belated holiday wishes...

Dec 26, 2014 09:51

I do hope your holidays are/were merry.

Mine were both good and not so much.

I was thoroughly spoiled by my mom. My dad and sister/sis's girl got me some great gifts. My friends have spoiled me left right and center.

However, if you were on Facebook Tuesday, you know my holidays hit a snag. If you weren't on Facebook, then you may not know it...but my oldest cat passed away that morning.

Max, as I've mentioned, has been ill for a while. But this week took a dramatic turn and we were too late to stop it.

Tuesday morning found me early with mom telling me that Max would be going to the vet that morning. And I knew by her text that she wouldn't be coming home. However, before mom could get herself ready, Max was already gone.

Unfortunately, that now left us with a problem. We've never had a family pet pass while at home (not counting the hamsters and goldfish from childhood). I ended up calling my dad at his work. And when I burst into tears telling him, he got really uncomfortable. (He doesn't handle crying females well.) In the end, he left work, brought a box, and took her remains to his house to be buried. Yesterday, he told me my aunt had actually done the burying, but that it was done.

So today, I'm back at work and having to volley the inevitable question of how my holidays were. Because while I received many great gifts and was nicely distracted, there was definitely a hole in my heart this year.
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