Disclaimer: There are many things I own, but Tin Man is not one of them(unless you count DVDs) Tin Man belongs to Steven L. Mitchell, Craig W. Van Sickle, and all the other grand high Mucky Mucks of Sci-Fi. No copyright infringement is intended, and of course no money was made from this. Any similarity to any other story not my own is coincidence.
Title: Float like a Butterfly, Sting like a Bee
Genre: AU/Romance/PWP; Dorothy Gale/Wyatt Cain
Rating: NC-17 over-all, rated for sexual content
Timeline: Sometime after the mini-series
Background: First, I imagine that everyone has split up: Raw has gone back to his people, the Queen and her Consort are in Central City rebuilding things there, and Cain, DG, Azkadellia, Glitch, Tutor, and a small contingent off people are off in a safe-house by Lake Verdemere(to be not only safe, but for everyone to recover, as well as for the princesses to further train for things). Also, Im going with the notion that it would indeed take a bit to rebuild after the reign of the Sorceress, and there would certainly be people still after the princesses, hence the safe-house.
Author's Notes: I know that it has been long and long between writing the first part of this little fic(particularly since it is essentially just PWP) and the second part part, but what can I say *shrug* RL sometimes gets in the way of the really important stuff. *wry grin* But seriously, I have finally finished it, and in the process, cleaned-up the first two chapters, hence re-posting them now.
Oh, and the main title is of course the first part of the Muhammad Ali quote, "Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee. Your hands can't hit what your eyes can't see."
Part One - Teach Me Part Two - Taking Chances Part Three - The Art of Altering Perceptions Part Four - When the Student is Ready