About the Prompt List

Apr 30, 2012 00:40

There are 7 lists with an amazing total of 331 prompts. We split them into 6 different categories:

+) gen
+) het
+) slash (part 1)
+) slash (part 2)
+) femmeslash
+) mixed
+) adult

Every post has an explanation about the kind of prompts you'll find on the list, so we hope it's clear enough and that you'll find the prompts you're looking for. If you're confused and have any questions, don't hesitate to leave a comment to this post, email us or PM one of the mods.

If you notice any major mistakes on the prompt lists (such as 2 prompts having the same number), please let us know as soon as possible so we can fix it. If you see one of your prompts and think it's on the wrong list, let us know about that as well. We might have to switch things around a little and move some prompts to different lists, but their numbers will not change - unless there are 2 prompts with the same number (which I don't think is the case, but you never know).

We will post a reminder of the rules for claiming and will specify when exactly the claiming prompt will go up for those of you who have one prompt they absolutely want.

For now, have fun perusing the lists and getting ready for claiming!

And now, just to clarify:


mod: prompt list

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