Title: Harry and Fenrir Artist: Stitch-84dA Pairing: Harry/Fenrir Rating: NC-17 Warnings: sex Media used: paint tool sai Note: request by a friend of mine
Title: Dragon Tamer Pairing: Harry/Charlie Rating: PG-13ish? Warnings: Tattoos Prompt: Tats & filthy smut Medium: Digital Notes: Drawn as an Advent Drawble for catbirdfish. Eeeep! I love drawing Charlie :D Not entirely happy with Harry here, but I hope you like it ♥
Character: Charlie Weasley Rating: NC-17 Warning: frontal nudity Medium: traditonal drawing (color pencils & inking pen) Artist Note: This was my first attempt at seriously coloring with pencils, so its slightly choppy
Title: Precursor Pairing: Harry/Draco Rating: R Media: pencil Warning: rimming Note: Draco's still wearing his tie, cause I had to throw in some tie kink. Cause that's how I roll.