The Numbers Are In...

Jan 16, 2009 17:25

Ok.. because i'm stupid like this... I made a spreadsheet to keep track of my stories and when I posted them and word counts.  So... here we are:

I began writing slash in 2008.  My very first post was over at Sinful Desire, under the name of Faith and the story was Unspoken.  that was on 02/24/08.  I don't post over at Sinful Desire that much anymore just because I got lazy and can never remember to do it :P

Anyway.. on June 29th I got myself this LJ and i've been posting and writing ever since.  In 2008, I wrote 193,271 words.  It breaks down to 126,463 words of Sam/Dean slash, 10,505 words of J2 slash, 4,450 words of Dark Angel Fic, and 51,753 words of original fiction.  12,076 of the S/D slash hasn't been completed enough to put up anywhere yet (Including my beloved Violently :P)

I'm kinda proud of that.  Also kinda proud that the J2 slash I wrote, all 10,505 words of it were entirely done in the month of December.

And when I figured it out I have managed to write over 10,000 words in the month of January so far.  That makes me happy :P

And when you consider how many challenges I've currently got myself signed up for... well.. it looks like it will be another busy writing year for me :P 

fun, writing, personal

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