fic for thedreamisreal: Thoughts on Time Travel (Ron, Luna, Fred, George, Remus, PG-13)

Dec 23, 2009 20:34

Title: Thoughts on Time Travel: Or, Conversations Ron Wishes Had Never Happened, At Least Not to Him
Author: magentabear
Recipient: thedreamisreal
Rating: PG-13
Character(s): Ron, Luna, Fred and George, Remus
Warnings: Mild swearing
Author's Notes: Thanks to queenb23more for the beta help, thanks to the mods for this lovely community and thanks to a mysterious someone for this very ( Read more... )

!fic, character: george weasley, !2009, character: luna lovegood, character: ron weasley, character: remus lupin, character: fred weasley

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Comments 6

werewolfsfan December 24 2009, 02:56:20 UTC
Oh, that was fun! It opens so many avenues to speculate on........ Your characterizations are good but you've really channeled Luna! And I especially like your take on Ron here:

Ron was not a very good student. He wasn't stupid but he disliked school and found most of it to be a waste of his time. That was why he was so surprised to find himself fascinated by the potion war Remus had mentioned.

I feel bad when I see so many fans feel Ron doesn't "deserve" Hermoine, especially when they pair her Draco the Brat, Harry who defeated Voldemort with a spell learned in Second Year or snarling Snivillus the Death Eater! Not everyone comes into their own at sixteen.......

I believe there is a typo here: Most unfortunately, the words "time travel" derailed her completely and he was able to learn absolutely nothing useful for her. Should it be "from" her?


norisis December 26 2009, 01:03:10 UTC
I loved everyone here - perplexed, confused Ron, Luna with her unconventional senseo of logic, and especially the twins! I like how you brought this complex, intriguing backstory to the Daydream potion; my favourite part is probably how it all came about from a Snape-Sirius potion war!

"The only problem I see here is your face."
This - really, the whole preceding conversation - had me laughing hard, for a good while. Great work!


vanseedee December 28 2009, 08:52:22 UTC
I adore this. The voices you gave all of them are perfect. So is Luna's disbelieve, which was slightly shocking at first, but made sense once she explains it.

"That is not the logic I was using," Fred said, "but I stand by it."
I love that line so much.

Thank you for sharing.


vegablack62 January 6 2010, 14:40:29 UTC
This was a courageous fic to handle this subject and with such humor. It would be so easy to lose the thread. I loved the voices of the characters.

Ron's thoughts on Luna at the end made me laugh out loud. Ron is very good when written from a confused pov. Luna was perfect and her thoughts on time travel convincing.

"And before you say anything about Time Turners," Luna suddenly interrupted her own free-flowing tangent about the intricacies of butterfly wings to say, "I don't believe that those were functioning magical artifacts. Not the way we understand time travel to work, that is. No matter your politics, I think we can all agree that the Ministry would never be able to hide something of that importance. Look how poorly they hid the Rotfang Conspiracy."

"Damn straight," Ron muttered as he turned back to the front of the sports page.

That's a marvelous conversation.


slam_girl January 24 2010, 02:07:57 UTC
I liked Luna's musings on time travel; it seemed to fit her train of thought well. And she's got some good points there about people viewing the past differently so which past would one travel back to! And I like that tone here was humorous, fitting Ron and the twins' voices perfectly, while still dealing a heady subject like time travel. Very nice! :)


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