from rednfieryThai Massage is often called "lazy man's yoga" or "assisted yoga" because the practitioner utilizes a combination of compression and stretching techniques intended to stimulate circulation and improve joint and muscle flexibility and mobility. It is done on a mat on the floor with the client fully clothed (loose, comfortable clothing like
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nadyalec will write you a a custom-written porn story, about you, yes you--including your name and whatever details you want to give him; more personal information if you're pals.
Three loaves of home-baked artisanal-quality sourdough bread from eight-year-old starter, baked especially for you; fresh from the oven if we can arrange the timing. (San Francisco Bay Area only)
A highly decorated, sharpie-markered, suspicious-looking manila envelope full of zines, stickers, pins, a CD of awesome punk rock and grrlpower, and a confessional letter from a total stranger will arrive in your very own mailbox! Right outta 1993, with love.
Vonda McIntyre, who has never met Fran, has generously donated this beautiful featherless boa, made entirely from beads. The boa is similar to Vonda's famous "beaded sea creatures." Once touched, never forgotten.