FIC: Goodnight, Moon (Part II)

Aug 18, 2008 18:23

Title: Goodnight, Moon (Part II)
Length: ~11,000
Main character or Pairing: Harry (& Teddy Lupin); Harry/Snape side-plot
Rating: soft R
Summary: When Harry finds out Teddy's inherited more from Remus than his love for books, he is forced to make some difficult decisions. But what happens when his dedication gets a little out of hand? Will he lose ( Read more... )

r, round 3, hp/ss, fic, by: lotrwariorgodss, teddy, harry

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Comments 36

rosie_writes August 19 2008, 02:48:20 UTC
Oh, this is wonderful! *adds to favourites* I'm a Remus/Sirius girl through and through, but this is just fantastic. Beautifully written, and heartbreaking and delightful all at once.


lotrwariorgodss August 19 2008, 04:51:12 UTC
Aww, thank you! I'm quite the Remus/Sirius shipper myself (you'll notice there's like 2 mentions of Tonks, lol) but I still love little Teddy to bits. I'm glad you enjoyed it - thanks for reading and commenting!


accioslash August 19 2008, 19:33:09 UTC
I really like your interpretation of Harry here. Harry is quite obsessive and he doesn't listen to the advice of his friends/others when he has decided on a course of action. I can absolutely see him going to such extremes even though his intentions are good. And I like Severus in the role of protector. Although it seems unlikely for him, it is absolutely canon compliant. Nice work!


lotrwariorgodss August 19 2008, 21:25:58 UTC
Thanks! I feel like Harry's attitude of "No, I'm right." made me happy in DH, but had the potential to be something very dangerous for him later on. He does try to do the right thing, bless him. Thanks for reading and commenting!


amanuensis1 August 19 2008, 19:50:09 UTC
So. Much. Love. &hearts &hearts &hearts

I love this idea of Teddy. I ADORE this take on Harry and Severus. I especially love this Severus, who can say things like "I understand that people are capable of mad and desperate things when they are so deeply in love as you are with that boy, so don't waste your time on apologies." And Teddy's thoughts that it would be interesting to be a werewolf were such a lovely take, and his solution that he would change his form before the change forcibly took him was terrific. I really believed a Harry so desperate as to keep making the wrong decisions, too. Oh, this was wonderful.


lotrwariorgodss August 19 2008, 21:37:55 UTC
I love this idea of Teddy. - You have no idea how cool it is to hear someone say that! I'm a bit in love with Teddy, I think, lol. Severus has clearly chilled out a bit from the war, and he knows Harry's heart was in the right place (it was just his head that was up his ass, poor thing). And, of course, we know that he knows the desperation of love *tear*. Thanks for reading, and for the lovely comment!


gaycrow August 19 2008, 21:05:27 UTC
I enjoyed reading this - I really like the way you've presented Harry as being so driven to help Teddy that he's lost his focus regarding everything else.

I liked the way you brought it all together at the end, and I especially liked the fact that Harry and Snape stayed in character all the way through.

This paragraph made me smile:

A rumbling chuckle vibrates Harry's lips where they sit against the other man's throat, and he is pulled away. Severus keeps him close. "Indeed." Their eyes lock, a burst of fire ripples down Harry's body. He's never seen Severus look more serious, more sincere. Which is why he's taken aback when the other man says, "It is a veritable monument to either our foolishness or the brilliance of our sex life."

I like to think it's the latter. ;-)


lotrwariorgodss August 19 2008, 21:39:56 UTC
This paragraph made me smile - Lol, yes, playfully-snarky!Snape will steal anyone's heart (and it's definitely the latter).

Thanks for reading and commenting - I'm glad you enjoyed it!


painless_j August 19 2008, 22:34:41 UTC
Oh it was lovely. Well, the end of it. I totally believe that Harry could do such things. It looked exactly like his brand of reasoning!


lotrwariorgodss August 20 2008, 06:29:34 UTC
Oh yes, Harry's brand of reasoning - meaning no reasoning at all, lol (or at least irrational reasoning). I'm glad you liked it - thanks for reading and commenting!


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