About My Cargo

Dec 15, 2013 21:11

Title: About My Cargo
Author: hunters_retreat
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Theirs was a rivalry long established and -when Jared was being honest with himself - much anticipated.
Author's Note: Written for My trope Bingo Card.  This was my rival to lovers square.

About My Cargo )

challenge: bingo, setting: futuristic, setting: space, au, fanfic: rps

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Comments 10

izzie7 December 16 2013, 10:34:05 UTC
I enjoyed this so much!


hunters_retreat December 20 2013, 07:38:32 UTC
Thank you so much! So glad you liked it!


calijirl5150 December 16 2013, 12:49:08 UTC
What a wonderful start to a great verse ;p


hunters_retreat December 20 2013, 07:41:39 UTC
LOL! Nice try :P I can't seem to update the ones I already have! Though... I wouldn't say I won't come back to these from time to time! I do love my sci-fi boys!


supersockie December 16 2013, 15:18:52 UTC
What an intriguing world you've created! I love that the boys fell in love, then lost each other. The misunderstandings, identity mystery, and the bond make this story unique and fascinating. Thanks for sharing and I hope you revisit this verse again!


hunters_retreat December 20 2013, 07:52:33 UTC
Thank you so much! These boys were so fun to write. I love bonded boys (I so didn't plan them to be bound but it happened anyway ;P) and I couldn't pass up the idea that they'd lost one another and found themselves again :P So glad you enjoyed it!


sanshal December 16 2013, 15:44:33 UTC
Really interesting- loved it! Will you be turning this into a verse???


hunters_retreat December 20 2013, 07:59:12 UTC
I don't have any plans to make it a verse but I would never say never :P I do love bonded boys in space! So glad you liked it!


laurathelurker December 17 2013, 00:46:34 UTC
Well this was just full of win. And I will echo the others that this would be an amazing verse. Just everything about it was awesome. Plus I need to have a scene where Jared smacks Jensen/Kel upside the head for having realized all along and not letting Jared in on it and wasting all those years and then kissing him breathless again because they have each other fully now.


hunters_retreat December 20 2013, 08:13:22 UTC
ROFL! He definitely does deserve that! I'll give him a little slack because he could feel it all and believed that Jared knew... though eventually Jared will come to the same conclusion and I can see that headslap :P And the kissing too!

So glad you liked it hon!


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