Title: Monarchy of Spades Written by Butterfish, Art by Haku Rating: PG Genre: Romance, Fantasy Pages (this chapter): 20 Summary: Cardverse AU. This chapter: "Why can't a king love his queen? Alfred is heartbroken as he finds out Arthur has the Spade's birthmark, because what will this mean for their future together?
Ahah finally doooone T_T Its been quite busy for both me and Butterfish the past two months so we tried to find whatever spare time we had to work on this. Hope the next part will come out a lot sooner, I am excited what I'll be drawing soon :D Thank you and please let us know what you think of this part! Until then, see ya!
/edit oh I also forgot! People are in the process of translating Monarchy of Spades into different languages, here are some of them so far:
Chinese Other soon to be languages: Spanish, Japanese, Vietnamese (and I think Hebrew? I can't keep track haha). Let me know if I missed any requests. If you are also interested in translating, please email me at massdeformityinc (at) gmail.com for the translation files :)