(no subject)

Nov 20, 2011 00:50

1.01: Pilot:
- RL sucks, basically. We know, fairy tales. 
- "~I rode all daaaaay - to geeet to you!~"
- Lol, the Prince is kind of... derpy-looking. No offence to people who like that, tho.
- I want to give you a goddamn gift, biatch! Let me! T_T
- So rood, Prince. Throwing your phallic symbol at unsuspecting women. :P
- Lolll, don't you just hate when your kid shows up at your door and you're, like, "who are you?" o.0
- Classes must last *forever* in Storybrooke. o.o
- Damn! Magnificent boobs! The tree will save ~everyone~!
- Lolll, very nice heterosexual way of standing, Emma! ;D You're not giving off vibes at all! 
- Lolllll! That scene just reminded me of Spike's entrance in "School Hard". 
- Erh, Pinocchio's dad, no, she's not. Giving birth to someone doesn't equate that you're their 'mother'. 
- whosyourmomma.org? Sounds more like an 'adult' kind of site, if you know what I mean. ;D 
- What's so bad about being adopted, show? o_0
- Do they mean to paint Regina as being this complete bitch in this scene? Because I agree with her all the way! Emma actually doesn't have any right to just waltz into his life again on a whim.
- Lolll, Little Red Ridinghood and her Grandma.
- So, bottom line: Team VagRegina all the way! \o/

1.02: The Thing You Love Most
- Regina's pick up lines all revolve around apples, pretty much. 
- *invades Emma's personal space* Don't underestimate me, Miss Swan. You have no idea what I'm capable of... (in bed!)
- Loll, these two bickering. ;P Also, hee, Kristin Bauer. I kind of ship Maleficient/Regina now too. 
- Emma, you're dense. She's flirting with you. ;P
- Team VaRegina all the way! \o/ Damn, Lana Parrilla, that was kinda hot. ;P
- Hahaha, my hair can't be tamed, biatches!

1.03: Snow Falls 
- The Troll Road? Lulz. 
- This scene between Emma and Snow White is... wildly shippy. o.0
- Given that there's a reversal of the traditional story going on here -- see Prince Charming being the one 'sleeping' instead of Snow White -- can't we get a canon f/f pairing out of this? A princess finding her princess instead of a prince? Pleeaaase? With cinnamon on top?
- Lolllll, walk more like a guy, why don't you, Emma? ;P And she's running around in Regina's shirt? 
- "Enjoy my shirt." *wink* 
- "Kid! You need to go home. Where's your mum? She's going to kill me. And then you. And then me again." Seriously. ;D

1.04: The Price of Gold
- Fairies explode. 
- No, Cinderella, you can't handle it. :P
- Lolll, Emma keeps running around in other people's clothes.


• Link: Fagbug - a documentary about grad student Erin Davies hitting the road in her rechristened "fagbug" to raise awareness of gay rights and to speak where others had been silenced.

• I *knew* Sugar Motta's face reminded me of something:


• Meme:

1. Think of up to 20 ships you love/adore/support.
2. Describe them without using the names of the characters.
3. Have your f-list guess as many of the ships as they can.

1. A doctor on the run with his sligthly odd sister. guessed by hoshinekoyasha

teh great gay!, fandom: glee, meme: fandom, fandom: once upon a time, genre: femslash, otp: trueloveskiss, i will go down with this ship

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