The Thing That Really Matters/Experience Taught Me Better/That Old Muggle Thing/Tonight is the Night

Jan 10, 2008 18:52

Title: The Thing That Really Matters
House: Ravenclaw
Word Count: 100.
Characters: Draco Malfoy

At first, he had believed that what mattered most was to remember his steps - after all, his dance instructor never tired of insisting on how crucial that point was.

Then, he had thought that the most important was to be the best-dressed dancer, and to attend the most magnificent balls with the most beautiful woman of the room at his arm and no one else's.

But the day he saw his parents dancing together, in the ordinary house they now inhabited, at the sound of the radio, Draco realised what it was he had missed in his reasoning all along.

Title: Experience Taught Me Better
House: Ravenclaw
Word Count: 100.
Characters/Pairing: Oliver/Pansy, Pansy's mother

"Pansy? Did you notice that woman who kept staring at us while we were dancing?"

"I don't think I did. What was she like?"

"Short, dark hair, a green dress. There, it's her, near the window over there."

Pansy craned her neck in the direction Oliver had indicated, and grimaced. Of course, she would be there. "My mother," she informed him shortly.

"Oh! Should I ask her for a dance, then? She seemed like she would like that, earlier."

You bet she would. "We are no longer on speaking terms, Ollie." Not since I caught her with my previous boyfriend.

Title: That Old Muggle Thing
House: Ravenclaw
Word Count: 100.
Characters: Neville, Seamus, Ron and Dean.

Neville entered his dormitory to find Seamus jumping rhythmically under Ron's and Dean's amused eyes.

Grabbing his wand, he pointed it on the boy's feet, and cast Finite Incantatum, wondering idly why it hadn't occurred to anyone before.

Seamus stopped, and Dean started to laugh. "See, I told you that it didn't look like dancing. He thought you were under a curse!"

"He wasn't?" asked Neville, befuddled.

The Irish boy crossed his arms over his chest, but didn't answer. Neville turned to Ron, who shrugged, and it was finally Dean who explained. "It's called tap-dancing, Neville. An old Muggle thing…"

Title: Tonight is the Night
House: Ravenclaw
Word Count: 100.
Characters: George, Molly, Charlie/Harry.

"Why don't we ever see you dance, Charlie?" asked George, sitting down next to his brother. Harry's birthday party was about to start, and everything was ready at the Burrow.

That question caught Molly's attention. She leaned forward to see him past Harry, and added cheerfully, "You know that a good dancer can catch any witch he likes."

"Well…" started Charlie, feeling Harry tense next to him. Still wondering how to answer, he heard Harry take a deep breath, and say, "You know, I think he might dance tonight, Molly."

Charlie turned his head towards Harry. Tonight? he mouthed, unbelieving.

author: benebu

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