Apparently this guy works for Scholastic as an editor and posted a few select spoilers for HBP as well (if anyone knows where to find them, let me know! I'd like to compare).
Be warned, if true, there are quite a few spoilers. I read them and most of them are JK Rowling vague, as in, "Oh, I can't tell you that," but there are a few revealing points on some topics. I personally don't feel spoiled at all (because I'm taking what this guy says with a grain of salt), but I just want to put the warning out there. :)
- Before the book even starts, there's a creepy little seven-line poem about the Deathly Hallows. The poem pops up again later in the book.
- Harry isn't the POV character in the first chapter, but that's not too unexpected if you've read the other books in the series. This time around, it's "Mad-Eye" Moody.
- One recurring character dies pretty early on in the book. I rather liked him/her, but I'm not sure what the general opinion around here is.
- The last chapter is called "Grey Faces" and is presented in the form of an article in a certain wizardly publication written by a certain over-the-top character associated with said publication :)
- Harry visits some locations in the book that have been mentioned frequently in past books but never seen, as well as at least one that is totally new.
- The fact that Wormtail's hand is silver actually does have some significance, but, as I believe Ms. Rowling has already stated, it's not that he kills Lupin with it. Don't take that as any indicator as to whether or not Lupin is safe, though.
- The direction Snape's storyline heads isn't what anybody expected. Well, I didn't, at least. I read lots of theories and it seems like most people will be surprised, too.
- The much-speculated-about "student who becomes a teacher" does not become the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher.
what chapter does said character die in?
Yeesh, that's pushing it. I'll narrow it down to the first quarter of the book. How's that?
Isn't the last chapter supposed to reunite the surviving characters 10 years later, and supposed to be called "The Summit"?
No...but it does do a VH1-esque "Where are they now?" kind of segment.
Could you post the poem, by any chance? Or anything else?
Nope, sorry. By "anything else" do you mean an excerpt, or just more teasers? Because I could do more teasers, but I can't post any of the actual text.
Who dies?
Me, if I answer this...
Who wins, Harry or Voldy?
I obviously can't answer that, but I'll tell you this: it's not anywhere near that simple.
On the US cover, is it significant that Harry and Voldemort seem to be...kind of doing similar poses?
That's a loaded question. It's not some kind of symbolism, if that's what you mean.
And is it significant that they're not facing each other as combatants normally would?
There's a reason why, in that moment, they aren't facing each other. That's all I really want to say.
Are there any more poems besides the Deathly Hallows poem?
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but that's the only one present in the parts I've read.
Is the location on the US cover one of the places we've only heard of before?
I'll tell you this: the readers have never (figuratively) been there. That doesn't mean it has or hasn't been mentioned before.
Is the location on the UK (front) cover one of the places we've only heard of before? Or have we been to this one?
Sort of both. I hope that's not too big a spoiler.
Is the thing hanging on to Harry's back and holding a sword on the UK front cover Kreacher?
So how many chapters are in this book?
I actually don't remember. Thirty-something? Sorry. For some reason 32 comes to mind, but that could be wrong.
Is the title of the first chapter too much of a giveaway?
Not really. It's called "An Eye for an Eye." Trust me when I say that doesn't spoil anything.
And now you've mentioned the poem...are there really things in the books actually referred to as "Deathly Hallows"?
Or is that kind of why she threw in the poem, to justify or explain the title, since it's relation to the story might not be immediately obvious?
The poem doesn't feel thrown in. It also doesn't "explain" the title. The poem doesn't even contain the words "Deathly Hallows," actually. At that point, those words have no significance other than being the title of the poem.
Any comment on R.A.B.?
Sure. The "A" doesn't stand for and as some people have theorized.
When Harry and Voldemort confront each other, does Voldemort call him "Harry", as in Books 1 and 4?
Again, just going by memory, I think for the most part he calls him "boy" instead of his name. I actually kind of had a theory of my own that the reason he called him "Potter" in the fifth book was because all his Death Eaters were around and he wanted to sound more Dark Lordly or something.
What are the Deathly Hallows?
You're not going to find out from me. If you want a little bit of a hint, you might want to check out what the book is being titled in other languages.
Does Harry get to visit Hogwarts in book 7 and is his stay there short or long?
I'll tell you this: he does go to Hogwarts. Why he goes there and whether or not the school is open isn't something I can talk about.
Is this still the case?
Most of the romances that have been built up in previous books continue on in this one. They don't just drop off the face of the earth. That doesn't mean they all work out, though.
Do we get to see the following in any form - Sirius? Dumbledore? James& Lily?
That's going a little too far.
Does the Philosopher's stone/Mirror of Erised re-appear?
The Philospher's Stone was destroyed. Given all the speculation swirling about regarding the Mirror, I think I'll just leave that one be.
Do we have any weddings in the book - and if so, how many?
There are weddings, but I'm not saying how many. Also, that doesn't mean that the reader actually gets to attend any of them.
Is it safe to assume that is Hogwarts?
Of course!
Is R.A.B. someone we've met before, or who was mentioned?
Yeah. I'm not saying which.
Basically, Harry and Voldemort don't have their arms outstretched for no good reason, I presume? It's not just Mary GrandPre? It's actually noted in the book and a definite part of the actual sequence?
Yes sir.
Oh yeah, and just in addendum to the question I asked about the poems (and your answer), does that mean there isn't a new Sorting Hat song?
Are there any new romances that pop up?
Not really any that haven't been at least hinted at in previous books.
Is death touched upon more in the book
Let me just stop you right there. Look at the title, man :)
If you've seen the ending, can you feel sadness for Harry or glory?
That would say a little too much about the ending, I'm afraid. I'll say this, though: it's really, really good. I know it's natural to assume it will be underwhelming, but it's not. It's perfect.
Does Harry become a better wizard by overcoming some of his mistakes in order to prepare himself for what lies ahead?
Uh...sure. I don't really know how to respond to that.
Do we see any of the older characters who haven't been mentioned for a while, such as Lockhart/Norbert
Most characters return for one last go.
Any foriegn wizards being brought in (like DD wanted)?
I actually don't remember Dumbledore saying that, but all your foreign favorites from Goblet of Fire return.
Do we get to see the Dursleys again? Does Harry go back to Number 4. Can you divulge any other "teasers" about Harry's time spent there?
Yes, yes, and sure. I'll tell you this: the Dursleys certainly have some secrets of their own.
Will there be a Head Girl and Head Boy?
That would depend on whether or not Hogwarts is open, wouldn't it? Thought you could trick me, eh?
Can you elaborate a little bit by what he means when he says: that saying Harry or Voldie wins isn't as simple as just saying one or the other?
It's just that people aren't really thinking about exactly what each of them would consider a victory.
Do we get to see Fawkes again?
Can you provide any other chapter titles that don't really spoil anything?
There are probably a few more I could get away with. There's a cool chapter called "The Living and the Dead" that really develops the character of Nearly Headless Nick and his pseudo-friendship with Harry.
Does Harry go to Godric's Hollow?
You would think so, right? I mean, did you read the sixth book?
Does Victor Krum really show up again?
Are you calling Ms. Rowling a liar?
Do we see the Veil from the DOM again?
You can see it any time you want. It's in "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix."
Do Snape and Malfoy have significant roles in the book?
Important but not large.
Are Luna and Neville more prominent in this book than in book 6?
I think so.
Does the symbol on the spine of the UK kids book have any significance to the outcome of the book?
No comment. Sorry.
Do we learn anything significant about Lily?
Again, the author isn't a liar.
Is the significance about Harry having his mother's eyes revealed?
See above.
I have a question: are any of the characters we know going to betray Harry and the rest?
I'm not going to talk about betrayal, but a few characters definitely have allegiances and motivations that will surprise a lot of people.
Is there a proper "whodunnit", or at least "who is it" mystery?
You're in for a real treat.
Will the Room Of Requirement play an impotant part in DH. As in Sirius and/or Dumbledore appeared in there? I mean, if Harry needed some support, and so, he went into the room and there they were. Maybe that could apply to R.A.B. Won't Harry try to find some contact with him? Is that where one of the Horcruxes are? How did the Vanishing Cabinet get there?
Those questions are way too specific.
Do we get any new characters besides Aberforth?
There are some new characters. No comment on Aberforth.
Is that a goblin on Harry's back on the UK cover?
Well, it's not Hagrid. I'm certain of this.
How many deaths?
Not as many as people seem to think. The book is dark, definitely the most grim book in the series, but it's not some kind of slaughter-fest like the majority of people seem to have gotten into their heads. There are deaths on both sides, but none of it is random. Each death happens for a reason and each one is part of the plot. It's not like the Death Eaters storm the Burrow and gut Ginny just to make the book "mature" or something. That doesn't happen, just to be clear.
Are Harry's eyes so significant?
In a way.
Is/was Lily's job before death significant?
Are you telling me Lily is dead? God, watch the spoilers, man. I haven't read the first book yet. Jeepers.
Is Dirk Cresswell introduced?
The fact that I don't know who that is means that he either has a very small role, or none at all.
Will the Room Of Requirement play an impotant part in DH?
Won't Harry try to find some contact with RAB?
Will we find out how the Vanishing Cabinet got there?
The author has written all she's going to write on that subject.
Is something left unanswered at the end of the book that you think should have been answered?
Every mystery from previous books that I can think of was resolved. However, there are a few intriguing little mysteries introduced near the end that aren't answered. Don't be mad! It's actually really cool. It basically gives the reader the sense that one adventure is over, but in no time another one will begin. Plenty of fan-fiction material, I guess.
Are the major conflicts (Harry v. Voldemort, Harry v. Snape) ended in some fashion in this book?
In some fashion.
Does one side trimph over the other, or are there still people who support Voldy and the Order after 7's end?
If anyone actually doubted that the good guys would win, I'm sorry, but I think they're a tad delusional. That's not to say there aren't some very Dark witches and wizards out there other than Voldemort.
Can you give us the number of deaths?
There are about four non-red shirt deaths.
Is the ending ambiuous or definite. Does JKR leave any room for another book/spin-off
The story she has been telling for the past several years is thoroughly resolved. However, the ending really gives the reader a sense that there are even greater adventures yet to be had, and even hints strongly at what some of those might be. The author seems pretty adamant that she's not writing anymore on the subject, but we'll see.
How many pages is the book? Does JKR torture Umbridge again?
Are the Horcuxes the focus of most of the book
Would you say that this links up with 6, meaning I thought that 6 was mostly a setup book and didn't feel very meaty... does this change the viewers opinion of the 6th book and series as a whole?
I liked the sixth book, but I guess so.
Where would you rate this in the series?
It's my favorite one.
Which character is developed best in book 7, without spoiling too much.
How prominent is the romance in the book? Is there just the right amount?
It's not over-done.
Does Harry go to other countries?
No comment.
Can you give some teasers concerning Malfoy, and possible the Weasley family as well?
Malfoy spends some time with the Death Eaters during which he observes some pretty bizarre things. The Weasleys...well, they have a very heart-warming ending.
How big are Hermione and Ron's roles in the book?
have you heard the snape loves lily theory or snape is working for himself theory?
I have.
can you tell me if snape appears a lot in deathly hallows?
Not a lot, sorry.
will he have a important role in the big voldemort harry showdown?
can his loyalties be narrowed down to the "he's a good guy" or "he's a bad guy" roles or is it more complicated than that?
The latter.
Did you, at any point of the book, shed a tear?
I didn't, but then again, I've never cried at anything fictional, so that doesn't mean anything.
Did Snape really write the portions book in HBP or was it someone else *cough*Riddle*cough*?
That story's over. It was Snape.
How did Dumbledore learn to understand Parceltongue?
Good question.
Harry's eyes - does it mean something in regards to Petunia?
Hmm. Could be, could be.
HOW powerful does Harry become in this book?
About as powerful as a fairly talented 17-year-old wizard, if you're talking about skill. But there's other kinds of power, right?
Is the last word really scar?
Still is.
First death victim on the good side: is it a he or she?
No comment.
Did DD get it right about the horcruxes? Number and nature?
Do we see Terry Boot again?
I don't know who that is.
Is Zacharias Smith significant in this book?
Well, probably moreso than in the past, but he doesn't turn out to be Dumbledore or anything like that.
Will there be a change in the Minister for Magic?
That would be a pretty big spoiler.
Are all the scenes located in the UK?
Yikes. Tough question. You'll see what I mean in a couple months.
When you say, the Dursleys have secrets of their own, do these secrets have anything to do with Harry?
Yeah, I guess you could say that.
Was the �awful boy� Petunia mentioned James?
Hate to shoot down a theory, but this isn't addressed again, so it seems it was.
Does time travel come in again?
Of course. The books ends several months after it begins.
How dramatic is Bill and Fleur�s wedding?
I don't really know how to answer that.
Does Trelawney yet have more a role to play?
Well, she's in the book. I'll tell you that much.
Does the OOTP get a new leader?
Why, what happened to their old one?
Have you read many theories on DH? Have some things been correctly guessed at? Has anyone guessed the end? Or are we in for major surprises?
Yes, yes, not as far as I know, yes.
a. There are only 3 staff at Arthur A Levine books.
b. The "localisation editing" is actually done by ONE continuity editor.
c. At the moment, there is only one intern there.
You're correct about letter a, but not about the other two. The continuity is handled by someone else entirely, someone overseas. There is only one paid intern here (me) but there are several unpaid ones.
Is the elf on Harrys back in the Childrens cover for DH Dobby or a new house elf?
Read the topic or one of those links people have so kindly provided.
Is RAB two people?
See above.
Is The Mirror a Horcrux?
See above.
Will we see the sword of Gryfindoor again?
It's in the second book if you're that desperate.
Will Harry go back to Hogwarts to get Zacharia Smith?
He goes back to Hogwarts to use the library and stays there for longer than he planned because something unexpected comes up. Wow, I think that's the closest thing to a spoiler I've posted so far.
Does Voldemort become paranoid near the end like Flagg did in The Stand?
Not really.
Is Mcgonagall a Death Eater?
Does the Snape storyline have a good end?
Who is in charge of the Order now? Lupin?
No comment.
Do we meet the other decendants of the founders of hogwarts?
We may have already.
Do we see the inside of Ravenclaw Commen room and Hufflepuff?
At least one of those.
On the UK Childrens edition with Harry,Ron,Hermione and Dobby(Kreacher, other random house elf) is that where one of the Horcruxes is? or is it the Deathly Hallows?
I've already said all I'm going to say on this subject.
Are the Deathly Hallows linked to the afterlife for wizards?
It has the word "death" in it, and it's a book about wizards. I'd say you're on to something!
Draco... does he redeems himself?
I'm not spoiling whether anyone changes sides.
Will Professor Trelawney make another Prophecy?
Have you ever heard the thing about Chekhov and guns?
Is Hagrid going to have a role?
Do Ron and/or Hermione do anything to surprise us?
They don't turn out to be reincarnations of Harry's parents or anything like that.
Are Ron and Hermione the only ones who go with Harry?
See the British cover of the book for the answer to this one.
Is the goblin/elf behind Harry in the UK Cover Dobby?
Apparently I haven't been as blatantly evasive about this one as I thought.
Do Vernon and Dudley know about the secret about Aunt Petunia?
Do Ron and/or Hermione somehow sacrifice themselves so Harry could kill Voldemort? Is that the reason both of them aren't with Harry in the US Cover?
Sorry, but that's spoiler territory.
In the US Cover, are Harry and Voldemort somehow working together?
Does McGonagall play more of a role now that she's Headmistress?
Who said she was Headmistress?
Are the new Transfiguration teacher and DADA teacher important?
That would spoil if Hogwarts is open during the book.
In the US Cover, are the people in the background Death Eaters or are they ghosts of some sort? Are they Beyond the Veil?
None of the above.
In the UK Cover, are the trio (and elf) in Gringotts or Hogwarts? Azkaban?
One of those.
Will Voldemort turn good in the end? Does Harry's 'love' make him switch sides?
That would be quite lame, in my humble opinion.
Do Ron and Hermione get married? And if Harry survives, him and Ginny?
Please read the first post of the topic again and try to understand exactly what I'm willing to say and what I'm not.
How would you rate this book compared to the rest. Is it the best? Or do you think one of the earlier ones was better?
I think I might have already answered this, but if I didn''s my favorite.
Does this power turn out to be interesting, or is it just a letdown?
"Interesting" is very subjective.
Does Harry get powerful enough in this book (in terms of wizarding skill) to be called Voldemorts "equal"? Or is it again a heavily onesided battle, like in all other books?
Voldemort is still much older, more experienced, and more knowledgeable than Harry.
Does Harry destroy all the horcruxes himself? or does he get help with one or more of them?
His friends help him on his quest.
I know the veil was in OOTP, but is there any chance we may see it again?
There's always a chance.
Kreacher is important because of what happened 15 years ago before the death?
I really don't understand that sentence.
Do we see anything about that in Book 7? And if so, is it something like the Bat-Bogey Hex, or something else entirely?
There's a lot about Ginny you don't know.
Are there things in Book 7 that will make the reader see HBP in an entirely different light? There are so many theories about love potions in HBP, for example. Do we find out if there was any trickery in HBP by reading DH?
There are some things in the previous book that were not exactly what they seemed.
Does Ginny play a prominent role in the book? Does she come along on any adventures for horcruxes, for example?
Might his mansion be holding the cup horcrux?
It probably would if Voldemort hadn't taken it, remember? And I'm not confirming that it's a Horcrux.
Does Harry get the HBP Potions books back?
Re: the Snape loves Lily theory � does it have any truth?
She was a popular, pretty girl and he was an awkward nerd. Consider that.
Scrimgeour dies then and is really a baddy?
Does it happen during the course of events in the book?
What makes you think I'll answer it this time? :)
Does that mean some answers are in a book?
The answers he finds in the library are about as clear as the teasers I gave.
How significant a role does Hogwarts play?
Less than the other books because he spends less time there.
Do Bill and Charlie Weasley play an important role?
Not really, no.
Will we find out more about Eileen Prince?
Not much.
Is this just the illustrator or is that how it happens?
That one is just the illustrator.
Does Kreacher have a significant role to play?
He does one thing that's very significant to the plot.
On the US cover, is the pouch thing that Harry�s wearing the fake locket/real locket or something else?
No comment.
How can you stand knowing all this and not blurting all?
Ha. It's tough. I made this topic to take the edge off.
Do the "deaths" in Deathy Hallow have a huge effect on Harry?
Would all of these deaths be considered major (ex: Sirius or Dumbledore), minor (i think it was mentioned at the beginning of HBP, I think Bones... the person who put Harry or on trial) or inbetween (someone like Flitwick)
Some of each.
Does Dumbledore, despite the fact he is beyond the grave, play a large role in the book? Does Harry talk about him a lot?
Not including the Voldemort - Harry showdown, does Harry kill in the book?
I don't think Harry would ever kill a human being deliberately. How's that for a carefully-worded answer?
You talked about how the Epilogue is writtten like a newspaper article... in what respects? Does it have quotes from the characters talking about the Voldemort attacks or their memories of Hogwarts or someone? And is it a long epilogue?
It is literally presented as an article, but not necessarily one from a newspaper. And yes to the other two parts.
Was the 'gleam of triumph' in Dumbledore's eyes at the end of Goblet of Fire, very important in Deathly Hallows?
Ooh. I'd forgotten about that. Yes! That's a pretty big hint that I, personally, totally missed.
How long have you had your paid job there?
Since February. I'm guessing you're getting all your information off the website, but honestly, as far as I know, no one in this office communicates directly with the author regarding continuity. I admit I could be wrong, but I really don't think so.
Does the book at least address all the strange refrences between snape and lily? if not unrequited love is there at least a twist to these clues?
Does the locked door in the Department of Mysteries have anything to do with the plot?
No comment.
Any comment on that?
Sorry, but you're on the wrong track. Petunia's secret has to do with something that she did for several years that she has tried to cover up, but that ultimately ends up seeing the light of day. The fallout changes her relationship with most other characters, to say the least.
Also TheMasterSword, is there anything that you can tell us in regards to what we learn about DD's famly and/or past?
Well, I'll try. Among other things, we learn exactly why Dumbledore was motivated to become such a great wizard (it didn't come naturally to him) and why he was so different from his brother. There was a definitive, crucial event that occurred that sent Dumbledore along his path to glory and Aberforth on his path to sad obscurity.
So by this, do you mean four deaths all in all, or just on the good guy side?
Whoops. Yeah, I should have thought about that question more thoroughly. Four sympathetic characters.
So do Vernon and Dudley have their own secret/s, too?
It's mostly just Petunia.
Maybe it wouldn't be too much of a spoiler then to tell us if either the new Transfig. or DADA teacher has a significant role to play?
It's not like they would close down Hogwarts forever. There is a new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher appointed eventually, but I'm still not saying if it happens before the epilogue. Also, here's a new bit: there's at least one new teacher who joins the staff (at some point) in a position that was firmly occupied at the end of book six.
Do we ever find out why DD says that he is glad that Harry managed to avoid the misfortune that the Dursley's bestowed on Dudley? Or is that just the fact that hes a spoiled little *****?
You got it.
don't know if this has been answered and if it has I apologize, but do we find out what Dumbledore's "gleam of triumph" at the end of Goblet of Fire is all about
Yeah, I answered this fairly recently. Just look for the really long posts.
Would it be a spoiler if you told me how she's proven this?
Ginny has certain...unique features that make her vitally important to the plot. It seems to me that she was basically included in the series specifically for this purpose. I'm going to push it here and tell you that she forms a metaphorical kind of triangle with Harry and Voldemort. Exactly what that means could probably be partially figured out by reading all the "heart-to-heart" conversations Harry has with Dumbledore throughout the series.
Is Neville important to the plot?
Yeah, I guess.
Do we find out if more people knew about the Prophecy?
At least one other person knew.
Is there one certain plot that is the main plot or is the plot almost everywhere?
The quest for the Horcruxes!
Is Avada Kedavra used to kill anyone?
It's used, but that's not to say it doesn't miss or something...
Do more good people die then the bad?
By the end of the book, could we figure out who won the battle or would it be hard?
The conflict between Harry and Voldemort has a clear winner, but there are other conflicts tangent to that with more ambiguous outcomes.
Does Bill and Fleur's wedding go as planned?
There are some surprises.
Does Peter Pettigre help Harry?
Again, I'm not spoiling if anyone changes sides.
Is Lilly related to Godric Gryffindor?
Well, it certainly seems like she was the first witch in her family.
Would it be reasonable to assume that one of the lesser talked about teachers like Professor Sprout, Professor Binns or Professor Flitwick will have some sort of a pominent role in the book?
Professor Binns is one of the only beings at Hogwarts for the first part of Harry's stay there, and because of that his prominence is greater than it has ever been before.
I think this has been asked before, but does Neville do anything relatively important, atleast enough to the point where the plot couldn't have advanced if he hadn't done it otherwise?
He helps Harry in some tight spots.
Does the last word being "scar" refer to Harry's scar in particular(I know this is kind of strange, but I've always considered the possibility that it may have been referring to something else)?
Does the trophy room in hogwarts have any special meaning in this book?
It turns out that "trophy room" was actually Hogwarts slang for "den of love." Let's just say that when the movie rolls around, it might have to be NC-17.
This is a strange question, but do Vernon, Petunia and Dudley become anymore likable(or atleast tolerable) in this book(basically saying, do they do anything that would have you atleast thinking slightly higher of them for it)?
At least one of them becomes far more justified in their actions.
You've already said that the character whom you believe has the most character development in this book is Harry... who would you say had the least character development out of all the returning characters?
Hmm. Probably Fred and George? They're really just the same old Fred and George. That is, if we're not counting Random Death Eater #49. Sheesh, even Random Death Eater #42 got more development than that guy.
Dunno if this has been asked(and if so, my bad,) but which character is your favorite in this book?
I'm pretty bad at choosing favorites, but I really got to like some characters who I was pretty indifferent about before. Tonks, for instance. She's awesome. Just...wait. Awesome.
Ginny... would you say she is relatively important to the plot as a whole, or still just simply a side-character?
Very important in a totally new way.
Is there a reason Ron and Hermione are wearing exotic clothes on the cover of of the UK Version?
The wizarding world has different fashions.
new HB and HG maybe?
Love den, eh? lololol, hmmm...Well, take them as seriously are you want :)