Have you heard any of his Audio Visuals where he played the Doctor? I've only heard one. That makes me sad.
I wasn't allowed to watch Star Trek as a child because a reference was made to 'denebian slime devils.' I suppose it was for the best. I read the most hilarious article in a very old DWM issue about why DW hadn't caught on in Canada. Apparently our local (Ontario) tv station only aired ~educational~ shows from Britain and so they picked only certain episodes of DW to air and then they would follow them up with a live discussion/debate on the ~issues~ brought up by the show. ^_^
This does not explain why we had tons of BritComs on that same station, though...
Comments 6
Round glasses are evil now? o_O
Anything that doesn't have 'Jesus', 'God' or 'The Bible' in it is EV0l! Apparently...
I wasn't allowed to watch Star Trek as a child because a reference was made to 'denebian slime devils.' I suppose it was for the best. I read the most hilarious article in a very old DWM issue about why DW hadn't caught on in Canada. Apparently our local (Ontario) tv station only aired ~educational~ shows from Britain and so they picked only certain episodes of DW to air and then they would follow them up with a live discussion/debate on the ~issues~ brought up by the show. ^_^
This does not explain why we had tons of BritComs on that same station, though...
My mother banned The Simpsons because she thought the Halloween specials were demonic. o_0
The 'issues' in Doctor Who? I want to see these things. XD
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