Fic: Gone Astray (1/?)

Mar 06, 2010 01:44

Title: Gone Astray
Chapter: 1 - When Hannah Met Torchwood... Again
Series: Torchwood
Characters: Hannah Summers-Fogg, Jack Harkness, Ianto Jones, Toshiko Sato, Owen Harper, Gwen Cooper
Rating: PG-13
Thrace Warning Level: 3/4
Beta: luvinthe88and20
Spoilers: Through A Day In The Death (TW 2.8)
Disclaimer: I do not own Torchwood or the characters therein, they belong to the BBC and RTD. The characters of Hannah Summers-Fogg and Rose Harkness-Jones and that AU universe belong to faithharkness. Any original characters and places are my property.
Summary: Hannah finds herself out of sorts at the Hub.
Author's Notes: This story started innocently enough, using a character from the AU of faithharkness. Those wonderful stories can be found here. This series is being started today, the glorious birthday of faithharkness. Happy Birthday!

Chapter 1 - When Hannah Met Torchwood… Again

For the first time in days, it had stopped raining and it seemed like all of Cardiff was out in droves and going bonkers. Hannah Summers-Fogg had to duck as some new electronic toy buzzed her head as two little boys fought over the controls. As it crashed to the ground she picked it up and stalked over to the "parental unit" sitting by the boys, drinking a coffee. He barely paid any attention to her, and looked the other way from the boys.

"Excuse me!" Hannah slammed the little helicopter down on the table in front of the guy. "They should watch out next time, or else it might not be someone as nice as me!" Hannah glowered at him, her green eyes flashing.

The man looked from the toy to Hannah and scratched his goatee. "Ooops! Sorry mate." He took a slow sip of his coffee and then called to the boys. "Boys! Apologize."

A flurry of different ways she could dismember this so-called father without his boys noticing flew through Hannah's head and out again, realizing she was in public. But, she made a mental note of exactly where on the Plass he was sitting and to use the CCTV footage later to track him down and send a surprise his way. Perhaps a lorry full of jellied eels to his house would be good.


"Yeah, what he said," the boys chimed in and grabbed the toy helicopter and ran down the Plass away from their father, who sat sipping his coffee.

Hannah rolled her eyes, realizing she spent way too much time around Ianto, and walked away before she could yell at him about the kind of Father he was being, especially with the two good daddies she dealt with everyday.

Looking across the Bay, she walked up to the Tourist Office and grabbed the knob. She was surprised when it didn't turn. It was locked. Hannah made a face and shrugged her shoulders. Tucking a stray piece of her honey-blonde hair behind her ear, her ponytail bobbed as she dug out her keys. She slid the key in and unlocked the door, then proceeded to walk across the darkened office without turning a light on. She was used to this place.

Hitting the secret button under the desk, Hannah slipped into the hallway that led down into their big super-secret science fiction lair. She found herself humming "Princes of the Universe" by Queen. Stopping by the main cog door that led into the Hub, she held up her hand for the security check and was surprised when it didn’t open.

She pursed her lips and peered down at the control panel. She pressed her hand up against it, and yet it did not open. Hannah leaned up to it and keyed for it to do an optical scan. The blue light ran across her eyes and still the door did not open.

"Very funny Owen," Hannah muttered as she pulled a little black pouch out of the pocket of her jacket.

She slid out a small scanner and a screwdriver. Undoing the panel, she held the scanner up to the wiring and ran a sequence across the device she held. The two lights above the panel glowed green and the door began to slide open. It stopped, having only rolled open three feet. She let out a sigh, plotting out how she was going to get back at Owen for changing her access. Just because she thought it was funny to switch out the purple alien goo he kept in the fridge in autopsy with grape jelly and then have Rose go in there with her toast…

She heard the guns being cocked before she saw them. Instinctively she pulled out her sidearm and suddenly found herself in a stare-down with Jack, each of their guns trained on the other. With barely a look she knew the other members of Torchwood had their guns on her.

"Who are you and how did you get in here?" Jack asked rather gruffly.

"Good morning to you, too," Hannah said. "Someone want to tell me what's going on?"

"How did you get into the office upstairs?"

"I have a key. How else did I get in here?" Hannah felt like she had fell through some portal into the Twilight Zone.

"You bypassed the security protocol; want to explain that?"

"That? That really wasn't that hard. I thought Tosh had upgraded it because of Rose."

"That looks like a Torchwood issue weapon," Gwen said from next to Hannah.

Hannah turned to Gwen, keeping Jack in her peripheral. "Because it is, you gave it to me. Jack wouldn’t let me play with all my toys on duty."

"Put the gun down on the ground and step back," Jack stated.

She looked at Jack incredulously. Since when did he tell her to disarm herself? She quickly scanned the team, moving her eyes. "What's going on?" She looked at Owen, noticing the bandage on his left hand. "What happened?"

"Put the gun down." Jack took a couple of steps closer to her.

"Jack, where's Rose?" Hannah asked.

A flash of recognition traipsed across Jack's face, but he put up his steely exterior once more. "Who?"

Hannah gulped and crouched down, ready to bolt for the secondary exit. She gently put the gun down on the metal grate in front of her and rose up, squaring her shoulders. Something was really wrong here. She saw no evidence of Rose on any of the desks and it was as if none of them knew her. She stepped back from the weapon, feeling confidence in the small gun she had strapped on her leg under her jeans.

Ianto came forward and picked up the weapon, putting it behind him on Tosh's desk. Gwen pulled out a scanner from her back pocket and studied it a moment.

"She's still armed. She has the pouch from outside, and she also has a small pistol strapped to her right leg and some kind of energy weapon in her handbag," Gwen replied, her eyes raking over Hannah.

"Hand them over," Jack said, never wavering, his gun still trained on her.

"But... but… I know better than to be unarmed around any of the things we can run into- especially if it ever gets to be ‘The Mother Of All Clusterfucks’ or worse." Hannah could not believe this. He hadn’t made her completely disarm the first time he met her, and that included holding baby Rose.

"Mother of All Clusterfucks?" Jack repeated.

Oh shoot. "Sorry! Elevated Danger Level, sheesh!" Hannah crossed her arms across her chest. She had had enough of this, and had questions of her own. "Now, what happened and where the heck is Rose?"

"Who is Rose?" Gwen asked.

"Jack and Ianto's daughter, Gwen. Where the heck have you been?" Hannah reached into her handbag, trying to ignore the sound of guns being cocked and pulled out a ratty plushie. She held it out towards them. "She left her Thoo Loo in my car after getting ice cream and I don’t want her to be upset."

She could see Ianto exchange looks with Jack. She glared at Owen, wondering if he knew what was going on, and was surprised that it seemed like he had not breathed in the last couple of minutes. Where everyone else was tense and their chests rose with each tick of the clock, he seemed too calm.

"Put the gun you have on your leg in your bag and give it to Ianto, and then we'll talk," Jack said, lowering his gun slightly.

Hannah looked at Jack, really looked at Jack. She crouched down and pulled her jeans leg up and undid the strap, sliding the pistol out. She plopped it into her handbag. Holding it out to Ianto, she inwardly whimpered, feeling naked without it. Ianto took the bag and put that on Tosh's desk, too. Jack holstered his gun and stepped forward, towards Hannah, as she clutched Thoo Loo on her hand.

"Okay, thank you. Now, how about we talk," Jack said. He pointed her to the sofa by the door and put his hand on Hannah's back. Something felt different. It wasn't the warm touch he normally had. That scared Hannah, but she would never tell them that. Sitting her down, he stood next to her. "How about we start with how you got in here?"

Behind Jack, Hannah could see Tosh start going through her handbag. She should really mention the Denuvian egg she’d picked up on her way in, but if they grabbed it and the spikes happened to go through their hand… In her mind she hoped it was Owen that picked it up. She really should also mention the watermelon flavoured lube she had picked up as a favour for Ianto, but decided against that, too.

Instead, she turned her attention to Jack. "I got in here because I have a key and work for you. You hired me. You, Jack Harkness, hired me to work for Torchwood and to help care for Rose."

"Rose, Ianto's and my daughter, right," Jack said as he put his foot up on the small table in front of the couch and leaned over her. "And just how old is Rose and where does she live? And why would I let a daughter of mine have a stuffed Cthulu?"

"Rose lives here in the Hub or in your flat - which is quite nice, by the way.  As for how old she is, that's a complicated answer even for someone like Tosh.  And Cthulhu… Well technically I bought him for her, but it was all Ianto's fault."

"How?" Jack asked.

"Have you ever heard Ianto read Lovecraft?"

Jack got that glaze over his eyes and she could imagine what he was thinking of, having seen that look many a morning. Behind him, Ianto cleared his throat and looked down at Hannah. Suddenly, she heard Tosh cry out and Owen muttered a very audible expletive. Both men turned around and Hannah peeked in between Jack's legs to see that Owen had been the one to pull out the Denuvian egg from her bag and it was spiked through his hand. She tried to stifle the giggles, but it was too perfect.

"You think this is so bloody funny?" Owen pulled the spiked ball from his hand, throwing it on the desk.

Ianto grabbed a wastebasket and a wad of papers, pushing the egg into the basket as it lost the spikes and had started moving across the desk of its own volition. Good thing Ianto had held the basket away from him as spikes were suddenly seen poking through the bottom of it.

Hannah heard a cough above her and looked up past Jack's… waist… and into his blue eyes. She stifled the giggles and leaned back against the couch, shrugging her shoulders.

"A man should know better then to go through a woman's purse," Hannah simply said.

"That's an interesting life-form you had in your bag," Jack said, giving her the Harkness glare.

"Pfftt! That doesn't work on me. Rose's pout, now that works, and on you, too." Hannah crossed her legs and crossed her arms across her chest. "Now, where is Rose and what is going on?"

"Do I want to know who uses this?" Owen could be heard grumbling in the background.

Jack arched an eyebrow in imitation of Ianto and looked back at Owen holding the watermelon lube. "That's not as tasty as it should be," Jack stated. "Owen, put that down and give our guest a once over," Jack said as he put his foot down and stepped back, leaving access to the autopsy bay.

Owen dropped the tube of lube into Ianto's open hand as he walked past him. Owen hurried down the steps, muttering a string of curses. "Oi! You coming?" Owen yelled up the stairs.

Hannah pushed herself up off the couch and gave Jack a worried look. She slowly walked over to the railing that led down into autopsy and tried to keep her mouth from falling open, to no avail. This was not right, not right at all. Owen glared at her from the bottom of the stairs, his eyes exceptionally dark. She trudged down the stairs, the pit of her stomach roiling in worry.

"Up here," Owen said, patting the stretcher in the middle of the room.

Hannah hopped up and looked at Owen expectantly. She glanced up and saw Jack and Ianto hovering above her. Ianto looked into the Hub and then tugged on Jack's elbow and both men disappeared into the main part of it.

"How come you’re checking me out in autopsy and not in the medical bay?" Hannah began to play with her ponytail as Owen slipped on his white labcoat. He didn’t say a word to her, but started fiddling with a scanner, looking down at the readouts as he passed it along her. "Okay, you're in a pissy mood. Did Tosh make you sleep on the couch again?" She sighed as he picked up a syringe and took her arm, going to take a blood sample. "You know she doesn’t like it when you stick your finger up in her cra- OW!" She resisted the urge to pull away as he jabbed the needle in her vein.

"Sorry," Owen mumbled as he drew out the blood and closed off the vial. "Name?"

"Really?" She stared at Owen who just stared back. "Hannah Summers-Fogg," She stated as he wrote it down on the vial.

Owen turned his back to her as he input her data into the computer terminal. She couldn’t hear anyone upstairs, so she silently slipped off the stretcher, her feet barely padding to the ground. Quicker than it took her to take in a breath, she advanced upon Owen and grabbed him by the shoulder, spinning him around. With a thud, she threw him to the ground and straddled him. Grabbing him by the shirt, she held her hands against his chest.

Leaning in closely, their noses nearly touching, she coldly whispered, "Now tell me where the hell is Rose."

Hannah paid no attention to the gun she could feel pointed at her head. Without looking she knew it was Jack. Yet, something felt weird under her hands. Without another thought she ripped open Owen's shirt and gaped in horror at the yawning hole in his chest above where the heart should be. Owen just looked at her, not even breathing. Hannah let go of his shirt and leaned back, still sitting on Owen.

"Did that answer any of your questions," Jack hissed, holding the gun steady.

"Hannah, you're not in Kansas any more," she said and let out a whistle.

Chapter 2 - Parallel Dissimilarities

toshiko sato, torchwood, jack harkness, gone astray, hannah summers-fogg, gwen cooper, owen harper, fic, ianto jones

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