She is a stranger...

Nov 16, 2011 11:23

• You guys, there's open season over at ladies_fest, which means all the unclaimed prompts are fair game! I spot 3 Sucker Punch prompts, 10 Harry Potter prompts, 3 Lost Girl prompts and 18 Glee prompts. Go check it out and see if you feel ~inspired~ to write something. :)


• I just looked through the folder containing my as-of-yet-unread Glee fics which I've ( Read more... )

music pimpin', lovely ladies, teh great gay!, fandom: glee, otp: prettiestgirliknow, otp: songbird, genre: femslash

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Comments 26

immortality November 16 2011, 11:59:31 UTC
*yawn* Oh, more of this 'Quinn-is-a-crazy-bitch-and-you-shouldn't-like-her' stuff? Well done, writers.

Quinn will never be a sympathetic character in the eyes of the writers. They want to make her the villain of the show and they will do nothing to counteract that. Every time they give Quinn something nice and sad and sweet (like, "I just want someone to love me") they have to follow it up with Quinn doing everything in power to ruin everyone's life. Awesome.

You had it coming, Finn. Also, *ugh*, writers -- *stop* fucking writing Finn as though he's a freakin' saint or something. Why, ~yes~, let's make things black and white, shall we: Finn is Good (not to forget a white straight man with privileges) and Santana is Evil (a queer woman of colour) and therefore she deserved to get a taste of her own medicine. You're being lazy, writers. Not to mention poopy. This is what pisses me off about the episode. I love Santana and laughed (a lot) at all her shots at Finn, I still feel like the writers made her OTT mean and cruel so that they ( ... )


hyena_gal November 16 2011, 12:26:17 UTC
I like you because we agree when it comes to these things. :)

I just... they already have a villain in Sue, so *why* this constant 'hate' when it comes to Quinn/need to write her as a Psycho!Bitch!Harpy? They obviously really love pouring enough trauma and shit on her head to last her for a lifetime and yet they don't want to touch upon the fact that Quinn clearly needs some kind of help in the form of therapy or something else? It's just making me go 'Ew, writers!'.

I still feel like the writers made her OTT mean and cruel so that they could be like, 'Oh, see, her being outed is totally justified, because she was such a ~bitch! Finn was just defending himself!' <-- Yeessss, this! Ugh! Also, let's not even talk about Finn saying "Everybody knows" and "You're a coward" - uh, please to shut the *fuck* up, White Straight Guy. You have no right to call the shots when it comes to whether someone wants/is ready to come out! Ew, ew.

.... at least the Rumour Has It/Someone Like You mash up is an eargasm. :P


immortality November 16 2011, 12:33:16 UTC
Quinn will never get a chance to be happy. She can't even get a solo, ffs.

Finn is just a douchebag, I'm sorry. "Everyone knows"? Okay, tell me how you know EVERYONE KNOWS and that EVERYONE IS OKAY WITH IT. Seriously, just shut up. And as for the whole ~coward thing, just stfu and stfd. Like he has ANY idea what it's like.

The thing I hated the most was that Finn's low blow was actually two low blows. He didn't just out Santana to the world, BUT he also preyed on Santana's insecurities about loving a girl who may never really (at least, in Santana's mind) love her back. That's just downright cruel. I'm not saying Santana is the nicest person in the world -- far from it -- and she says a lot of mean things to everyone, but what Finn said was just awful. I can only imagine how terrible my life would be if something like that happened to me.


hyena_gal November 16 2011, 12:50:49 UTC

... )


hoshinekoyasha November 17 2011, 08:39:24 UTC
I just looked through the folder containing my as-of-yet-unread Glee fics which I've bookmarked and... holy banana, I've been collecting quite a number of them from the looks of it!
I feel your pain(?) I have a fuck ton of Myka/hg fics I would like to get though in two weeks and no time...


hyena_gal November 17 2011, 14:20:48 UTC
Ooh? If you have any fic to rec I'm all ears! :)

Throw them at me. ;)


hyena_gal November 17 2011, 19:59:28 UTC
Oooh, awesome! Thank you very much. :)

Have any H.G./Myka fic recs? I have a feeling I will want to read them all once I've watched season 2. ;P


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