Title: Destruction
House: Ravenclaw
Words: 100
Characters/Pairings: Padma/Pansy, Parvati
Author's Note: For challenge #45, The Moral of the Story. "We often give our enemies the means for our own destruction."
Femslash, would be rated PG-13 or R. Uncut version
hereIt was good for the twins to be separate, Padma decided. After all, she cared
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Comments 4
The first one was good, too, but the second - sigh.
Good job! :)
The last one is great.
The first one was also excellent...very disturbing with the betrayal of sorts.
Does your name, "I found you. I will always find you," refer to the line Willow says to Tara in Buffy? I love that line. ^_^
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