Title: Little Moments Pairing: Sergio y Iker Rating: PG-13 Disclaimer: Fiction as in made up. Summary: Five little moments that Iker remembers and cherishes
Oh! This is very nice! I like them all, aspecially the gypsy one! You really capture them very nicely!
One thing if I may: Sergios mom is not Ramos. In Spain you don't take your husbands name. You get one name from your dad and second from your mom and it stays that way till you die:) Sergio is Sergio ramos Garcia : Ramos from his dad and Garcia from his mom. His mom is not Pacqui Ramos but Pacqui Garcia Something(don't remember). Sorry to bother :)
Silly me... I know that about Spanish last names and then totally forgot about it when writing it. I changed so it is just Pacqui now... thank you darling
Comments 4
One thing if I may: Sergios mom is not Ramos. In Spain you don't take your husbands name. You get one name from your dad and second from your mom and it stays that way till you die:) Sergio is Sergio ramos Garcia : Ramos from his dad and Garcia from his mom. His mom is not Pacqui Ramos but Pacqui Garcia Something(don't remember). Sorry to bother :)
Silly me... I know that about Spanish last names and then totally forgot about it when writing it. I changed so it is just Pacqui now... thank you darling
I love your icon! So cute
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