Jared Padalecki and the Mystery of the Egyptian Mummy Ch. 1

Jan 28, 2009 23:06

Title: Jared Padalecki and the Mystery of the Egyptian Mummy
Chapter: One
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Rating: G (eventual R i'm sure... it's me after all :P)
Summary: J2 AU. Jared is a young Egyptologist trying to find a prize. Jensen is an adventurer in need of a mystery. Jared provides him with one. This is the story of the legend they become.

Prologue can be found here

Chapter One

The desert sand was blinding and radiated waves that he knew should be boiling him, but he felt cool and content as he walked along the dune. He knew where he was going but he had no idea why or how, just that this was the right place to be. He was following a trail that had been lost thousands of years before, lost by its creator’s design to hide the magnificence of the temple and keep the pharaoh from learning it’s location. The tomb shouldn’t exist, he knew it, but there had been love in its making, love of a people that would not allow one man’s existence to move to the afterlife without a fitting burial. Love for a man that would bind him to this tomb for all time.

He could see the crevice in the valley as he walked, hidden unless you came a certain way at a certain time of day as if the Gods themselves wanted this place to remain a mystery. A smile pulled at his lips at the romanticism of the thought, but it seemed appropriate in this place.

He made his way into the valley and walked into the doorway hidden between its walls. He let his fingers dance against them, feeling the grit of sand in stark contrast to the smooth look of it. He moved through doors and into open spaces, knew traps and false doors without conscious thought, winding his way through the tomb into the open spaces where shabti and all sort of furniture, housing, and jewels lines the tomb. In the center was the sarcophagus itself, lined with gold and precious stones with great carvings of the man in life and of his journey through the afterlife after the Gods found his heart to be worthy of such.

He felt the presence behind him, calm and warming within the cool walls of stone, hidden from prying eyes and vengeful men. He wanted to turn, wanted to face what he knew to be a magnificent man, someone trusted and loved, someone the people had been willing to turn against their living god for. He did, slowly turning to the presence, feeling fingers wrapping around his shoulder as he did so. He didn’t recognize anything in his face, couldn’t see anything of it except one thing. Green eyes pierced his strongly and he wanted nothing more than to bury himself in those eyes, in those hands that held him fast and tight. He opened his mouth to speak, but a finger was placed to his lips as the other figure leaned forward, dropping a kiss to each eyelid as if blessing his vision.

When he opened his eyes he was staring blankly at a coffee mug and the remains of his half eaten lunch. Jared sat up from his desk and blinked a few times, trying to remember where he was.

“Did you wake up Jared?” He heard one of his colleagues ask.

Jared shook his head, wishing he could cling to the last vestige of his dream. He remembered bits, remembered those eyes, but there was nothing concrete. He looked down at the scroll he was reading and sighed. “Awake, yes. Coherent, not quite.”

The others smiled at him and Jared smiled back. He wasn’t in the mood to play around but they expected it of him. He was known for being a workaholic, dedicated to this above all things, and the scroll in front of him was fascinating to say the least. The fact that he was dreaming about it wasn’t really the odd part. The fact that he’d dreamed of someone else in the tomb though was. Jared had a knack of understanding his finds, a knack of finding hidden rooms and secret treasures. Knack was what they called it, but Jared had always had the dreams, since the first time he’d touched an Egyptian artifact. He never really talked about them because he knew people wouldn’t understand. He had decided a long time ago that it was his unconscious working its way through all the information he had learned, but it was only slightly comforting. The thing was though, he’d never had another person show up and that was a little disturbing. Almost more disturbing that he was sure it was a male who had leaned into him, hard muscles and strong hands that had pulled him close, that had made his heart beat wildly. It was a trait of his that he’d thought buried once he’d left school and settled into the idea of becoming an old eccentric archaeologist that all others thought of fondly. Granted, the old part would be a way in coming since he was only 22, but he already had a reputation for eccentric and he planned on keeping it that way. Better to explain his lack of a personal life as overdone passion for his work than to admit that he didn’t want a wife or children. He’d rather live an outcast and take the lovers he wanted than to make that sort of lie of his life.

He looked down at the scroll he had fallen asleep beside and sighed. He might wonder how he could sleep with such an interesting find, but he knew that he hadn’t. He hadn’t slept since it’d been found and his sleep only came when he’d literally passed out from exhaustion. The scroll had been found in a tomb in the Valley of the Kings, one of the Pharaoh’s close associates, wealthy and well enough regarded that the Pharaoh had allowed him entombed. The amazing part had been the sarcophagus which had been built with a pair of hands. Inside the raised hands had been the scroll that sat beside him now.

The noble had gone to the afterlife with a request for the gods. There were no lines of it upon the outside of the sarcophagus, nothing on the walls that spoke of the other man and the obvious importance of this person was surprising since it lacked substance elsewhere. The sarcophagus had obviously been designed for the purpose of carrying the message though.

Jared took a deep breath, took a long drink of the now cold and bitter tea they liked to serve up around here and wished he were back in his apartment with his coffee instead of the basement of the museum. Still, it was caffeinated and that was all he needed. There was a mystery before him and Jared wanted to finish translating the scroll before anyone else came to show an interest in it.

On to Chapter Two

writing, genre: slash, story: jared padalecki and the mystery o, j2

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