fic for lyras: A Fighting Choice (Ginny, Weasleys, Lupin, Tonks, G)

Dec 08, 2009 20:43

Title: A Fighting Choice
Author: dragyn_42
Recipient: lyras
Rating: G
Character(s): Ginny, the Weasleys, Lupin, Tonks
Warnings: None
Summary: Ginny's fourth year found her ready to fight. Was it a situation, or was it a decision?
Author's Notes: I was going for a different story, and this was supposed to be the three paragraph introduction. It wanted to be ( Read more... )

!fic, character: nymphadora tonks, !2009, character: the weasleys, character: ginny weasley, character: remus lupin

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Comments 14

vegablack62 December 9 2009, 03:50:15 UTC
I like this picture of a Ginny ready to fight. I really liked the give and take between her and her mother and the way you keep returning us to Molly and Ginny's interpretations of her.

Arthur's line was perfect for him and I liked how you handled the family's doings and Percy's departure especially. But your depiction of Ginny through Molly's eyes was marvelous.

The last line was solid and powerful.


velvetmouse December 9 2009, 04:03:27 UTC
Oh this was lovely. I really enjoyed how you showed Ginny as still a girl - not a miniature adult - but very much aware of what is going on and able to understand and analyze all that is and isn't said. Well done!


werewolfsfan December 9 2009, 17:04:44 UTC
I really like the way you expand the fight against Voldemort here. It really wasn't just Potter vs. Riddle. This also helps to fill that gap in the canon where we really don't "meet" Ginny in between the little girl with a crush and Hogwarts femme fatale. It's lovely to see something of her growing up and Ginny's personality. Thanks too for a glimpse of Molly as "a woman who had fought before - fought for those she loved."


chthonya December 9 2009, 22:14:48 UTC
That was interesting - I'd never really thought about what would have led the Weasleys to move to Grimmauld Place that summer, and what that would have been like for them. Ginny (like the other children) is being forced to grow up faster than she'd like, and 3 years on from her experiences with the diary is old enough to be more conscious of it, which adds to the sobering atmosphere.

I couldn't help thinking though that the situation was also giving her something - that view of her mother as a fighing woman. Perhaps if Molly had manifested more of that side of her character in Ginny's younger years, the younger Ginny might have been better placed to fight Tom in the first place - or at least to better deal with it afterwards.


vegablack62 December 10 2009, 05:12:05 UTC
You expected more from Ginny at eleven?


norisis December 10 2009, 01:29:50 UTC
Nice. The summer before Harry's fifth is an interesting time to me, but I've not seen much fic about it involving 'the kids' - and it's a refreshing change to read about Ginny at this age.

only the fact that he took from her her first year at school
This line particularly struck me - it's obvious, and yet and I never quite thought of it that way before, that her trauma was more than the horror of being possessed, but also the loss of time and, as mentioned later in that sentence, her innonence. I like how her seeing Molly as a fighter spurred her to be the same, and it's easy to see how she might have 'bounced' back from the ordeals of her first year to be the fiesty girl we see from the 5th book onwards.


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