Title: Drunken Hope
Fandom: Mortal Instruments
Challenge: For
fandomwords100 Winter/Holiday challenge. Prompt 1:
Bottle of WinePairing Category: Slash romance (pairings Magnus/Alec and unrequited Jace/Alec
Rating: PG for this drabble but may get higher as I continue this.
Warnings: Cross Gen, UST, AU and Angst also some drunkeness in this one.
Summary/Other Info: Jace's solution to the problem is to get drunk. He's shocked at who comes to see if he's all right. This is drabble 2 of a 31 drabble series called The Christmas Wedding The first can be found
HERE Also, this is my very first time writing this fandom and I've only read the first couple books so please...be gentle. <3
Drunken Hope by HPFangirl71
Several hours later, Alec was the one to find him. Easy really, since Jace wasn’t trying hard not to be found. He was in his room sharing company with his second bottle of wine, its sister lying empty at the bottom of the bed. Jace usually didn’t drink much so it was going straight to his head. He looked up, surprised, as Alec entered the room.
“Don’t you have a warlock to entertain?” he slurred out angrily.
“I left to find you.” Alec said softly.
“How touching…” Jace said, wobbling to a stand.
Wondering to himself if it actually was…