fic for ressie_noldo: Fortuna (Sirius, Marauders, Regulus, PG-13)

Dec 09, 2009 21:06

Title: Fortuna
Author: cuban_sombrero
Recipient: ressie_noldo
Rating: PG-13
Character(s): Sirius, some Marauders, Regulus
Warnings: canon character death (off-screen)
Author's Notes: Mystery recipient, I hope you enjoy this. It's been a long time since I've had an oppurtunity to write about Sirius, so this was great fun. :) A big thanks also to K, for the beta.


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!fic, !2009, character: sirius black, character: marauders, character: regulus black

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Comments 23

werewolfsfan December 10 2009, 02:43:37 UTC
Utterly fantastic writing here! My initial feeling is my favorite section is two overall but each one contains some great lines and images. This one for instance, makes me tickled pink:

Even Remus and Peter shift further towards the centre of the table, talking Hogwarts memories and the best way to murder the Minister for Magic with Emmeline, laughter spilling in scraps from their mouths.


cuban_sombrero January 23 2010, 05:52:05 UTC
Thank you! I love playing around with imagery (sometimes a little too much, if I'm being honest), so I'm glad it worked for you.


vegablack62 December 10 2009, 05:09:27 UTC
I love so much about this story, the structure, the language, Sirius's observations. I feel like I can hear his voice and who he is. The last line is beautiful.


cuban_sombrero January 23 2010, 05:53:17 UTC
Thank you! And, on a somewhat related note - I think it's awesome that you've already read every single fic for this exchange. Gives extra meaning to dedication, I guess. ♥


vegablack62 January 23 2010, 16:12:52 UTC
I enjoyed the stories so reading them was a treat. I didn't set out to read all of them, and I'm not sure I did. I'm afraid I might have missed a couple. But I love well written Gen stories and I found that here.


kellychambliss December 10 2009, 05:37:28 UTC
Very well-done. I agree with werewolfsfan -- there are excellent bits in each section. But if I had to choose a favorite, I think I'd go with "Three," especially that painful Sometimes, Sirius just wishes it would happen quicker than this


cuban_sombrero January 23 2010, 05:54:04 UTC
Thank you! Four is my favourite, so I always think it's interesting when people see things in various sections that I don't.


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cuban_sombrero January 23 2010, 05:54:18 UTC
Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it.


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cuban_sombrero January 23 2010, 05:57:17 UTC
Thank you so much! I love long comments (and wish I had the time to leave them more often myself), so this meant a lot to me. ♥

As for Lily and James, their marriage has always made sense to me (although that could possibly come from being a rather biased Lily/James shipper). They've come out of Hogwarts as a couple and been thrown almost straight into this world, and I think they just needed somebody to help them through it. I love Marlene too, even if she is a one-dimensional character in canon, so I had to work her in there somewhere.


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