Prompt List - Adult (18+)

Apr 30, 2012 00:39

The prompts on this list...

a) mention explicit sex (and since we're trying to protect minors, they're only visible for adults)
b) can be het/slash/femmeslash/mixed

Characters/Pairing/Gen: Draco/Bloody Baron
Time-period or theme: School years
Place: Slytherin dorms, Draco's four poster
Emotion: Longing
Sense: Touch (denied in this case)
Action: Draco wanking for/in front of the Bloody Baron. Draco on his back on his bed, maybe pinching a nipple while he gets himself off. The Bloody Baron lying on his side, head propped up, while he watches lustily.
Maximum rating: As high as you want to go
Squicks: scat, bondage, spanking, feminized men, androgyny, cross-dressing, creature anything

Characters/Pairing/Gen: top!krum/bottom!male of your choice
Time-period or theme: willing to lose, losing to win
Place: just emptied quidditch stadium
Emotion: lust
Sense: touch
Object: brooms (don't have to be utilized, just laying to the side)
Action: hair pulling and/or nails digging
Mood: domination
Maximum rating: as high as possible!
Squicks: scat/watersports

Characters/Pairing/Gen: Any Potter/Malfoy men combination
Time-period or theme: Creature claiming
Place: Malfoy Manor
Emotion: Lust
Sense: Touch
Object: Feather
Action: Biting
Mood: Storming
Maximum rating: Any
Squicks: Extreme Body Fluids

Drabble: He was shocked out of his fantasy when Scorpius cried, "Found one! Your turn."

"Damn it," Albus muttered, having nearly forgotten the game in his perusal of Scorpius. He got to his feet and unbuttoned his trousers. The game was nearly at an end; Albus had only one item of clothing remaining.

He draped his trousers over the back of his chair and glanced only once at Scorpius, whose grey eyes were fixed on Albus' crotch. No, not straight at all, then, Albus thought in a rush of glee. Albus sat back in his chair with a thump, cock already thickening despite his desperate attempt to keep it from standing at attention. At least Scorpius could not see it behind the desk.

"Got it!" Albus crowed a minute later, having judiciously used his spell to skim through the pages at breakneck speed.

"You can't possibly read that fast!"

Maximum rating: NC-17
Author & the link: dysonrules link
Squicks: -

Drabble: The French boy Padma was with after abandoning her partner at the Yule Ball had led her into the gardens. Everything around them was lit by fairy lights. […]

Not too far away from them stood a Slytherin girl entwined in a heated embrace with someone much smaller and slimmer than her. It was only when the Slytherin girl lifted her companion up and placed her on a pillar so they were on eye level that Padma saw […] that it was another girl. Seeing those big hands hold onto the girl's slender hips, rubbing gentle circles, then tracing upwards, touching her waist and then tangling in the girl’s dark hair to draw her into a kiss made something hot coil deep down in Padma.

Her mouth fell open and it wasn’t in shock; as she watched, the insistent boy kept trying to feel her up. She could almost pretend that it was the big girl running her hands all over her body and once that image had taken hold of her mind, she couldn’t suppress a moan. Encouraged, the boy became more frantic in his ministrations, trying to pull her into a kiss, but she pulled her face away, she needed to be able to see.

Maximum rating: R
Squicks: All the hardcore kinks

Also, this is Millicent/Padma (just as a hint, because I had to cut it down before it would fit in length. XD

Drabble:“You silly woman,” Millie said fondly, pressing another kiss to Padma’s forehead. “Why didn’t you go to bed?”

“It didn’t feel right.” Padma mumbled, feeling groggy from lack of sleep. “I didn’t want to…” sleep alone, she wanted to say, but couldn’t get the words out.

Millie stood up in one smooth motion and then gathered Padma up in her arms, blanket and all. Padma wrapped her arms around Millie’s neck, like a damsel in distress would have and didn’t mind one bit. She nuzzled her face into Millie’s neck and was content to remain just where she was, feeling utterly cherished and safe. Millie kissed the crown of her head and then carefully carried her up to their bedroom. Padma was lowered down with a tenderness that she knew was all for her. Millie shrugged out of her coat and carelessly let it drop to the floor, toeing of her boots while never breaking eye-contact. She advanced on Padma like a tigress, making her feel both like prey and treasure. Padma shivered in anticipation. She was not to be disappointed.

Maximum rating:NC-17
Squicks: the hardcore stuff

Drabble:I watch him twist and turn as he slices and lunges at them. It looks like a beautiful dance of death and destruction. We are both well versed in it. He’s a creature of unequalled grace. […] The battle is almost over. I always have his back. We can never be sure there aren’t more coming, but I get to watch him fight and when he fights, he is beautiful.

He dips and thrusts one more time, neatly decapitating the last infected standing, or rather crawling. He turns to me then, his chest heaving, sweat glistening on his brow and grinning that stupidly adorable grin of his. I just want to grab him then, mark him, devour him and make him mine. I want to run my hands along that heaving chest and want the reason he’s wet with perspiration to be because of what I’m doing to him.

[…] I fix the image of him standing there, in all his glory, his cheeks red from exertion, his eyes sparkling with mirth and a fierce kind of possessive joy that I will savour later, in my memory.

Maximum rating:NC-17
Squicks: scat, watersports

A further note, that's Albus Severus fighting there and Scorpius watching him. They have katanas to fight with and it's basically them standing in the middle of lots of killed zombies. Uhm, yeah. :D So it's lots of gore and blood and guts. :)

Characters/Pairing/Gen: Draco/Albus Severus
Time-period or theme: Work Sex
Place: A Ministry Elevator
Emotion: Passion
Sense: Taste
Object: A Silk Tie
Action: Rimming, Blowjob, Biting, French Kissing... Any of those... I'm not real picky actually
Mood: Sensual
Maximum rating:NC 17
Squicks: Watersports, Scat, Hardcore Gore, and Femmeslash

Drabble: This is an excerpt from the story "A Forbidden Bond" by hpfangirl71: Ron had come away from the game hot and sweaty from his role as Keeper and a bit irate over the twins’ incessant teasing as well. He’d announced loudly to everyone present that he was going to take a shower and Charlie, as the rest had, let it go at that. He’d thought nothing more of it until he had seen his younger brother emerging from the shower, clad in nothing but a well-placed towel. His body was well-toned and dripping water enticingly from his mostly naked form, suddenly sending a twitch straight to Charlie’s groin. His face had grown as red as his hair at such randy thoughts.
Maximum rating: As high as the artist feels the need
Squicks: Watersports, Scat, Hardcore Gore and Femmeslash

Characters/Pairing/Gen: Harry/Severus
Time-period or theme: Any
Place: Hogwarts library
Emotion: Lust
Action: Wall sex
Maximum rating: nc-17

Characters/Pairing/Gen: Hermione Granger x Theodore Nott
Time-period or theme: School years (A/U, 7th year characters)
Place: Library
Emotion: Passion, Love
Sense: Touch, Sight, Taste
Object: Slytherin tie used as a blindfold, red satin knickers, Restricted Section sign
Action: Passionate kissing & sex against the wall
Mood: Night time, lantern light
Maximum rating: NC-17
Squicks: Characters under 16, anal, blond Theo (he's dark-haired!)

Characters/Pairing/Gen: Ginny Weasley x Blaise Zabini
Time-period or theme: Hogwarts Halloween (A/U, 7th year Blaise)
Place: anywhere inside or outside of Hogwarts grounds
Emotion: Lust, Passion
Sense: Taste, Touch, Sound
Object: Male pirate outfit, Slave girl outfit (with collar)
Action: Sex from behind
Mood: Moonlight or candlelight
Maximum rating:NC-17
Squicks: Characters under 16, Fanion!Blaise (stick to canon appearance, please)

Characters/Pairing/Gen: Draco Malfoy x Lily Luna Potter
Time-period or theme: Dom/sub
Place: Malfoy Manor (any room or garden outside)
Emotion: Lust, Passion
Sense: Touch, Taste
Object:Collar with heart charm, garters & stockings (any colour)
Action:Something light BDSM sexual (artist's choice)
Mood:Nighttime, light from a lit magical hearth nearby
Maximum rating:NC-17
Squicks: Characters under age 16, facial cum shots, whipping/cropping (spanking OK), cutting, blood play, breath play, balding or fat Draco (make him older, but still sexy and refined for his age).

Characters/Pairing/Gen: Severus/Sirius or Severus/Remus
Time-period or theme:
Emotion: Anger
Object: Belt
Action: Wall!Sex
Mood: Moonlight or candlelight
Maximum rating: NC17
Squicks: Scat, Golden Showers, Torture, Tragedy

Drabble: What Happens in the Potions Lab... [R] (RL/SS)
Maximum rating: NC17
Squicks: Naked!Slughorn, Graphic Violence

Drabble: Courting: Slytherin Style [R] (RL/SS)
Maximum rating: R
Squicks: Torture, Violence

Drabble: Bumper Crop [R] (RL/SS)
Maximum rating: NC17
Squicks: No Humor, No Love

Drabble: “Come, show me how much you like your gifts, my love.” Chocolate syrup…or warm brandy over vanilla ice cream…that voice was dessert as sound, a delicacy of tonal harmonies that whipped the passion inside the lycanthrope to a fever-pitch. He moaned as the hand slipped down to curve around his neck and pulled him closer for yet another kiss. Severus almost didn’t release his lover, but they both enjoyed the modelling after one of Severus’ shopping expeditions.

Standing up and at ease in his crimson stilettos, the lycanthrope backed away with a flirtatious smile. “You spoil me, Severus.” Remus’ voice was soft, as soft as the indigo blue silk ready to slither over his arms and down his body to swirl gently around his hips. He pulled the slinky confection from its wrapping paper and posed in front of the bedroom window. The scars on his body seemed fainter in the shimmer of the evening sun, framed by the spaghetti straps of the knee-length silk sheath. From: Stilettos and Leather (RL/SS) NC17
Maximum rating: NC17
Squicks: Graphic Violence

Drabble: Want by hamimifk | Pairing: McGongall/Hooch (pre-series)

Minerva always fancied the Quidditch captain of her year. She often spent games screaming her name like a lovestruck fan girl. But Rolanda didn't even cast a glance in her direction during games or after them. She wondered why that was, especially given they were housemates and all. So she devised a plan, for she was crafty as such.

Rolanda smirked at the 'boy' on his knees before her. His dark hair spilled delicately over her thighs from beneath his hat. His pretty lips were attached to her clit and doing magnificent things to her.

"Oh Minerva..." she sighed.
Maximum rating: NC17
Squicks: Scat, vomit, gore, vore, creatures, bestiality

Drabble: Go by hamimifk | Pairing: Bellatrix/Hermione

"Such a filthy whore," Bellatrix cooed.

Shifting, Hermione tried to ignore the pressure in her bladder. Any moment. A sneeze and she was done.

"Do you have to go?"

Hermione gave a small nod.

Forcing her against the wall, Bellatrix reached beneath Hermione's skirt and tugged at her panties. Roughly, she tugged the material so it rubbed against the girl's clit and pressed her palm to the lower part of Hermione's stomach. Wincing at the conflicting feelings that twinged in her nether regions, Hermione bit the inside of her lip.

"Then go," Bellatrix purred.

Another tug and Hermione blushed brightly.
Maximum rating: NC17
Squicks: Scat, vomit, gore, vore, creatures, bestiality

Drabble: Class Vibrations by hamimifk | Pairing: Hermione/Pansy

She hadn't thought Hermione had been serious at first.

In class now, Pansy crossed her legs beneath the table but that only helped to exasperate her situation. Across the room, she found brown eyes watching her, amused -- Bitch. If only she could remove it herself, but Hermione had taken measures with magic to assure she couldn't.

Then it began to vibrate.

Face red, Pansy gripped the edge of her desk tightly and prayed no one was looking. The vibrations trembled through her nether regions until she felt like her whole body was vibrating.

She was going to kill Hermione.
Maximum rating: NC17
Squicks: Scat, vomit, gore, vore, creatures, bestiality

Drabble: Blood and Glass by hamimifk | Pairing: Fred/George

Glass shards sparkle like a million stars strewn across the wooden floor as the sun's rays keep them alit. Barefoot and panting, George leans against a wall nearby, eyeing his twin across the room. The taste of blood, disdain, and something bitter lingers on his lips.

Lust. Bitter lust and desire.

Bruises trail the length of identical pale arms, some faint; old. Each one can tell its own story. A fight up one arm. Over eagerness down another.

Fred spits blood onto the floor near the glass shards as if to snuff out their brilliance but missing. His lips are sliced from a blow to the mouth, yet he smirks at his brother. Even naked, bruised, and bloody, he's still filled with snark and childish glee.

He'll paint his brother's bruised flesh with the blood on his lips soon.

Angry at himself, George will let him as the bitter taste on his lips slips into his mouth and down his throat, choking him until he can retch it up and let the anger take hold again.

They'll be more blood and glass on the floor soon.
Maximum rating: NC17
Squicks: Scat, vomit, gore, vore, creatures, bestiality

Drabble: From Long Hours of Constant Darkness by kinky_kneazle

Then he heard the unmistakable sound of a hand moving over hard flesh. Harry had shared a dorm room for six years. He knew what that sound was.

"Are you wanking?"

This time Draco's groan was pure annoyance. "I thought I told you to shut up, Potter."

"You couldn't wait until you got back to your room?"

"I don't want to wait. Please don't let my enjoyment stop you from finding yours."

Harry tried to tell himself that it was a hard decision, but by the time he'd thought 'I guess I could', he was already moaning at the feel of hand on cock. Harry didn't have to search for images to fuel his fantasy. He turned to face the wall that linked their two showers and leaned his forehead against it, before letting his imagination run free.

Draco's hair would be wet and clinging to his neck. The muscles in his shoulder and arm would be flexing as he moved it with agonising slowness, trying to draw the pleasure out. Draco would be leaning against the same wall, he told himself, and Harry put his spare hand on the wall, imagining that Draco's hand was at the same place on the other side.

Maximum rating: NC-17
Squicks: non-con, dub-con, really effeminate looking men.

Characters/Pairing/Gen: Snape/Draco/Harry
Time-period or theme: Post war
Sense: sight, touch, taste
Object: dessert
Action: blowjobs, foodsmut
Mood: passion
Maximum rating: NC-17

Characters/Pairing/Gen: Harry/Hermione
Time-period or theme: after Hogwarts, cheating
Place: Hotel bedroom
Emotion: lust
Sense: touch and taste
Object: bed with iron bars in the headboard
Action: Hermione holding the iron bars with both hands, Harry spooning from behind
Mood: domination
Maximum rating: as high as possible!
Squicks: scat/watersports

Characters/Pairing/Gen: Harry/Hermione
Time-period or theme: after Hogwarts, cheating
Place: bathroom
Emotion: lust
Sense: touch and taste
Object: the shower
Action: wallsex under the water spray
Mood: excited
Maximum rating: as high as possible!
Squicks: scat/watersports

genre: slash, mod: prompt list, genre: femmeslash, genre: het

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