Title: Reassurance Author: Jain Archive: personal site Rating: G Length: 151 words Time Period: post-war Summary: Remus and Draco look out for each other.
Title: The Body Lycanthropic Author: ellensmithee Link: http://www.journalfen.net/users/smitheereens/38083.html Archive: JournalFen Rating: NC-17 Warnings: "Forced seduction" Length: 1200 Time Period: Second War Summary: After Remus Lupin had lost his pack, he didn't expect to form a new one.
Comments 18
Title: Midst of Life
Author: anise_anise
Link: http://anise-anise.livejournal.com/1745.html
Archive: LJ
Rating: NC-17
Length: long
Time Period: 2nd war, AU given events of HBP
Summary: Remus offers Draco shelter during the war. Harry isn't pleased.
Author: Jain
Archive: personal site
Rating: G
Length: 151 words
Time Period: post-war
Summary: Remus and Draco look out for each other.
Explanation of Archive: a Remus/Draco community
Explanation of Archive: Remus/Draco fics. Comm is f-locked.
Author: ellensmithee
Link: http://www.journalfen.net/users/smitheereens/38083.html
Archive: JournalFen
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: "Forced seduction"
Length: 1200
Time Period: Second War
Summary: After Remus Lupin had lost his pack, he didn't expect to form a new one.
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