stamped as luna ☂ male actors

Aug 01, 2010 00:30

Name: Laura Katariina
Age: 18
Gender: Looks female to me

About You
Describe your personality: I'm:

→ an INFP (Introvertic, Intuitive, Feeling, Perceiving): INFPs never seem to lose their sense of wonder. One might say they see life through rose-colored glasses. It's as though they live at the edge of a looking-glass world where mundane objects come to life, where flora and fauna take on near-human qualities. INFPs have the ability to see good in almost anyone or anything.

→ an Enneagram Type 5: Fives are alert, insightful, and curious. They are able to concentrate and focus on developing complex ideas and skills. Independent, innovative, and inventive, they can also become preoccupied with their thoughts and imaginary constructs. They become detached, yet high-strung and intense. They typically have problems with eccentricity, nihilism, and isolation. At their Best: visionary pioneers, often ahead of their time, and able to see the world in an entirely new way.

→ the Dreamy Idealist: Dreamy Idealists are always at great pains to improve the world. They can be very considerate towards others and do a lot to support them and stand up for them. They are interested in their fellow beings, attentive and generous towards them. Once their enthusiasm for an issue or person is aroused, they can become tireless fighters. For Dreamy Idealists, practical things are not really so important. They only busy themselves with mundane everyday demands when absolutely necessary. They tend to live according to the motto “the genius controls the chaos”. They are less interested in details; they prefer to look at something as a whole.

→ the Generous Artist: Never one to be tied to a particular way of doing things, you let your imagination guide you in discovering different possibilities. You would rather seek out new experiences than stick to your everyday habits, taking in as much of the world as possible. You are curious about things, interested in the "why" more than the “how.” Your sense of adventure is supreme - you're up for anything, anytime. Making plans in advance isn't necessary for you: you'd rather figure things out on the go. You value spending time alone-it is while reflecting on the world around you that you often learn something new about yourself or begin to understand something that's been bothering you.

... That pretty much sums me up.
Positive qualities: I'm imaginative, a daydreamer, silly, free-spirited, open-minded, funny, enthusiastic, idealistic, random, impulsive, sweet/caring (and trying to show it more as well).
Negative qualities: I'm tardy, indecisive, impatient, nosy, questioning, anti-social, detached, stubborn, forgetful.
Neutral qualities: curious, observant, unrealistic... ?
Likes: The world, little things, happiness in general, red grapes, friends, imagination, magical thinking, Roald Dahl, Lewis Carroll, L. Frank Baum, being different, music, good movies, good books, Wonderland + Neverland and every other fantasy land there is, the clouds, the stars, the snow, candles, ... Many things :)
Dislikes/Pet Peeves: Homophobia, hatred, discrimination, injustice, greed, clingy/needy people, Adam Sandler, Twilight saga
Strengths: My imagination, open-mindedness and silliness. I can also be very understanding and random.
Weaknesses: Not too realistic, bad at maths and stuff like that, easily distracted, random.

This or That
Optimistic or Pessimistic: Optimistic
Realistic or Idealistic: Idealistic
Introverted or Extroverted: Introverted
Brave or Safe: I can be both
Selfish or Selfless: Selfless
Stoic or Emotional: In between. I try not to be too emotional around people (unless the emotion I'm feeling at the moment is excitement or something similar)
Trusting or Cynical: Cynical
Brains or Brawn: Brains
Cheerful or Melancholy: Cheerful
Impulsive or Cautious: Impulsive
Modest or Vain: Modest
Independent or Dependent: Independent
Uptight or Laidback: Laidback
Funny or Serious: Funny

Harry Potter
Are you one to go for the "good guys" or "bad guys"? In between. I don't like characters that are overly good or overly evil.
Would you ever play a character that's considered evil? Yes. I always think there's much more to a character than the evil side.
Are you more fond of younger actors or more seasoned, older actors? I usually don't like actors that are younger than me that much but if they're my age or older than me they're fine :D I like older actors as well.
Do you like lead roles or would you prefer to be in the background? Background plz. Being in the lead role and on the spotlight would be too much for me to handle most likely.
Which of the actors do you think are TOTALLY unlike you? Please limit this to... like, 4 hahah. Harry Melling + ROBERT PATTINSON DNW PLZ HAHA,

Finally, please link three votes here: three two one

male actors! gary oldman

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