Merlin: Super Speshul Lady!Knights Genderswap Recast Edition

Nov 27, 2011 19:56

Okay. By special request, here it is... Merlin: Teh Super Speshul Lady!Knights Genderswap Recast Edition!

I think it'd be awesome to see Katie McGrath play this completely goofball type of character. Enough with the Doom & Gloom -- by letting her play Gwaine she can herp-derp around *and* be hot. ;P

I actually wanted to find a Chilean actress for the Lancelot role, but I couldn't find anyone. :-/ Also, I'm biased - I really like Rachael Stirling and she's shown blood on her face suits her, so....

Kelly Reilly has been in a movie called Eden Lake -- and, eh, yeah, if you know the premise of the movie, you'll agree that she can pull off playing a badass woman if she wants to. ;)

I liked Georgia King as Elena! I want her back! ;P

lovely ladies, teh great gay!, fandom: merlin, am i spamming you?

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