She is a stranger...

Nov 16, 2011 11:23

• You guys, there's open season over at ladies_fest, which means all the unclaimed prompts are fair game! I spot 3 Sucker Punch prompts, 10 Harry Potter prompts, 3 Lost Girl prompts and 18 Glee prompts. Go check it out and see if you feel ~inspired~ to write something. :)


• I just looked through the folder containing my as-of-yet-unread Glee fics which I've bookmarked and... holy banana, I've been collecting quite a number of them from the looks of it! o.o

Just have to pick a fic and read my way through all of the glorious femslash from there, I suppose? :P


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*eargasms severly*

Glee. 3.06. Mash Off:

- Dude, it's *Jewfasa*, not Puckfasa! Get your facts straight, writers! Also, the Faberry fandom more or less 'coined' that name, meaning it kind of belongs to Rachel. Anyways, it's only fair if the money is shared!
- Blaine still hasn't found pants long enough for him. Poor boy. :-/
- Mike/Blaine bromance?
- What's that on Kurt's head? o.0
- "Oh, and guys, go get some moist towels, we have to keep Finn wet before we can roll him back in the sea." LOL. You're the best, Santana! <3

Oh my god, look at Sugar heeding Santana's every word, even though she's joking! She's all, "Must get moist towels *now*! My mistress said so!" LOL! More scenes like this with Sugar. 
- Dodgeball!Quinn is the best Quinn! 
- Lol, delusional!Mercedes. 
- "~Stop the violence~" Whipped!Santana is so goddamn whipped! 
- *yawn* Oh, more of this 'Quinn-is-a-crazy-bitch-and-you-shouldn't-like-her' stuff? Well done, writers. 
- Holy fucking shit, The Troubletones' mash-up is ten gazillion fuckin' times more superior to New Directions'! I mean, hot daaaammnnn! o.o I think this is by far the best Glee cover ever! Aajfhkajfysakjhfjskf, Santana looking at Brittany and singing her heart out, because it hurts and because she's scared and just! Naya's face! Naya's voice!  
- You had it coming, Finn. Also, *ugh*, writers -- *stop* fucking writing Finn as though he's a freakin' saint or something. Why, ~yes~, let's make things black and white, shall we: Finn is Good (not to forget a white straight privileged man) and Santana is Evil (a queer woman of colour) and therefore she deserved to have a taste of her own medicine. You're being lazy, writers. Not to mention poopy. 
- Oh, and this is for anyone who thinks it's okay or no big deal to out someone: 

Brought to you by the Very Heterosexual Miss Quinn Fabray (who loves to play derpball an awful lot!)

music pimpin', lovely ladies, teh great gay!, fandom: glee, otp: prettiestgirliknow, otp: songbird, genre: femslash

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