fic for wandmaker: Stumbling Towards Sanctuary (Remus, James, PG)

Dec 30, 2007 13:19

Title: Stumbling Towards Sanctuary
Author: nicolen
Recipient: wandmaker
Rating: PG
Character(s): Remus, James
Warnings: DH spoilers, character death
Author's Notes: Thank you so much for an intriguing prompt. I've had so much fun writing this, and I hope you enjoy it as much as I've enjoyed writing it! Have a safe and Happy Christmas x.


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character: james potter, !fic, !2007, character: remus lupin

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Comments 12

lyras December 30 2007, 20:48:11 UTC
Oh, poor Remus! I'm glad we know that there is a happier end to this story (although I love your ending, too).


nicolen January 12 2008, 20:13:59 UTC
Thank you! I didn't intend for this to get quite so angsty, but I loved the ending as well!


sciathan_file December 30 2007, 20:54:21 UTC
Beautiful and heart-wrenching.

Ending with the content from "The Forest Again" really did it.



nicolen January 12 2008, 20:15:42 UTC
Thank you! I still cry when I read "The Forest Again" and although I didn't intend for the story to get quite that angsty, I wondered what it would have been like from the other side - literally and figuratively...


virginia_bell December 31 2007, 16:25:29 UTC
Oh, this is sad and wonderfully done. I especially love the ending, which may have made me slightly teary.


nicolen January 12 2008, 20:16:36 UTC
Thank you! It wasn't supposed to end like that, but it's amazing what you can write at 1am when you're utterly stuck!


lazy_neutrino January 1 2008, 14:13:01 UTC
Oh so sad! And what virginia_bell said about the tears.


nicolen January 12 2008, 20:17:24 UTC
Thank you! It wasn't supposed to get angsty, but it did work out well in the end...


wandmaker January 4 2008, 06:35:31 UTC
Dear Mystery Author -

Thank you so very much for this heartbreaking yet tender story. True to Canon, but it gives a comforting degree of closure which I sorely missed in the original.

What a wonderful gift story! Thank you, again.


nicolen January 12 2008, 20:19:06 UTC
Thank you! I'm just thrilled you liked it. After it was posted I looked at your journal and saw your reaction post to DH and my heart just sank! I thought I'd inadvertently written the one thing you didn't want to read, so it's fantastic to see you liked it.


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