
Jan 12, 2015 22:08

Almost getting better at this sleeping thing. Until last night where I waited until 5 am to sleep. Ugh

I've been very productive over the last week or so. Have finished several craft things and started working on a commission. I had hoped to get further tonight. But that 5 am bedtime killed that. So it's only 10 pm and I've sent myself to bed.

I do have to get up early to pick up cookies for a coworker tomorrow who is leaving. Kinda sad to see her leave. :(

Finally got my car back today. I took it to the tires place Sunday after having an almost flat for a week. (I wasn't driving on it...) anyways, they fixed it...kinda. I prob need to get a new rim for that wheel. My dad says I should call the BBB on them for their attitude and how they've treated us. I wanna wait until they fix my tire. Ugh.

Good things--

My last xmas package to a friend arrived!
I may have ordered more stonehenge fabrics
I'm off Friday (but work Saturday)
My boss loves me.
And we are supposed to get up to the 40's this weekend!!! Hurrah. I'm tired of the frozen hell.

Today, I saw a big yellow shiny ball in the sky. It skeered me.

Hey guys? I love you. All of you.
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