Title: The Fallen
Author name:
hunters_retreat Artist name:
deadflowers5 Word Count: 55,000+
Fandom: Original
Rating: NC-17
Main Characters and/or pairings: OMC/OMC
Genre: Slash
Author's Notes: Thank you to the amazing
smidgeson for the beta on this. I gave this to her last minute and she did a fantastic job and really made me pull it together, and all on short notice! And thank you to my artist and the mods for their patience when LJ wouldn't let me post this on my actual date!
Summary: For fifteen years the Shadow-Called have fought back the invasion of the Horde, a host of creatures from the other side of the veil. Every family must send one of their kin to the battle. Dalen is a boy too young to be bound but called none the less. Coltran is a warrior from the other side, sworn to fight the Horde on both sides of the veil to avenge the deaths of his family. When these two souls are bound everything changes. The Fallen must rise above the mistrust and fear of others and learn to trust themselves, and their bond, if they ever hope to find a way back together again.
Chapter One |
Chapter Two |
Chapter Three |
Chapter Four |
Chapter Five Chapter Six |
Chapter Seven |
Chapter Eight |
Chapter Nine |
Chapter Ten Artist Master Post