Name: Savannah
Age: 17
Gender: female
About You
Describe your personality: +/-
Positive qualities: funny, wacky/silly, understanding, accepting, honest
Negative qualities: mean, uncaring, pessimistic, majorly sarcastic, blunt
Neutral qualities: independent
Likes: music, twitter, musicals, zefron, harry potter, nathan lane HAHAHAH
Dislikes/Pet Peeves: cmon, you kno~
Strengths: uuhhhm, +
Weaknesses: -
This or That
Optimistic or Pessimistic: pessimistic
Realistic or Idealistic: realistic
Introverted or Extroverted: extroverted
Brave or Safe:
Selfish or Selfless: selfish
Stoic or Emotional: stoic
Trusting or Cynical: both
Brains or Brawn: brains
Cheerful or Melancholy: both
Impulsive or Cautious: cautious
Modest or Vain: modest
Independent or Dependent: independent
Uptight or Laidback: laidback
Funny or Serious: funny
Harry Potter
Are you one to go for the "good guys" or "bad guys"? good guys for sure~
Would you ever play a character that's considered evil? sure~! when you hear them talk about playing evil people they always say that its a lot of fun
Are you more fond of younger actors or more seasoned, older actors? uhhm, the older are good because they are more experienced yes and the younger ones are good because half the time they are insanely hot and you have a chance with them ~legally~ and they always bring something "fresh" to the movie that you can identify with so im gonna say both
Do you like lead roles or would you prefer to be in the background? lead roles. i preen like a mf
Which of the actors do you think are TOTALLY unlike you? Please limit this to... like, 4 hahah now, while alan rickman may be a nice man, i just, cannot see past that voice and judge turpin/snape hahaha. and michael gambon, GTFOO DIAMFF
Finally, please link three votes here: