belated holiday wishes...

Dec 26, 2014 09:51

I do hope your holidays are/were merry ( Read more... )

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Comments 5

snowie44 December 27 2014, 13:11:21 UTC
I'm glad that you received a lot of wonderful gifts but am so sorry for your loss. I know that pain, as it was just last month that my fur baby passed and, though we have another fur baby in our family, it provides little comfort just knowing she's not with me any more. I know, with time, it will get easier..but sorry. :(


aalia7 December 27 2014, 14:46:48 UTC
I'm so sorry to hear this, Amber. Loss during the holidays is particularly difficult. Thinking about you. *hugs*


jewells68 December 28 2014, 15:24:48 UTC
My standard answer to enquiries is "Fine and you?" I was so sorry to hear about Max. It's so hard to lose someone that's been a part of your life for so long, and extra hard when all these other good things are happening like gifts and seeing family and all that, but the hole is still there. *hugs*


willow_wand January 1 2015, 23:25:40 UTC
Oh, love, I was so, so sad to hear about your Max. I hope you're doing okay. It's such a difficult loss because people don't understand sometimes the love people have for their pets. They are family. *love and hugs*


ofenjen January 2 2015, 21:26:08 UTC
It's always hard when something sad happens during the holidays. *hugs you hard*


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