(no subject)

Apr 28, 2008 19:50

Title: Etchings (6/6)
Authors: butterflyweb and nemesis_cry
Rating: NC-17
Pairing(s): HoMin, YooSu, JaeHo, YooMin, JaeSu, MinSu, OT5
Verse: Acts
Summary: Six scenes. Five men. A lifetime.
Chapter 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |

Changmin can feel his hands slipping from the moment he's drawn his lover up in his arms to the moment he feels his lips around his cock. After that, things get confusing and hard to quantify. It's a bit like drowning in one of his dreams, only Junsu's mouth is much more pleasant and the whole experience is a lot more enjoyable. He tries to return the favor, but his attention is drawn away by the silent scraping of skin against his palms, Junsu's body lithe but not so lithe that it defies gravity.

Shit, he thinks, trying to shift the other's weight, tighten his hold. Junsu's nails are digging into his thighs, mouth slowing as he waits for Changmin to right them.

Which he would if he could, but Junsu's body is slick with sweat and his muscles are starting to ache and oh shit. He wobbles on his feet, tilting back and he gritting his teeth desperately, praying, hoping to the gods that he won't ruin this. Panting, he tries to ignore the attentions Junsu has resumed, the twitch of his thighs and hips not helping him at the moment, and he's beginning to regret jumping so quickly onto this bandwagon.

Distantly, he imagines Jaejoong laughing at them. Yunho furrowing those dark brows.

Junsu gives him a slow, hard suck and Changmin's fingers slip.

There's an audible crack, Junsu falling to the ground on his head and Changmin slips, grateful for the wall that slows his fall. He can't decide which strikes him harder: the pain of the fall or unwavering shame. Oh gods. Reddening visibly, he covers his mouth with one hand, not sure if he should be trying to comfort his lover.Who the hell is supposed to know; there were no instructions with this new initiative of Junsu's.

"I'm so sorry... Shit, Su... you okay?"

Junsu is glaring murder at him, hand coming up to cradle what's going to be a nasty bump on his skull. "Son of a bitch, that hurts. What the hell, Changmin? 'Oh don't worry, I can hold you,'" his lover mocks, scooting away from him and Changmin would really like to go die in a corner right now, thank you.

"I was!" he defends, never feeling more like the youngest than when he's got to prove himself to the people he cares about. "I was, but you did that thing with your tongue and I just... I'm sorry." He flushes a deep red, shame coursing through him because crap. Way to go to look like a complete idiot.

Junsu huffs, still rubbing balefully at his head.

Biting his lips, Changmin crawls forward a few steps, offering him a hopeful, sympathetic look. "I could, um, kiss it better?" Trying to salvage what's left of the mood, if anything.

His lover - his best friend - arches an eyebrow incredulously, lips in a tight line. He looks upset. He has a right to be. But then, Changmin judges, if he were truly upset, he wouldn't be dragging him forward by the hand and bending him over the edge of the bed, heat in his eyes.

"Keep dreaming. I own your ass for that one," Junsu retorts, slapping his thigh playfully. "At the very least."

Shivering at the thought, Changmin folds his arms under his head, trying to hide a smile. Maybe he should drop the other on his head more often. Junsu is hot when he gets all dominant.

As if the other man hears the thought, a sharp smack stings his skin, Junsu swatting his ass, leaning forward to bite his shoulder. "I know that smile. Whatever you were thinking earned that."

"Bite me," he shoots back, grinning from ear to ear and flushing for a whole different reason to shame. "It was your idea anyway. What will you, uh, think of next... Su-ah?" Another sharp slap against his ass and he's burying his face in the bedding, clutching at it with tight fists.

Junsu obliges, licking his neck before biting down. "Hmm... how about double penetration?"

Changmin blinks, craning his head to look over his shoulder. "You think a bump on the head is worth me never being able to sit down again? Jae would smack you for even suggesting that."

Thankfully, Junsu is laughing - at him, with him, it's a toss up - snaking arms around his middle and bending him to suit his whims. He'd worry, but this is Junsu. Mechanics are his field and he knows how far you can push a man's body before it breaks. That he's willing to push him right up to that limit is part of the fun.

"Think so? You might enjoy it, Hercules."

Flushing at the jab, Changmin pushes himself back until Junsu's cock nudges against his ass, shivering at the contact. "Your cock's more than enough for me," he tells him sexily, the very thought of the other option making him shudder. Thanks and no.

"You're such a cock whore," Junsu teases and the words couldn't sound more foreign on his lips. A very brief silence ensues, Changmin confused whether he should be laughing or backing away in fear. Maybe his lover is possessed.

"Erm... Su?"

A rueful laugh sounds behind him, Junsu leaning his forehead against his spine. "That didn't come out right, did it?" And there is justice in the world because willingly or not, Junsu is laughing nervously - ashamed by his own screwup. Equality is everything.

The other man pulls him up, turns him in his arms and he's flushed, grinning up at Changmin and pushing himself onto his toes to kiss him, arms sliding around his neck. "Why don't we abandon adventure today and stick to what we know?" he suggests, teasingly pushing his hips forward. "Less chance of permanent damage."

Changmin smiles, letting their lips meet again. "Good plan. There's only so much your fragile intellect can take, after all."

Another slap to his ass, but this time it's all a joke, it's all Junsu's laughter and his touch and things they both know well. A rhythm practiced over the years, hands fitting together perfectly, like missing puzzle pieces and Junsu is best when he's like this. Crooked smile, planes of hard muscle and sinewy limbs wrapping around his own.

"Careful, Min, you're getting petty in your old age," he teases, scratching his sides softly enough to tickle.

Changmin lets out a small noise of outrage, kissing Junsu quickly before ducking down enough to get Junsu over his shoulder, dragging him over to the bed as the older man protests. "Who's the old man now?"

"Hey! Put me down!" It's weak and full of pauses, but what gets Junsu's point across is a half-hearted kick to Changmin's hip, dangerously close to his groin.

And stumbling is becoming the motif of the evening, it seems, Changmin loosing his footing again as he tries to escape the kick. It's lucky the bed is so close and Junsu so poor in his aim because the whole business of pinning him down caveman style fails swiftly, ending in a fit of giggles that sound almost virginal.

"I give up," Changmin whines, burying his face in the pillow, smiling anyway at the soft giggles next to his ear, Junsu's length warm and stretching along his back.

A hand pats his shoulder, warm and friendly if not at all comforting. "There there," Junsu chuckles unhelpfully. "I love you even if you're a little wobbly in the knees." He punctuates the assurance with a press of lips against his neck, fingers stroking soothing circles over his hip.

Changmin shifts, settling Junsu's weight against him more comfortably. "I think you'll have to take it from here, Su-ah. Or I'll kill us both." A light nip to the nape of his neck, trailing along his shoulder blades makes him shiver.

"That would make a lot of people very sad," his friend agrees in mock sympathy, one kiss after the other leaving him breathless with want and yet confident that to relax into his careful hands is not to lose himself completely. Junsu strokes him slowly, like a rider soothing a frightened animal, but he's not wholly without designs. Hardness pressing into his hip, he bares teeth against his skin, biting softly.

"I know," Changmin agrees very seriously, pushing his hips into the mattress and making small, happy noises at the friction. "But don't worry, Susu. I'm sure someone will miss you, too."

Hands that stroked turn to vicious poking against his side, Junsu putting all of his strength into the retaliation. "Hey! Take that back! S'not true!" His voice gets high-pitched when he's indignant and Changmin can't quite remember when he last laughed so hard at the sound that tears started streaming from his eyes.

Changmin wheezes with laughter, whole body shaking under the force of silent giggles. Junsu is merciless, and he pleads for him to stop through jagged breath, but the other man continues, fingers poking and prodding until he is little better than a boneless tangle of limbs on white sheets.

Junsu bites at his ear, kissing the small hurt. "Minne? You dead?"

Changmin doesn't have the strength to nod, grinning into the pillow. "Yes."

"Pity," his lover sighs, heaving a breath that is complete and utter exasperation before he shifts his weight completely, falling away to the sheets on the other side of the bed, an arm's length away from Changmin.

Picking himself up on elbows that shake with the effort of holding up his head, he turns to him. "Where did you go?"

"Away. Necrophilia is just creepy."

Changmin crawls the few inches to his hyung's side, sucking lightly at the other man's neck. "What about those holos you used to watch? The evil but handsome undead comes back to claim a bride..." he lowers his voice appropriately, biting down.

And there it is, a shudder coursing through his friend's body, control always the last thing on Junsu's mind. It's what makes playing with him so enjoyable. Well, that and the soft whimpers he gives when he can't take anymore. When he needs them.

"You fail at being evil," he accuses, a little breathless, a little torn between arching away and arching into Changmin's hand.

Changmin narrows his eyes, hand curling around Junsu's cock, tightening his grasp and watching the other man's lips part in want. "Do I?"

He pushes himself back on his knees, turning slightly and leaning down to bring the tip of Junsu's cock to his lips, mouthing the weeping head and feeling decidedly self-satisfied as Junsu jerks underneath him.

"Y-yes," echoes above him, fingers tangling in his hair until he winces, over-eager lovers the one thing he's grown used to over the years. He doesn't begrudge them that; couldn't, when he's done it himself so many times.

But when it's Junsu and when it's all a game, he can afford to play dirty.

Lips moving up his length, he grins, meeting dark eyes. "Show me how it's done then."

He shifts his hips until he's straddling Junsu's shoulders, the other man's hands skimming up his thighs to hold onto his waist, fingernails digging in. Changmin hisses quietly, ducking his head to tease Junsu a little when he feels the warmth of that sweet mouth close around the tip of his length.


Fingers tangle in the sheets, grabbing for purchase and he tries, tries not to thrust down, the relief of Junsu's touch warring with need in his belly. Kama Sutra be damned, he thinks, delirious with the pleasure of his lover's mouth on him.

Junsu chuckles low in his throat, vibrations shaking Changmin to the core, but they're a a wake up call. He wouldn't want his lover to miss out on a well-earned lesson. Taking the other man deeper into his throat, he sucks lazily, so intent on making Junsu squirm that he doesn't even notice the door opening.

Or hear the footsteps approaching the bed until there's a shadow over the sheets and he jumps up, startled. It's not as bad as it could've been, he thinks. He could easily have bitten down instead.

Yunho watches him with a hand in his hair, mouth open and eyes only a little glazed with want. "Are you trying to kill me?"

Junsu hasn't halted his attentions for their newest arrival, simply adapting to the change in position so Changmin can do little more than groan in response, eyes fluttering closed. "Tryin'...to teach him a lesson--oh fuck Su, just like that..."

For his part, Yoochun sees nothing wrong with what they're doing, shit-eating grin on his face the last thing Changmin sees before full lips press insistently against his. If his lovers know one thing and one thing only, that's how to kiss him quiet and Yoochun is no exception. It ends quickly, though, the other man drawing back and off of Junsu with a smirk.

"Seems more like he's the one teaching you, Min-ah."

He loses his retort to a low moan, breathless and wanting on all fours. "All...part of the plan...gods..." How in the nine hells does Junsu make his tongue do that?

A hand on his neck urges him down gently, Jaejoong joining them on the bed. "Don't let him win," he advises with a wink that still, somehow, in Changmin's eyes, makes him look perfectly serious.

Trying to block out the pleasure the other man's mouth causes him, Changmin shudders, taking Junsu deep, massaging the base of the other man's cock with his tongue. Humming lightly. Remembering the things he learned in dark closets and later in warm beds, things that would make Yunho shiver and spit curses, turn weak-kneed under his attention.

He wants Su to come, and he wants him to come first.

The others are a blur of sound around him, hands alighting on his skin briefly before they fall away, Junsu's brutal grip on his thighs the only thing that grounds him. That, and the hips thrusting up against him a little harder each time, and the rough scrape of a tongue against his length slowing down.

Victory tastes anything but bitter and sounds like a quiet gasp, Junsu mouthing his skin absently.

He feels himself disconnected from the other man, body pulled flush against Yunho's chest, the other man's cock hard and digging into his hip. Yoochun and Jaejoong press along either side of Junsu, lips and tongues and teeth distracting him from his defeat.

Changmin licks his lips, feeling almost drunk as Yunho curls his fingers around his cock. "Mmm."

A harsh kiss is pressed to his mouth, the older man tasting their lover on him and it's enough to drive him over the edge, the pressure of hands and lips and moans loud in their bedroom too much for him to last.

Junsu watches him through lowered lashes, grin too wide to be holding a grudge. "Min dropped me on my head," he announces happily to the room, the concept of payback not lost on him.

Three sets of eyes blink in confusion, Changmin holding onto the remnants of his indignation. "Can I help it he's a heavy little bastard?"

His best friend gives him eyes like a wounded deer, turning his pout on Yoochun. "Am not. He did it on purpose."

Jaejoong is grinning at him still, looking over his shoulder with an arched eyebrow. "Think they've been reading dirty books or is that just me?" he smirks.

"That's just you," Yunho replies in perfect seriousness, taking Changmin's side - always taking his side. It gets a happy grin turned his way, full lips covering his own. "I knew I loved you best."

Junsu points wildly, still trying to garner sympathy. "Liar! I have a bump. Chunnie, feel my bump."

"Sure you do," Yoochun placates, petting his hair gently. "It must have been very painful. I'm sure there's a logical explanation to why Min was holding you upside down, as well." He fits his body against Junsu's with a smirk, one hand slipping over his thighs to wrap against his erection. It's sensitive, but Junsu seldom objects.

Changmin ignores both of them in favor of kissing a slowly suspicious Yunho, in hopes of distracting him from the answer to that question.

It works for a moment, till Jaejoong lets out a burst of his loud, abrupt laughter, realization clear in the lines of his shaking shoulders. "Oh God, I can't believe you tried that..."

Yunho breaks away from him, fingers taking advantage of too long hair to pull him back. "Tried what?" he breathes, arching an eyebrow like he used to back on Acheron when he couldn't believe Changmin's guts.

He can't help flush at the question. "It wasn't my idea."

"What wasn't?"

He opens his mouth, but is saved from answering by Jaejoong, the latter of whom has snuck up behind him, pressing their bodies close. Warm against the length of Changmin's spine, he can feel the older man's grin against his shoulder.

"It's called the acrobat. Picture that lovely scene we walked in on, but with Minnie-ah here on his feet."

A smile teases at Yunho's lips, the effort to keep it from showing obvious in his eyes. "We really shouldn't leave you two alone so much," he replies eventually, tracing his shoulder with his tongue as if in penance. Obviously, the older man wouldn't mock him without giving something in return.

"I'm rethinking that whole 'love you best' thing, just so you know," Changmin accuses, playful and a little embarrassed all at once.

Yunho pushes and Jaejoong tugs and between the two, they trap Changmin to the bed, Jaejoong curled up at his side and Yunho stretched over his length. Beside them, Yoochun and Junsu are intent on suffocating each other with long, languid kisses, which explains the few minutes of silence from Junsu's end.

But such thoughts are forgotten as Yunho speaks against his ear, the other man's voice low and sexy as all hell.

"Let me see if I can get the idea to stick."
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