Five of Swords by Ravenna C. Tan (FIC, PG-13)

Sep 05, 2011 14:44

Title: Five of Swords
Author: ravenna_c_tan
Type: Fiction
Length: 3900 words
Main character or Pairing: Draco Malfoy
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Characters belong to JK Rowling & her publishers.
Summary: A few years after the Voldemort war is over, Draco has left England and everyone he knew behind. He's living hard on the streets of New Orleans, ( Read more... )

pg-13, round 4, by: ravenna_c_tan, type: fic, card: five of swords, draco

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Comments 36

sra_danvers September 5 2011, 20:46:00 UTC
Wow, I loved this. So deep, so hard, but just the right thing after DH. Because we want the happy end, but things were too hard at the end for our Slytherins. Great!


ravenna_c_tan September 5 2011, 23:04:56 UTC
Thank you! Yes, here I am, trying to "fix" the canon again. :-)


songquake September 6 2011, 08:31:37 UTC
Utterly gripping, C. I had to stop my gchat because I needed to focus my full attention here. I loved the psychology of it, of Draco's trips through his memory, of his mistrusts of the stranger...

And the end was Just Right. I feel like Goldilocks.


ravenna_c_tan September 6 2011, 08:38:31 UTC
LOL! Yay! I think that shall be my new goal, make every reader feel like Goldilocks. :D *happy*


leochi September 6 2011, 17:57:42 UTC
Wow, that's wonderful! I really liked the psychology behind this and the way you interpreted the card. I'm not not at all into teacher/pupil or teenager/adult stories, but it hardly bothered me here, because it was clear that Draco was reflecting about his own inner world.

My compliments, you've written a beautiful and poetic piece. <333


ravenna_c_tan September 6 2011, 19:06:16 UTC
Thank you! The art truly inspired me.


hd_bigbang_mod September 6 2011, 19:52:07 UTC
I felt so firmly inside Draco's head while reading this. Each glimpse of his past was real and true. And I loved the ending. Really beautiful.


ravenna_c_tan September 6 2011, 20:06:12 UTC
Thank you so much! I write so much from Draco's point of view, but so rarely get to go back into the actual canon and try to recreate what he might have been thinking. I'm so glad you found it convincing.


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ravenna_c_tan September 7 2011, 05:47:54 UTC
hee! I wondered!


maunetjeret September 6 2011, 20:42:25 UTC
God, these two do it for me so hard every time... And like no other.


ravenna_c_tan September 6 2011, 21:58:39 UTC
Every time I think I've written everything there is about them... I look back into the canon and There's More There! Between the lines.


drinkingcocoa September 6 2011, 23:25:25 UTC
Yes! That happens to me every time! I like that it didn't map out to an exact 5 of something.


ravenna_c_tan September 7 2011, 01:13:45 UTC
That's because Snape was just using the Five of Swords it as an excuse to get Draco thinking about the past... although it does end up mapping out, sort of. Just Snape gets to go twice. :-)


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