(no subject)

Jan 12, 2008 05:08

Who? Severus Snape and Harry Potter
What? Another blow up between the two of them.
When? Now in the grownhp6words comm
Why? Because when they look at each other they see the worst of themselves.
Author's note: Mun knowledge unless you have been told by someone in game. Oh and language because they get a little bit Muggle ghetto fabulous when they are fighting.

Harry: if you really wanted to die you wouldn't have pussied out ten years ago so man up and stop weeping just because you can't keep sticking your hands in all the cookie jars.

Severus: Redo?

Harry: no
Harry: you got one chance

Severus: Fucking pussy

Harry: i was willing to give up EVERYTHING to give you that peace
Harry: i GAVE up everything because being able to do it
Harry: was the same as doing it
Harry: you chose to pussy out
Harry: so live with it
Harry: LIVE

Severus: Mr. Yadda yadda loose cannon
Severus: You fucking live

Harry: I already do. I feel something. I feel too much. so you know puff puff pass. it takes the edge off feeling too much

Severus: ...

Harry: *smirks* You have no idea how much I feel. How hard it is to even be near you at times. You think you're the only one who lost in the last war? Want to compare casualties? I was willing to give you a way out, and you chose to live. Fine, live. But if you think it's my mum or Andi's fault that you are miserable you're too stupid to be in the position you're in. That is your problem though. There is always two sides to every choice and each side wants to give you everything and you can't give them more than surface. Maybe if they are really lucky you'll destroy them by giving them half of you, but you can't ever make a real choice. You're such a pathetic little drama princess. Us lions have nothing on you.

Severus: ...it has nothing to do with Andie, or Lily. I know they deserve more...I know they... *shakes head* Enough. Go on.

Harry: *glares at him* You know, i always thought it was just with mum that you kept your head buried up your arse so that you could tune out reality. I was wrong, you really are this damn dense. It has everything to do with them. You had a shitty childhood so you use that as your excuse for taking everything you want. Breaking everything you love, and you stand there as if you are the victim. As if you have been the one done wrong. For Salazar's sake, grow a pair will you not? What is really keeping you here? Honestly, why is it that you still grace us with your presence?

Severus: ((*the muns won't let me die*))
...she needs me.

Harry: Which she?

Severus: ...the school. Andie. Lily. I don't know. I don't...Harry, please...no...not...this

Harry: You think they need you like this? With you trying to convince yourself you don't care about any of them anymore? Fine. Give me the school. I'll take care of my mother. My father will take care of my mother. Just like he always does when you destroy her. Andi can take care of herself. Now, what shall we do about your children? i suppose Saiah and Bastian are old enough to help out there, yes?

Severus: ... *nods*

Harry: *icy cold tone, eyes flashing with so many emotions, anger and disgust more than anything* You need them more than they can possibly need you like this. That is why you're still here. You're so bloody selfish that you want it all, and rather than risk making a go at one thing that matters most you'd rather destroy it all on your own terms. I hate you so much. You have no bloody idea how disgusted I am that I wasn't quicker that night. That I didn't manage to put you out of your misery. Not even for your peace of mind, but for the rest of us. I should have been quicker, and for that I apologize. Because what is left of you? Is pathetic. Absolutely pathetic, and frankly considering what I lost that night? I expected better. How disappointing.

Severus: What the fuck do you want from me? What emotion do you think to invoke, what fight do you think is possibly left for me to give you? Or any of you! Do you think you really mattered? Do you think it matters at all? What purpose do you have to live...to fight...to drown or not...or whatever the FUCK you call this! How many times do you have to be proven right about me, boy. How many times do you have to see me- really me? How many times do I have to be reminded of this?! Do you think I want to feel this...do you think I want to lose Andie? My children...my school...they're mine. THEY SHOULD BE MINE. And I can't bring myself to have it. To accept it...do you think I give damn if I don't meet with your approval, Potter? Do you really think it matters... do something then. Make it matter. Tell me how to make it matter. Or shut the fuck up because I am through listening to your santimonious self-righteous dribble!

Harry: *shouts out* THEY WERE ALL YOURS AND YOU DON'T CARE UNTIL THEY TRY AND LEAVE YOU. *throws up his hands in disgust* You wanted my mother until you had her. The moment you had her was the moment you went looking for something else. You like the chase more than the catch, yet you don't release before you move on. *just stares at him* I want you to go away. Just go away and let everyone finally grieve your loss. Stop lingering like some half man half ghost. I'm sick of being haunted by you. Leave the school, leave the women who have given you everything yet still both come up short because they can't be everything for you, leave your children, leave and go away. Make yourself happy, make yourself miserable, do whatever you have to do to feel something, because you're making me sick and I'm tired of being stuck with you.

Severus: *moves to push him and stops* Go to hell. Don't you ever tell me my mind boy! Don't you ever speak to me like that again. You have no fucking idea, you stupid, selfish arrogant boy! You are still the stupid, idiotic boy who thinks he can understand the world from his own limited scope! And you call me the one deluded? You claim I'm the one who's so caught up in his own world that he can't see straight. ...fuck you! *rearing back, hands balled* You're wrong! I'm not... *just grows livid till the anger over takes his word* You have no idea what you're talking...you're deluded...you will believe whatever you wish of me because it makes it easier for you. You...

Harry: *smirks at him, but doesn't raise his hands* Hit a nerve did I? I've watched you since I was a boy. I've seen it all. *quietly* I saw it through your own eyes. I've entrusted you more than you deserve, and you have hurt me more than I deserve. However, this is about you, Severus. If you want to end it all then do it, but be the one to do it. Stop expecting someone to risk their soul to do it for you. I gave you the chance once, and you chose not to accept it. I can run this school with more heart, with more passion, than you can hope to possess in your current condition.
Harry: I can take better care of your children, my mothers, yes plural, because Andromeda is much more maternal to me than many realize. She put me back together again after the second war ended, and you have tried to destroy her just as you have my mother, as you have your children. No one needs you merely existing so pack your things and get the hell out of the castle, out of my family, and don't you dare return until you're quite certain you wish to be more than dead weight. You're the weakest link, Severus. You're the poison we need to suck out. Go on, go, or shut the fuck up and appreciate what you have that you absolutely do not deserve.

Severus: *sets his jaw, but says nothing* ... *turns and leaves

Harry: *doesn't stop him, merely walks away in the opposite direction*

severus snape, roleplay, grownhp, harry potter

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