Hey, Yuletide Author! We were matched, whee! Below, you'll find some extra info about my requests and general tastes in fic. Hopefully you'll see something that sparks an idea!
Just dropping by to say that I intend to nominate Bob's Burgers for this year's Yuletide .. and that I love that Friend Fiction episode for many reasons as well (the Macintosh 1984 commercial being just one of the aspects that made me squee.)
Heh, yeah I usually have a hard time with Yuletide in those years I can't think of anything to request (as I always seem to fall in love with fandoms so tiny that no one ever writes them. :p)
But a few days ago--having watched the first two seasons on Netflix with my son--I said, "I must have more Louise!" ~ W
I don't usually know this early what to request, but I'm already plotting using 2 of the 3 above again, and replacing Ben and Kate with The Tomorrow People (CW), though I don't even know whether I'll like it or not. :D
I hope signups are late October, only because the premiere of TTP is Oct. 9. Selfish, I know.
Comments 8
But a few days ago--having watched the first two seasons on Netflix with my son--I said, "I must have more Louise!" ~ W
I hope signups are late October, only because the premiere of TTP is Oct. 9. Selfish, I know.
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