Prompt List - Femmeslash

Apr 30, 2012 00:37

The prompts on this list are...

+) focused on the romantic relationship between two women/girls

Characters/Pairing/Gen: Ginny/Luna
Time-period or theme: Late teens
Emotion: Tenderness
Sense: Taste
Object: High heels
Action: Hand-holding
Mood: Soft light, fluffy
Maximum rating: NC-17
Squicks: N/A

Drabble: The weather is terrible that day, but who could say no to Luna when she stands outside of Millicent’s flat and waves up at her, wearing her bright yellow Wellingtons and seeking shelter underneath a rainbow coloured umbrella.

Luna hands Millicent the umbrella and then links her arm with Millicent’s[…]. They keep bumping into each other occasionally as they walk.

“I like the sound of water,” Luna says and for once Millicent thinks she knows exactly what she means. Water doesn’t just have one sound, but the ones they hear right now take away the gloom that rain usually brings. Every step they take makes a small splashing noise as they walk, while the pitter patter of raindrops on their umbrella cocoons them in a world of their own.

“Me, too,” […]

“I sometimes imagine the different splashes to be made of up of different colours, like the ones on the umbrella, they’d be orange and pink and some of them maybe even green or blue, depending on where they hit and how loud they are. The ones we make when we walk would be yellow I think, but the warm kind of yellow from a summer afternoon.”

Maximum rating: R
Squicks: all the hardcore kinks. I doubt this prompt lends itself to that though.

Drabble: The butterfly house seems almost as large as the aviary […].

The air around them is full of butterflies in all shapes and sizes. […] Millicent can’t seem to move, her gaze is fixed on Luna who is laughing in delight as their feather-light wings brush against her cheeks. They swirl and dance around her as she stands there bathed in warm golden light from the artificial sun hovering high up under the ceiling.

In the end only a single pale butterfly […] remains. It sits on the back of Luna’s left hand and slowly fans its fragile wings.

Millicent approaches carefully […]. The butterfly is still flapping its wings lazily and lets the two women examine it.

“It’s beautiful,” Millicent whispers in awe, not knowing whether she means the butterfly or the woman in front of her.

“Isn’t it just? I believe this one is called Aurora Morpho[…].”

Their eyes meet and neither of them notices when the butterfly flies away[…]. Millicent’s hand is on Luna’s arm and she is painfully aware of how close they stand. She can see Luna’s pulse flicker and jump along the smooth expanse of her neck.

Maximum rating: R
Squicks: all the hardcore kinks

Drabble: Her hand is on Millicent’s chin, pulling it up. […] She can’t meet Luna’s eyes. Luna is crouching before her, looking at the injured side of her face and gently runs her fingers along the skin.

Millicent suddenly finds herself with a lap full of Luna. Luna leans in and places dozens of kisses along each line of broken skin. Millicent’s eyes flutter closed in pleasure. She can’t quite believe this is really happening, but when Luna’s lips finally find hers, all doubt leaves her.

Luna’s lips feel soft on hers. They are unsure at first, only lightly kissing as if waiting for permission. Millicent can’t suppress the whimper that escapes her. This seems to have been all Luna has been waiting for because her kisses turn from tender to devouring in seconds and Millicent can’t do anything but let it happen. This beautiful peculiar thing that is burning her up from the inside.

Eventually they have to stop to catch their breaths. Millicent’s eyes are closed and Luna has gone back to cradling Millicent’s head in her hands and rests her forehead against Millicent’s. Luna places a chaste kiss on Millicent’s lips and rubs her nose against Millicent’s.

Maximum rating: R
Squicks: All the hardcorse kinks

Pairing: Minerva McGonagall/Rolanda Hooch
Time-period or theme: PoA
Place: Hooch's rooms
Object: Harry's Firebolt (when McG takes it to be de-jinxed)
Mood: UST
Maximum rating: any
Squicks: crack!art

Pairing: Pomona Sprout/Poppy Pomfrey
Time-period or theme: healing
Place: Hogwarts hospital wing
Maximum rating: any
Squicks: medical implements used as sex toys; crack!art

Pairing: Minerva McGonagall/Irma Pince
Time-period or theme:
Place: Hogwarts library
Maximum rating:any
Squicks: crack!art

Pairing: Minerva McGonagall/Amelia Bones
Time-period or theme:
Place: Ministery -- Magical Law Enforcement offices
Sense: sight
Object: monocle
Maximum rating: any
Squicks: crack!art

Characters/Pairing/Gen: Minerva McGonagall/Madam Rosmerta
Time-period or theme:
Place: Three Broomsticks after closing
Sense: taste
Action: drinking
Maximum rating: any
Squicks: crack!art

Characters/Pairing: McGonagall/any female
Time-period or theme:
Place: Hogwarts
Emotion: peaceful
Object: witch's hat
Mood: cosy
Maximum rating: any
Squicks: crack!art, teacher/student

Characters/Pairing/Gen: Fleur/Hermione
Time-period or theme: post war
Place: in a grassy backyard (Fleur's garden?)
Emotion: playful and/or naughty
Sense: smell
Object: collar
Action: stroking
Mood: under the sun
Maximum rating: any
Squicks: peeing, mutilation (between these two, anyways)

Drabble: Afternoon Delight (McGonagall/Hooch)
Maximum rating: any
Squicks: none which might apply

Late afternoon sunlight spilled in golden patterns across the bedroom, glinting warmly off brass and making polished wood gleam. Minerva felt the unforgiving press of the bed against her spine as her lover crowded her into the mattress. She turned her head, rubbing her cheek against the cool slick slide and rough teasing bite of silk and lace. She breathed, head spinning with the intoxicating perfume of her lover’s body. Beyond the door, she could hear the faint muffled sounds of the castle: another ordinary day, footfalls and laughter and curses and clatter. Here, though, it was silent but for their quickened breath and the soft sound of skin sliding on skin. She sought Rolanda’s lips with her own, and then relaxed completely into her embrace, surrendering to the perfection of a single moment.

Drabble: Drinking Buddies by hamimifk | Pairing: Hermione/Ginny/Luna/Pansy

Hermione's memory was a little fuzzy from firewhiskey, else she'd have been able to remember who had started the kissing.

As it was, Ginny had her pinned to the bed with a hand up her skirt and was currently in the process of sharing a kiss with Pansy, whom had Luna pinned beneath her in much the same fashion as Hermione was.

She wondered if perhaps someone spiked the alcohol - which wasn't a farfetched idea with Pansy.

Things are fuzzy for a bit, but Hermione remembers coming and Pansy and Ginny switching positions. It was a good night, in all.
Maximum rating: NC17
Squicks: Scat, vomit, gore, vore, creatures, bestiality

Characters/Pairing/Gen: Hermione/Pansy
Time-period or theme: Any
Place: Hogwarts
Emotion: Annoyance
Sense: touch
Action: kiss and/or laughter
Maximum rating: NC17
Squicks: Scat, vomit, gore, vore, creatures, bestiality

Characters/Pairing/Gen: Ginny/Luna
Time-period or theme: Post war
Place: The Burrow
Emotion: happy
Sense: touch
Object: a tie or scarf
Action: giggling
Mood: rainy
Maximum rating: NC17
Squicks: Scat, vomit, gore, vore, creatures, bestiality

Characters/Pairing/Gen: Roxanne/any next gen girl
Time-period or theme: School years (well, the next gen school years)
Place: Hogwarts grounds
Emotion: nervous
Sense: sight
Object: a flower
Action: licking lips
Mood: setting sun
Maximum rating: PG13
Squicks: Scat, vomit, gore, vore, creatures, bestiality

mod: prompt list, genre: femmeslash

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