All hail bendy time. Set the same night as Hermione is taken by Pansy and Draco

Aug 24, 2007 09:50

Who? Ron, Harry, and later those at Malfoy Manor
What? Rescuing Hermione

When? The night Hermione was taken. (Post Epilogue timeline)
Why? Because this is what the boys do ( Read more... )

ron weasley, bellatrix lestrange, hogwarts, fenrir greyback, hermione weasley, after 19 years later, malfoy manor, voldemort, roleplay, harry potter

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Comments 14

sixth_born_red August 24 2007, 15:25:22 UTC
Ron heard him yelling and headed down the corridor towards the voice. Seeing Harry he frowned, "Bloody 'ell mate you'll wake the 'ole school up, can't go..." But he was cut off by the look on Harry's face. There was something wrong, something so very not right.

"Everything alright at Mungo's? Saw Snape, he was a right bloodied mess."


sayshisname August 25 2007, 00:56:19 UTC
"Hermione's left the school, Ron. They have her. I received an owl telling me where she is, but we're going to need to hurry."

Harry was pale as he spoke. Images of Bellatrix torturing Hermione when they were children were fresh in his mind. "We can go just outside the boundaries of the school and apparate."


sixth_born_red August 25 2007, 01:29:37 UTC
He stopped, all the colour draining from his face and eyes going wide. No, they couldn't, she wouldn't. "Harry, it's got to be a trap, 'Mione's in our room with Hugo, I left her there before I went on patrol. She wouldn't go running off...she wouldn't."

But there was so much fear in his voice because part of him knew that Hermione would have gone to help, he just wanted to listen to the part that was telling him she was safe.


sayshisname August 26 2007, 22:29:11 UTC
Harry would love for this to be a trap. He would love to think this was a set up and if they checked in with Hermione in the school they would find her. Unfortunately his stomach is knotting up. He can't imagine Draco luring them into a trap.

When did he start trusting Draco?

"Let's check the room quickly. You check that, and I'll check her classroom. We'll meet right back here then." They needed to hurry. Confirm if she was here or not because if not they needed to go now and retrieve her.

Please. Please let her be all right.


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