fic for nundu_art: Being Black (Regulus, Sirius, G)

Jan 14, 2010 09:33

Title: Being Black
Author: d_andru
Recipient: nundu_art
Rating: G
Character(s): Regulus, Sirius
Warnings: none
Author's Notes: Happy Holidays! You generously asked for only a happy ending. I hope you enjoy these little snippets of time.


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!fic, !2009, character: sirius black, character: regulus black

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Comments 8

shiiki January 14 2010, 12:37:23 UTC
I like this glimpse of the Black brothers here. I thought your Regulus behaved very plausibly and I particularly liked his description of Sirius's laugh as eerie. I imagine he would have found it so!


flaminia_x January 14 2010, 15:21:58 UTC
Ooh, I do like things from Regulus' point of view, especially we know so little of his canon-self. Very nice picture of young Sirius, and of Regulus' relationship w/ Kreacher. Well done.


vegablack62 January 14 2010, 16:36:35 UTC
I liked this story very much. You really put across Regulus's point of view and voice even down to giving him an ending that he would think of as happy at the time (us not so much.) I liked the dramatic irony in the end. Regulus wanted fame but in the end his sacrifice and courage would be almost entirely secret and anonymous. This was a very thoughtful story.

I liked Regulus here, he sounded like a younger put upon brother. You should the nasty side of Sirius which I liked as well and the normal side of Black life. To Regulus his mother is his mother and his family life is a good one. Slytherin, Black family life all seem very normal, Regulus's ambitions seem typical as well. Who would like to make their house Quidditch team? And then you add his taking the Dark Mark and we see what this family is really like. (This compliments JKR's scene in Regulus's room, where fan pictures of Voldemort share space with Regulus's Quidditch team picture. That was one of my favorite scenes in the books.)

What a wonderful understated


secretsolitaire January 15 2010, 01:48:00 UTC
Enjoyed this. :-)


lyras January 15 2010, 04:27:01 UTC
Regulus knew that with every loss came an opportunity.

I really like this very Slytherin take on Regulus, and his family background. Interesting character piece!


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