March-April Drabble-a-thon

Mar 14, 2009 09:30

After 27 votes, the winner is... Draco Malfoy. Thanks to everyone for voting - the participation in this poll was fantastic! :D

The four rules of the drabble-a-thon are as follows:
1. You are entitled to three wishes. Each wish must be Draco-centric (both gen and shippy requests are welcome).

2. You may grant no more than three wishes.

3. If you are fulfilling a request, it must be 100 words. No more, no less.

*4. If you post at least one request, you should then create a wishlist if you haven't already done so. I love to see you all so excited about the drabble-a-thons, and I would like to see that same enthusiasm in the main attraction of the community. It's not difficult to write up a quick list of fics you want, is it? You can always go back and edit the list later, and you don't need to fulfill other wishes at this time. Please encourage your friends to post wishlists as well!

Back to the drabble-a-thon...
Feel free to write for requests that have already been fulfilled, if it calls to you that badly. ;) I know it happens sometimes that people respond to a request at the same time, and that's fine by me.

This drabble-a-thon will last three weeks, so that means the deadline is April 4, at which point I'll put together a masterlist. I'll post occasional reminders if I see that participation starts to die down. :)

Template for making a request:
Maximum Rating:

Template for fulfilling a request:

Have fun! :)

.request-a-thon, !mod post

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