Fic: Gone Astray (2/?)

Mar 10, 2010 14:25

Title: Gone Astray
Chapter: 2 - Parallel Dissimilarities
Series: Torchwood
Characters: Hannah Summers-Fogg, Jack Harkness, Ianto Jones, Toshiko Sato, Owen Harper, Gwen Cooper
Rating: PG-13
Thrace Warning Level: 3
Beta: luvinthe88and20
Spoilers: Adrift (TW 2.11)
Disclaimer: I do not own Torchwood or the characters therein, they belong to the BBC and RTD. The characters of Hannah Summers-Fogg and Rose Harkness-Jones and that AU universe belong to faithharkness. Any original characters and places are my property.
Summary: Hannah is really getting tired of just sitting and wants some answers any way she can get them.
Author's Notes: This story started innocently enough, using a character from the AU of faithharkness. Those wonderful stories can be found here. I am using Hannah with the approval of faithharkness.

Chapter 1 - When Hannah Meets Torchwood... Again

Chapter 2 - Parallel Dissimilarities

Hannah’s head hurt, a lot, but she was afraid to ask for an aspirin figuring they would take the opportunity to slip her retcon instead. She had been stuck in the Hub for two hours now and was no closer to an answer than when she first got to work. She had no clue where or when she was or what had happened, all she knew was that she was in real big trouble. She rested her elbow on the end of the couch and dropped her head into the palm of her hand.

“Summers,” Jack bellowed from his office.

Well, it was good to know that no matter what, some things never changed. She got up off the couch, rubbing her butt from sitting too long and sauntered into Jack’s office. He had that boss scowl on his face and looked up at her as he finished signing off on some papers.

“Have a seat,” he said, pointing at the chair directly across from him.

Hannah sighed. She was really getting tired of sitting. She stared back at Jack as he looked her up and down.

“Hannah Summers-Fogg?”



“Last time I looked in the mirror it was me.”

“How do I know it’s you?”

“You could call my uncle.”

“Already did. How do I know it’s you?”

Hannah opened her mouth ready with a sharp retort, but closed it as she realized she may be in a different world. How would she prove herself? And just what happened and was Rose okay? “I… don’t… know,” she stammered out.

“Exactly.” Jack stood up, picking up a file folder from the right side of his desk and walked around his desk until he was leaning against it, facing her. “According to this research that Tosh did, Hannah Summers-Fogg disappeared eight months ago on assignment in Brazil. Disappeared without a trace. I assume you know what that probably means?”

Hannah pursed her lips and scratched her head. Yep, she knew what that probably meant. It means that this version of her most likely ducked to the right instead of to the left if she correctly remembered what happened in Brazil.

Before she could respond, Jack dropped the folder to his desk and had a hand on each of the chair arms on either side of her. He leaned in to her, trapping her in the old style chair. “What are you doing here Summers?” His voice sent a chill up her spine.

Without hesitating, Hannah brought her knee up, planting it in Jack’s groin. She then slipped under his arms and spun around him, punching him in the small of the back. She wrapped her arm around his neck, holding him a chokehold. “Is someone going to finally tell me what’s going on here?”

Hearing the gun, she looked up and saw Ianto in the doorway, a gun trained on her. Heck, if he accidentally hit Jack, that didn’t matter. “Glad to know some things never change,” she said, releasing Jack from the chokehold. “I see Ianto still has you covered, no matter what.”

Jack pushed himself up from where he had fallen forward in the chair. He stood up straight and stared down on Hannah, rubbing his back. “Sit down, Summers,” he said.

"No," she said, crossing her arms across her chest. She stood her ground. This Hub was different then the one she was used to: no proper kitchen or coffee room, no medical bay, no Rose, and something was really, really wrong with Owen.

"I have been nice to you so far, way nicer than I normally am," Jack evenly stated, turning on her. "Now. Sit down."

Hannah let out a huff and sidled around a very irate looking Jack and sat back down in the chair she had just vacated. Ianto uncocked the gun and stepped into Jack's office, shutting the door behind him. He slid the gun into an inside pocket in his suit jacket.

Jack put a hand on the back of the chair and leaned over Hannah, right in her face. "Now, you want to tell me how a supposedly dead person is very corporeal and broke into my base of operations, and how you supposedly know me beyond what your uncle might have told you?"

"I… I don't know if I can," Hannah hurriedly said as a thought dawned on her. What if this was before Rose was born? She couldn't screw that up, not if she was killed a thousand times. "What year is it?"

"Excuse me?" Jack crouched down so he could stare her in the face.

"What year is it? Or did Ianto knock a couple of brain cells loose while bonking you this morning?" Hannah asked.

"2009," Ianto replied before Jack could respond.

"And what year do you think it is?" Jack's eyes were so intense they almost seemed grey.

"Not 2009." Crap. It was before Rose. Hannah took a deep breath. But something still seemed wrong.

"Actually, Jack," Ianto said next to them. Both Hannah and Jack looked up at him. "Owen wants to run another test. Tosh noticed both a Rift spike and one of those negative Rift spikes at the same time as Miss Summers walked up to our front door."

Jack's eyes flicked back to Hannah. He finally relented and stood back. "Fine, but this conversation isn't done."

Hannah quickly stood up, never letting her eyes leave Jack. He didn’t trust her, and that meant she couldn't trust him. Hannah followed Ianto out of Jack's office. She came up right next to Ianto, her voice low. "Can you at least tell me what happened to Owen?"

"If you're from the future, wouldn’t you know," Ianto replied, shooting her a glance.

"I think I have a different Owen."

She followed Ianto down into autopsy where Tosh and Owen were waiting. Owen curtly pointed at the stretcher and Hannah sighed as she hopped up onto it, again. Tosh tapped a couple of keys on the nearby terminal and then turned to Hannah, giving her a small smile.

"All right now Hannah, Owen and I are just going to scan you, and see what we can find. You shouldn’t feel anything at all." Tosh hit a couple of more buttons as Owen picked up a portable scanner.

He ran the scanner up and down her body as Tosh kept a close eye on the readings. It didn’t seem like this Tosh and Owen were together, at least not as she knew them to be, but they could still read each other's minds. Well, partly, if the looks they kept giving each other were any indication. Owen seemed to adjust the scanner, and that's when her head started buzzing.

She fought the urge to show any discomfort, but then the buzzing increased. It was like a drove of bees were exploding against the confines of her skull. She dropped her head into her hands as a wave of nausea overtook her. Hannah could swear she said something, but if it was actual words, she didn’t know.

Before she knew it, Owen was next to her, the scanner chucked onto the instrument cart. "Hannah? Talk to me. What's wrong?"

Hannah opened her mouth to tell him about the evil insects in her brain and instead, puked up her entire breakfast onto his black boots. Her muscles seemed so weak as if she had vomited out her energy, too.

Ianto grabbed her legs and Owen manoeuvred her back onto the stretcher, laying her out. Hannah's heart beat a million times a minute. This couldn’t be happening, whatever it was that was happening. Who would take care of her little poppet? Hannah thought of Rose as the blackness overtook her.

Chapter 3 - Did Anyone Get The Name of the Weevil Who Ran Me Over?

toshiko sato, torchwood, jack harkness, gone astray, hannah summers-fogg, gwen cooper, owen harper, fic, ianto jones

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