Link Post - Firefly Fanfiction - "Objects in Motion" (R - NC-17)

Oct 31, 2009 15:28

Disclaimer: Joss is Boss. No copyright infringement is intended and no money was made from this of course. Any similarity to any other story but my own is a coincidence.

Title: Objects in Motion
Genre: Romance(essentially PWP) Malcolm/Inara; incidental mention of Simon/Kaylee
Rating: NC-17 over-all; rated for sexual content
Timeline: Post TBDM
Author's Notes: Yes, I now know that canon back-story says that Inara entered training when she was 12, but 5 works better for my story, so I kind of just went with it. Language notes posted with each chapter.

Crash into Me - chapter 1
Finding Peace Out of Serenity -chapter part 2

fanart: fanfiction, misc: link post, fandom: firefly, rating: nc-17, pairing: inara & malcolm

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