
Oct 21, 2007 22:25

Who: Death Eaters, Auror's, Order Members...
What: The Ministry Battle.
Where: The Ministry of Magic.
When: The same night Bellatrix takes Rose and the dementors attack a number of cities acros England. A few hours after the attacks start.
Why: Because this bloody war needs to end.
How: Because we said so ( Read more... )

severus snape, remus lupin, voldemort, roleplay, fabian prewett, andromeda tonks, dora tonks lupin, oonda sumi, oonda alexander, hermione weasley, lucius malfoy, thornfinn rowle, gideon prewett, lily (evans) potter, after 19 years later, harry potter, alastor moody

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honorandkin October 21 2007, 23:16:38 UTC
Alexander Flooed in first, with his wand's out. He covered Sumi's appearance and stifled his stomach turning over as he saw her unsheath her daggers. She began to dance through the air, ahead.

This was always her game more so then his.

He waited, a Tanto blade hanging softly against his thigh.

Death before defeat. This was the way of Bushido.


dave_sanders October 22 2007, 08:45:42 UTC
Dave had checked on the acting muggle Prime Minister - there had been a watch over him, a death eater who was currently roped up and gagged and hidden rather well, his wand in Dave's pocket, but when the Patronus from Moody found him, he showed up at the Ministry as soon as he could.

He got tied up in a brief duel, not challenging his knowledge at all, with a rather youngish-seeming lad with the Mark party visible on his arm (New blood, of course, he filed away for recording later), when he saw pulled-eyes have his go at the elder Prewett. When his adversary was finally stunned, Dave hurried after the retreating man who was still holding both wands.

"Not so fast, you there. I thought you boys had come here to fight, not to walk away from the fighting!"
Hah, rare rage for Sanders.
But they'd dared attack the Ministry. Again.
And he meant to take down as many of the fools as he could.

Then go back to writing reports.

He didn't much like war. That didn't mean he failed at fighting it.


honorandkin October 22 2007, 23:51:36 UTC
Alexander paused at the man before him, did a quick bow before falling into a defensive position. Alexander inclined his head at the younger man. "One should not be so willing to rush into a fray, Auror-sama." He threw his first hex. "Impedimenta! You could get hurt. Stupefy!"


dave_sanders October 23 2007, 08:42:44 UTC
"'tis my job." Dave made a small mock bow, never taking his eyes off the death eater. "I don't rush in. I stick around and take notes."

He ducked away from the first hex, then lifted his wand and called forth a 'Protego'. Then his eyes narrowed. Things were getting rather ugly, and he wanted the stupid people thrown back and out. "Incarcerous!" Then, after a moment, "Serpensortia! Oppugno."


honorandkin October 23 2007, 17:50:25 UTC
"Incedio!" Alexander shouted as the ropes came hurtling towards him. Jerking free, he doubled over, "Crucio!"

The snake flew towards his wrist, biting hard. Alexander yelped, and threw his weight into his shoulder and driving it into Dave. He fell back, wand aimed once more. "Expelliarmus!"


dave_sanders October 23 2007, 18:18:02 UTC
The Crucio Dave manged to deflect mostly - mostly, though he did grunt as some of it brushed onto him; then the Death Eater's shoulder dug into his stomach and he bent over. Then his wand flew from his hand.

"Beautiful. Applause follows." But he was gritting his teeth already and digging into his pocket. "But, you know, some of us are just full of surprises!" He fished out the wand he'd captured earlier and smiled brightly. "Like me!"

"Expelliarmus! Stupefy!" Then, after a moment, "Densaugeo! and Locomotor Mortis!"


books_clevernes October 21 2007, 23:51:47 UTC
The moment Harry had told her what was going down Hermione threw the towel off of her bloodied hand and headed out of the room towards the fire place and floo'd into the Ministry after him, appearing in her own office. Divide and defeat, there wasn't much point coming from the same place when there were probably Death Eaters on every floor.

Within moments of running from her office she spotted her first two de's taking them both by surprise and disarming them. Running up close she punched one, knocking the other back into the wall with a spell before restraining them and breaking their wands.

Leave them helpless.

Further she ran, disarming and fighting those who she came across. She'd been through a lot tonight and this was her outlet, this was the release she needed after finding her daughter tortured.

Skidding to a stop she spotted almost a douzen death eaters but her eyes focused upon only one. "You are mine," she hissed in a low voice.


honorandkin October 22 2007, 00:23:12 UTC
Sumi had been surrounded by her husband's friends when the silly little Anglo girl. She rose and smiled softly. The woman smelled of desperation and mud. Filth. Like the bugs Sumi use to dissect.

She wondered idly if women screamed like men did when they're split across the stomach...or did she just cry.

"Come and kiss me." She purred, holding up both her daggers. "Please?"


books_clevernes October 22 2007, 00:33:57 UTC
There was a sparkle to her cold, dark eyes. Something so very unlike the kind woman she had been before the threats on her children, before her daughter had been tortured.

"A kiss, should you want one you could steal one quickly before there is not enough blood in your body to stop them from turning blue."

Wand raised her smile became cruel, "Stupefy."


honorandkin October 22 2007, 01:14:56 UTC
Sumi liked the way the silly little girl's eyes twinkled. She hoped that when Sumi cut them out and put them in a box, Alexander would let her keep them. He seldom did. They made Xavier sick.

Still, it was cute when Xavier tried to Crucio them. Sumi moved quicker then water then, she did a j'etias to get close enough to push Hermione against the wall, and swat her hand out of the way, before Sumi leaned down and kissed Hermione's skin. "Stolen."

She tasted of sweat and fear, and she was just close enough to dodge the Stupefy. Sumi laughed, and shook her head. "Tsk. Tsk. Bad little girl. Now give me blood." Sumi jerked forward, aiming the blade against Hermione's wrist. Then she slide away, and squatted low. Waiting for the next curse.


books_clevernes October 22 2007, 01:40:50 UTC
She was more than a little taken back when she found herself pinned to the wall and the other womans lips pressed softly to her skin. For a moment a shiver sparked through her, a shiver that ignighted something deep inside.

A hiss escaped her lips as the blade cut into her skin slightly as she pulled her wrist away. "Now I believe it is my turn."

Hermione raised her wand to cast her spell and took a step or two forward "Impedimenta," she yelled before moving closer and swinging a punch at her. Hoping it'd connect as she tried to dodge the spell.


honorandkin October 22 2007, 02:09:07 UTC
Sumi jerked free and straight into the other woman's punch. She stumbled back, at once surprised and annoyed that the girl had dared to touch her. She could feel the skin tingling under the bruise. Then, Sumi shifted, smiling again and grabbing Hermione's hair, jerking it backwards and pushing her down.

As the body hit the ground she slammed a foot into the stomach, before pulling free her dagger and diving towards her.


books_clevernes October 22 2007, 06:46:44 UTC
Hermione let out an oaf as she hit the floor and then a cry of pain as her foot slammed into her stomach, all the air knocked out of her. The pain that fled through her body. It took her a moment to realise what was happening and as Smui dropped to the ground, knives headed straight for her, Hermione rolled out of the way.

Damn it. Weezing for breath she rolled and aimed her want at her attacker "Sectumsempra"


honorandkin October 22 2007, 08:03:27 UTC
Sumi screamed. It was shrill and enraged as the hex drove through her wrist, causing her to drop one of the daggers. Sumi had never seen her own blood split before much less in battle. She didn't know what hurt worst: the injury or the fact the cut had been done so...lazily.

Grabbing her dragger with her good hand, Sumi swirled fast on the ball of her feet and threw it, aiming for Hermione's liver.


books_clevernes October 22 2007, 17:06:24 UTC
There was something about sound of the scream that brought a kind of sick pleasure to Hermione, it felt as good to her as the screams that Bellatrix had made when she had her on the floor writhing in pain.

She saw the glint of the spinning blade and moved away as quick as she could, but it wasn't quick enough. The blade of the dagger dug into Hermione's side and she let out a straggled cry. Looking up her eyes blazed with anger and she reached for the of the dagger, sliding it from her side.


honorandkin October 22 2007, 23:55:29 UTC
Poison for a poisonous bitch.

Granted it was not deadly. There was no sport in quick kills Sumi thought. No way to prove you were more powerful then your opponent. It was sheer dumb luck. She turned and threw her weight in Hermione before bounding away.

Her husband. She was wounded and she needed her husband. Alexander would silence this bitch.

Her pain escaped her once more in an enraged scream.


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