Prompt List - Mixed

Apr 30, 2012 00:38

The prompts on this list...

a) focus on the romantic relationship between more than two people
b) contain two different genres (i.e. slash and het, or slash and femmeslash, etc.)
c) the prompter lets you choose between two genres (i.e. gen or het, het or slash, etc.)
d) the prompt was hard to categorize or didn't really fit into any of the other categories

Characters/Pairing/Gen: minerva/severus OR minerva & severus
Time-period or theme: harry and co's 7th year
Place: headmaster's office
Emotion: weary
Object: wand
Maximum rating: any
Squicks: scat/watersports

Characters/Pairing/Gen: Severus Snape (with a slash pairing or by himself)
Time-period or theme: “Severus Snape, the positions master”
Emotion: could be crack or could be sexy
Object: Pun
Action: Snape in his private quarters in a yoga pose
Maximum rating: NC-17
Squicks: pairing him with an underage character.

Characters/Pairing/Gen: Draco/Harry, Blaise/Hermione, Ron/Astoria
Time-period or theme: AU!Canon or post-canon; definitely EWE
Action: DM/HD, BZ/HG and RW/AG on a triple-date! (Or, if that's a bit much, DM/HD and BZ/HG on a double.) What this date consists of is up to you. Dinner? A movie? A mishap with a pelican while trying to enjoy a snowy beach while a tsunami wave rises up sneakily in the background?
Maximum rating: NC-17
Squicks: Mpreg, threesomes/moresomes, girly!Draco

Characters/Pairing/Gen: Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter
Time-period or theme: Post-Hogwarts
Place: A medical facility (St. Mungo's or other)
Emotion: Exasperated, argumentative, frustrated, stubborn (whoo!)
Object: Medicine
Action: Healer Malfoy arguing heatedy with Auror Potter about how yes, famous or not, he does have to take his bloody medicine, thank you. Intimidated-by-Malfoy or Starstruck-by-Potter nurses/other Healers in the background are a bonus. And now, for an inspirational blurb!
    "Really, I feel fine," Harry insisted, smiling disarmingly. The nurse was clearly wavering, looking from the phial in her hand to the famous Auror before her. Her cheeks were getting pinker and pinker, and Harry had just thought Gotcha!--
    When the door opened and none other than Malfoy stormed in.
    Harry's smile dropped instantly, replaced by disbelief. "Malfoy? What are--"
    "For the love of Paeon, Potter, this is the third bloody time this month you've got the whole damn hospital in a swooning riot," Malfoy interrupted. "If you don't take that healing potion and get your irritating arse out of my hospital in the next ten seconds, I'm going to hex you insensible, drain it down your throat, and throw you out into the street!"
    Irritation at his childhood rival overrode Harry's shock at seeing Malfoy here, apparently working as a Healer judging by his white robes. "Sod off, Malfoy. You wouldn't dare treat m-- a patient like that," he scoffed. He couldn't, however, help feeling slightly nervous; his own wand had been checked in at the counter, a mandatory regulation after too many scared, anxious patients would accidentally hex the hospital's staff in a panic.
    A dangerous gleam glinted in the cool, grey eyes. "Oh, really?" the Slytherin alumnus asked in quiet, measured tones. Rolling up his sleeves-- and apparently careless of the ugly red lines that remained of the Dark Mark-- he raised his wand and advanced.
Maximum rating: R, I suspect, for potential swearing or mild violence, but I don't really care =)
Squicks: NA

Characters/Pairing/Gen: Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy, +optional any of their friends
Time-period or theme: Canon, post-canon
Emotion: Amused or horrified
Object: Sherlock (the BBC series)
Action: Harry and Draco (+optional any of their friends) discussing the Johnlock relationship and realising they're rather amusingly/disturbingly like Snape and Lupin. (+optional: A little side-shot of Snape and Lupin having a similar discussion would be love!) (+optional: Hinting at [or obvious] Drarry would be extra love!)
Maximum rating: G for Harry/Draco/etc., PG-13 for Snape and Lupin ;)
Squicks: Beautifying (or monsterifying) Snape or Lupin

Characters/Pairing/Gen: Harry or Draco or Both :D
Time-period or theme: Post-war, Aurors
Place: artist's choice
Emotion: Passion, maybe a little hint of anger
Sense: artist's choice
Object: Auror robes and wands
Action: an action pose of some sort like having wands drawn or something like a powerful stance :)
Mood: Intense
Maximum rating: NC-17
Squicks: gore, dark!art

Characters/Pairing/Gen: Antonin Dolohov, any of the following: Regulus, Severus, Barty, Evan, Wilkes, Avery, Mulciber
Time-period or theme: First War, Death Eater training
Object: Wand
Action: Spell casting
Maximum rating: PG-13
Squicks: mpreg, incest, violence exceeding PG-13 rating, hardcore kink (scat, necro, bloodplay, etc), BDSM, pedophilia, bestiality

Characters/Pairing/Gen: Snape/Harry/Hermione
Time-period or theme: vampires
Place: Hogwarts dungeons or Great Hall
Emotion: lust
Sense: smell, taste
Action: drinking blood (fornicating would be a bonus), with or without an audience
Mood: sensual candlelight/moonlight
Maximum rating: NC-17
Squicks: none!!!

Characters/Pairing/Gen: Harry/Ginny/Draco
Time-period or theme: EWE
Place: Gryffindor Common Room
Object: Quidditch Robe
Mood: Celebratory
Maximum rating: NC17
Squicks: Torture, Golden Showers, Scat, Tragedy

Characters/Pairing/Gen: Severus/Luna/Remus
Time-period or theme:
Place: Stonehenge
Sense: Touch
Action: Tattooing
Maximum rating: NC17
Squicks: Scat, Torture, Tragedy, Golden Showers

Characters/Pairing/Gen: Harry/Draco/Ginny
Time-period or theme:
Place: Quidditch Changing Rooms
Sense: Taste
Object: Broom
Mood: Bright
Maximum rating: NC17
Squicks: Unhappiness

Characters/Pairing/Gen: Lily/James & Harry/Draco
Time-period or theme:
Place: Godric's Hollow
Object: Picture
Mood: Moonlight
Maximum rating: NC17
Squicks: Unhappiness, Torture

Characters/Pairing/Gen: Hagrid & Severus/Luna/Remus
Time-period or theme:
Sense: Hearing
Object: Dragon Shell
Action: Bondage
Mood: Sunshine, Spring
Maximum rating: NC17
Squicks: Scat, Torture, Unhappiness

Characters/Pairing/Gen: Filius Flitwick & Severus/Remus/Minerva
Time-period or theme:
Place: Hogwarts
Emotion: Pride
Object: Cloak
Mood: Green
Maximum rating: NC17
Squicks: Scat, Foot Fetish, Torture

Characters/Pairing/Gen: Lucius/Narcissa & Severus/Remus
Time-period or theme: EWE
Place: Malfoy Manor
Object: Table
Action: Competition
Mood: Sexy, Humorous, Loving
Maximum rating: NC17
Squicks: Unhappiness, Violence

Characters/Pairing/Gen: Luna/Neville & Severus/Remus
Time-period or theme:
Place: Greenhouse Three
Emotion: Excited
Object: "improved" Asphodel
Action: Harvesting
Mood: Green, growing, positive, hopeful
Maximum rating: NC17
Squicks: Scat, Golden Showers

Characters/Pairing/Gen: Severus/Narcissa/Remus
Time-period or theme: Elizabethan England
Place: a Shakespearean setting
Emotion: Happiness
Object: Pearl necklace
Action: meeting the Fairies
Mood: Flowery, Gemlike, Shakespeare's England
Maximum rating: NC17
Squicks: Gore, Torture, Violence

Characters/Pairing/Gen: Harry/Hermione/Draco & The Giant Squid
Time-period or theme: Sacrifice
Place: The Black Lake
Sense: Touch
Object: Blindfold
Action: Walking the Plank
Maximum rating: R
Squicks: Graphic Violence, Torture

Characters/Pairing/Gen: Minerva/other
Time-period or theme: Roaring Twenties
Place: Speakeasy
Object: Monocle
Action: Revealing
Mood: Sharp, Bright, Unknowing, Rebellion
Maximum rating: NC17
Squicks: Violence, Torture, Golden Showers

Characters/Pairing/Gen: Severus/Lily & Luna/Remus & Severus/Remus
Time-period or theme: The Gay Nineties (1890's)
Place: a ballroom
Emotion: Jealousy
Sense: Hearing
Object: Top Hat
Action: Whispering
Mood: Secretive, Shadowy
Maximum rating: NC17
Squicks: Violence, Torture, Golden Showers

Characters/Pairing/Gen: Severus/Luna/Remus
Time-period or theme: The Gay Nineties (1890's)
Place: a ballroom
Emotion: Pride
Sense: Touch
Object: silk dress
Action: dancing
Mood: Proud, Bright, Filled with Motion
Maximum rating: NC17
Squicks: Violence, Torture, Golden Showers

Characters/Pairing/Gen: Peeves & Slytherin/Ravenclaw & Slytherin/Gryffindor
Time-period or theme: Celtic Scotland
Place: a sacred stone circle
Emotion: Passion
Sense: Touch
Object: girdle
Action: Spying
Mood: Secretive, Shadowy, Partially-revealing
Maximum rating: NC17
Squicks: Violence, Torture, Golden Showers

Characters/Pairing/Gen: Severus/Remus/Lily
Time-period or theme: Sex Magic
Place: Artist's Choice
Emotion: Love
Object: Pendant
Action: Rocking
Mood: Lazy, Sated, Rumpled, Replete
Maximum rating: NC17
Squicks: Violence, Scat, Golden Showers, Unhappiness

Characters/Pairing/Gen: Draco/Hermione/Harry
Time-period or theme: War
Place: Grimmauld Place
Emotion: Yearning
Sense: Touch
Mood: Moonlight (or Wandlight)
Maximum rating: NC-17
Squicks: Mpreg, Noncon

Characters/Pairing/Gen: Draco/Hermione/Harry
Time-period or theme: Post-war (EWE)
Emotion: Playful
Object: Lipstick/gloss
Action: Applying makeup (including one or both boys)
Maximum rating: NC-17
Squicks: Mpreg, Noncon

Drabble: A/N: The narrator is Draco.
I bring her forward, our breaths shared in the dwindling space, and press my mouth to hers firmly, her lips a pliant force beneath mine. My eyes shut so tightly, yet the sun shines through anyway, an orange-red glow. Like the day's been waiting for this.

I feel a hand on my arm and Potter's presence at my back just as Granger ends the kiss, and I lick my lips, gathering the taste of her. She looks expectantly over my shoulder, and I turn to find him right there, the sun a bright globe reflected in both lenses of his glasses. I can't see what shade of green his eyes are, but I know his intent when he leans in. I shove him away, both hands on his chest, just for the sake of it. Because I have to. He grabs my collar, yanks me forward, and I clutch at the sides of his shirt as if I mean to struggle, but I don't, I just hold on as he crushes our mouths together.

And the day is ending, and it keeps ending.

Maximum rating: M/R
Squicks: Nothing that can be found in the drabble/scene.

Characters/Pairing/Gen: Harry, Snape (or Harry/Snape)
Time-period or theme: Post War
Place: Hogwarts
Object: Quill
Maximum rating: NC-17
Squicks: Mpreg

Characters/Pairing/Gen: Draco and Kreacher - if you want to pair someone with Draco here or include other characters, I'm good with all of that
Time-period or theme: Could be Post-war or during
Place: Number 12 Grimmauld Place
Action: Kreacher has a fistful of Draco's robes and is looking up at him with big, sycophantic eyes because a Black is back in Grimmauld Place. Draco is, of course, disgusted and sneering because this aging house-elf is touching him.
Maximum rating: Wherever you want to go with it is fine by me!
Squicks: feminized men, androgyny, cross-dressing, bondage, spanking


Snowflakes outline the London skyline with a glittering ribbon of fairy-dust. It reaches across the night sky all the way to Wiltshire where snow has been falling steadily for days. A heavy, black-lacquered sleigh is gliding quietly across the endless white. Invisible to Muggles and those innocent of death, four harnessed Thestrals are running in front of it, their breath like smoke in the frosty air. From the sleigh, huddled in thick layers of cloth, a figure directs their path. The silvery shine of his hair gives him away: the Master of the Manor is riding the countryside again.

from: The Moon King
Maximum rating: whatever rating is needed
Squicks: non-canon looks of Draco and the Thestrals

Time-period or theme:
Place: Hogwarts
Emotion: Relief/Bliss
Object: Time Turner
Action: Marriage
Mood: Happiness
Maximum rating:
Squicks: none

Characters/Pairing/Gen: Remus Lupin and Regulus Black
Time-period or theme: School (year 5 to 7 as please you)
Place: Hogwarts
Emotion: a little bit of sadness, incertainty
Sense: touch
Action: Remus and Regulus have just crossed past each other in a Hogwarts corridor (each with their respective friends). They turn to look at each other but don't dare to stop because as Gryffindor and Slitherin, they're not supposed to like each other. (Maybe they can brush against each other's fingers in passing when no one's looking, though?)

Characters/Pairing/Gen: Harry Potter, Susan Bones, Harry/Susan
Time-period or theme: Heaven
Place: meadow
Emotion: happiness, love
Object: flying broomstrick
Action: flying, kissing
Maximum rating: pg-13
Squicks: anal, oral, weird fetishes, erotic descriptions (cum, clit,etc) infidelity, OOC-ness, violent!Harry,

Characters/Pairing/Gen: Harry/Draco or Harry/Draco/Hermione
Emotion: pleasure, passion, love
Object: wands, magic tendrils
Action: sex magic
Mood: intense, magical,
Maximum rating: NC-17

genre: slash, genre: gen, mod: prompt list, genre: femmeslash, genre: het

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