(no subject)

Oct 10, 2007 18:29

Who? Harry Potter, Hermione Weasley, and Ron Weasley
What? Returning to the old school tactics of how to win a war.
When? Shortly after Sirius and James are returned to Grimmauld to recover.
Why? Because Dumbledore's Army rarely plays by the rules.
Title: Controlled by Hatred
Rating? PG ish
Author's notes: It turns out that Harry learned quite a bit at Dumbledore's knees. He, Ron and Hermione have a plan, and they need help. But in asking for help they only reveal what is needed to know. Sometimes you have to keep your secrets, and sometimes you have to return to basics to get things done. The original core members of the D.A. are ready to make their move.

I live my life, that's another lie-Controlled by hatred. It feels good, I'm not proud to say
But I'll just put off my guilt, it can wait another fuckin' day. I search you out and now you're right within my reach. And now you'll learn a lesson only I can teach. Now I'm checking it, now I'm checking out. Now I start to scream, it's what it's all about, shout it out'>

Harry stays at Grimmauld place long enough to speak quietly with Madeline Wood. He sends the owl to Draco asking for two more healers that can trusted to keep quiet. Then he takes a shower, changes into a pair of jeans and a sweater. He slips out of the house through the floo network. People will most likely be busy checking in on James and Sirius and will assume Harry's silence means he took their advice and went to sleep. Sleep is the last thing on Harry's mind.

Once at the castle he seeks out Neville, Ginny and Luna to fill them in on what the plan is. At least the part of the plan that he needs them for. They can bring them up to speed completely later, but for now the less people who know the better. It's a security measure. He finds it's quite easy to look into those trusting eyes and just reveal a bit of truth. "Luna, can you continue to stay with the kids? Teddy will be watching Ron and Hermione's kids. We'll all be back soon."

To Neville and Ginny he gives them the brief run down on what will happen. There is an old farmhouse in Ireland that Harry once considered buying. It's secured and if Ginny and Neville slap up the protection spells it will be perfect for stage one of the plan. They'll be guarding the wizards and witch that the trio will bring them. "They'll be stunned and tied up. If they so much as blink at you funny? Do your worst." He says this so calmly. So calmly yet firmly. "Nev's right. Time to play by their rules. It's the only way to win."

Ginny knows the location. She and Harry spent plenty of time there so she can take Neville and wait for the trio to meet up with them. Which leaves Harry to go seek out his godson. They were keeping the plan to the original core members of the D.A. The six that had made their go at the Ministry and dueled the Death Eaters. That said, they needed someone to help with the kids so Harry went to his godson. Of course Teddy was ready and willing to do what was needed.

His parents were safe in Grimmauld. The kids were safe with Luna and Teddy. Neville and Ginny were securing the spot that Bellatrix, Crabbe Sr. and Goyle Sr. would be kept. All that was left was for Harry, Hermione and Ron to make their move. He found them in the girl's bathroom. Closing the door behind them, he met their gazes and nodded his head at them.

"Ready when you are." One look at the expressions on his best friends faces and he knew they were ready too. There were storms brewing behind his green eyes. He had been pushed and pushed, and finally he felt like there was a cobra inside him uncoiling and preparing to strike.

Once upon a time this feeling would have unnerved him. He would have panicked and feared that he was becoming too much like Voldemort. Right now he embraced it. He gripped on tight to that cold pure hatred and allowed it to calm all the other emotions fighting to bubble to the surface. He pushed past the exhaustion, fear, and grief. It was all about the hatred. That would lead them to do what they needed to do.

One look in Hermione's eyes and he saw those same storms brewing there. They'd pushed her too far too. Never threaten a mother's child. But then. The Death Eater's had always underestimated mothers. They had already underestimated what the trio could do when they agreed upon a plan of action and executed it.

This was the advantage that the lions had. They may be predictable, but they were fierce and determined. Never piss the lions off. They won't stop clawing and biting until their last breath leaves them. The original D.A. were ready to make their move.

Dumbledore's Army was finished recruiting. They were ready to fight.

"Let's do this," He said as he closed the distance between him, Ron and Hermione, pulling them in for that familiar group hug. They were stronger together, and they would need that strength to pull this off. But they needed this win, and they were going to achieve it. Starting now.

after 19 years later, ron weasley, fic, roleplay, hogwarts, hermione weasley, harry potter

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