songs, Finchel breaks up and Rachel goes to New York. That's it. :P

lovely ladies, fandom: glee, fandom: [anime] misc., fandom: once upon a time, fandom: dexter, fandom: american horror story, fandom: lip service, fandom: game of thrones

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