Who? Harry Potter, Hermione Weasley, and Ron Weasley
What? Returning to the old school tactics of how to win a war.
When? Shortly after Sirius and James are returned to Grimmauld to recover.
Why? Because Dumbledore's Army rarely plays by the rules.
Title: Controlled by Hatred
Rating? PG ish
Author's notes: It turns out that Harry learned quite a
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On hearing Harry's voice she stood and looked from her husband to her closest and longest friend. "It's time to start finishing this."
There was something about that hug that brought back to many memories for her, old times, happier times, times that changed through the years but the emotions and love never did. "Let's go."
He glanced over at Harry and smiled slightly, he knew what was happening and he knew what was to come. This could be it, their final battle but he would damn well watch over these two with everything to make sure that it wasn't.
Pulling from the hug he smiled and shook his head, "Why do I feel the need to say 'One for all and all for one?"
"Stopped by the potions room for old times sake." There was a bit of a smug glint to his eyes. "Borrowed some veritaserum so we could try and loosen their tongues. If they doesn't work, Imperium should."
He had no problem using that curse on them to get the location of where they needed to go. In fact, he found he had very little problem with any means necessary. The walk to where they could apparate away didn't take long. "Chances are Goyle and Crabbe are attached as the hip like their sons used to be. Shall we go for them first?"
She slipped the vials into her tiny bag that could hold everything and anything, an old favorite from their old travelling days, "So, first stop the goons and then onto Bellatrix."
Of course with him being able to understand parseltongue again perhaps Nagini would be able to provide them with some information as well.
Making a face as he drank down the potion in the park that he had seen his mum, aunt and Snape playing in back when they were children his entire body twisted up from the inside out as it transformed into Crabbe. "Oh bloody hell that is disgusting." Some things never change.
Soon she came back through fussing with Bellatrix's dress, stopping long enough to allow Ron to tie her up and into the back of it. She tried not to smile as she looked over her shoulder at him, her mind slipping for a moment to nights when he had had to help her into more feminine items. Even with the face she took the love she felt for the man behind her shone through.
After a moment she looked at Harry, "And somethings do. Thank god this lasts longer and actually effects the voice."
"You have to love the new improved potions. I hate to remind you of this, but keep in mind she talks to him like a lover." He had to work hard to keep the disgust off his face. It would be even worse for Ron having to watch his wife croon and fawn over Voldemort.
As they approached the house he immediately felt a chill run up his spine. Upon first glance he realized this had never been a happy home. Was this the real reason Severus ended up the way he was? A pinata just waiting for which master's its turn was to strike him.
Up towards the house they walked, her before them, and in her minds eye she thought of Bellatrix and how much she hated her. Her eyes darkned and there was almost a maddening look to them. Up to the house where someone stood guard.
"Out of my way fool!" she boomed, almost pushing the death eater to one side and entering the house.
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