Prompt List - Slash - Part 2

Apr 30, 2012 00:36

The prompts on this list are...

+) focused on the romantic relationship between two men/boys

Characters/Pairing/Gen: Harry/Draco
Time-period or theme: Edwardian England
Object: uniform
Action: salute
Mood: Tintype, Sepia, Old-fashioned
Maximum rating: NC17
Squicks: Violence, Torture, Golden Showers

Characters/Pairing/Gen: Severus/Remus
Time-period or theme: The Gay Nineties (1890's)
Place: a park
Sense: Touch
Object: watch chain
Action: Hiding in Plain Sight
Mood: Secretive, Shadowy
Maximum rating: NC17
Squicks: Violence, Torture, Golden Showers

Characters/Pairing/Gen: Severus/Remus & Slytherin/Gryffindor
Time-period or theme: 1000 B.C.E. (during Viking Raids of Scotland)
Place: The Forbidden Forest
Emotion: Protectiveness
Sense: Touch
Object: Shield
Action: Battling
Mood: Dirty, Bloody, Just before the end of a battle, Tired, Hopeful
Maximum rating: NC17
Squicks: Graphic Violence, Torture, Golden Showers

Characters/Pairing/Gen: Severus/Sirius
Time-period or theme: 1790's (during the time of the French Revolution)
Place: a park
Emotion: Anger
Sense: Touch
Object: Cravat
Action: Dueling
Mood: Secretive, Shadowy, Misty Morning, Fog, A sense of doom
Maximum rating: NC17
Squicks: Graphic Violence, Torture, Golden Showers

Characters/Pairing/Gen: Giant Squid/Remus & Severus & Sirius
Time-period or theme: Marauders' Era
Place: The Black Lake
Emotion: Ecstasy
Sense: Touch
Object: Rowboat
Action: Floating
Mood: After Moonset, Misty, Hazy, Fantastical
Maximum rating: NC17
Squicks: Graphic Violence, Gore, Torture

Characters/Pairing/Gen: Voldemort (Tom Riddle), Lucius Malfoy & Severus Snape/Remus Lupin
Time-period or theme: Pirates (~1700's)
Place: the High Seas
Emotion: Unmitigated Joy
Sense: Sight
Object: Pirate Treasure
Action: Plundering
Mood: Excited, Vibrant, Adventurous, Unfettered
Maximum rating: NC17
Squicks: Gore, Graphic Violence, Scat, Golden Showers

Characters/Pairing/Gen: Fenrir/Harry
Time-period or theme:
Place: Forbidden Forest
Emotion: Desire
Sense: Danger (optional)
Action: Foreplay
Maximum rating: NC-17
Squicks: Too much blood, guts, and gore

Characters/Pairing/Gen: Tom (or Voldemort, whatever)/Harry
Time-period or theme: Epilogue compliant (optional)
Place: Dream/Nightmare
Emotion: Fear (Harry), Malice OR Desire (Tom)
Sense: Touch
Object: Dark Mark
Action: Looming
Maximum rating: NC-17
Squicks: none

Characters/Pairing/Gen: Harry/Draco
Time-period or theme: Auror careers
Place: Ministry
Emotion: Want
Action: Touch
Maximum rating: NC-17
Squicks: Non-Con, scat, watersports.

Characters/Pairing/Gen: Remus/Harry
Time-period or theme: AU - Post War
Emotion: Relief
Action: Holding hands/clenching hands
Maximum rating: NC-17

Characters/Pairing/Gen: Harry/Draco
Time-period or theme: Harry and Draco as animals - black vs white - any animal of your choosing - cats, bunnies, horses, mice, bears, etc
Emotion: happiness, peaceful,
Sense: sight, touch,
Action: snuggling or touching or being close together in some way
Maximum rating: um, I think pgish should be fine for this but yknow if you want to draw animal porn that's okay too. lol XD

Characters/Pairing/Gen: Harry/Scorpius
Time-period or theme: Elves
Emotion: Passion
Sense: Sound
Mood: Twilight
Maximum rating: NC-17
Squicks: Mpreg

Characters/Pairing/Gen: Harry/Snape
Time-period or theme: Distant Past!AU
Place: Anywhere in Europe or Asia
Emotion: Fear
Object: Dagger
Action: Having Sex
Mood: Darkness
Maximum rating: NC-17
Squicks: Mpreg

Characters/Pairing/Gen: Lysander and Lorcan Scamander
Time-period or theme: Civil War Era
Place: The Veranda of a Southern Style Mansion
Emotion: Teenage Longing
Sense: Touch or Sight
Object: Hunting Dogs Lying Asleep on the Porch
Action: Sitting Close In a Porch Swing
Mood: Laziness in the Sweaty Heat
Maximum rating: As High as you'd Like... NC 17
Squicks: Watersports, Scat, Hardcore Gore, and Femmeslash

Characters/Pairing/Gen: Draco/Albus S.
Place: Harry's office
Emotion: Anxiety
Object: Blindfold
Action: Stripping
Maximum rating: NC-17
Squicks: Mpreg

Characters/Pairing/Gen: Harry/Draco
Time-period or theme: post-hogwarts
Place: anywhere (somewhere in London would be great)
Emotion: passion, love
Object: Slytherin tie (preferably on Harry)
Action: kissing in the rain
Mood: raining, perhaps a sunshower
Maximum rating: NC-17
Squicks: really feminine boys (but I do love Draco with long hair)

Characters/Pairing/Gen: Harry/Draco
Time-period or theme: post-hogwarts
Place: a stone bridge or a ledge of some sort
Emotion: spontaneity, adventurous, anxious
Object:cut off jeans, tight black shorts (boys are shirtless)
Action: Harry and Draco holding hands as they are about to jump off the bridge/ledge
Mood: dizzy summer day
Maximum rating: any
Squicks: none (but I would love for Draco to have Sectumsempra scars)

Characters/Pairing/Gen:George/Ghost Remus
Time-period or theme:Post-War
Place:Diagon Alley
Object:White Rabbit
Action:Talking to someone that others can't see
Maximum rating:Artist's choice

Characters/Pairing/Gen: Lee Jordan/Draco
Place: Commentators' booth at the Quidditch Pitch, at night, alone
Sense: Touch
Object: Let's say they use something a little more archaic to amplify their voices rather than the Sonorous charm and whatever-it-is has been left on.
Action: Lee and Draco sneak up to the closed commentators' booth for a bit of fun. Maybe Harry could be flying and see them and look all jealous of Lee? *wibbles*
Maximum rating: High as you want to go!
Squicks: feminized men, androgyny, bondage, spanking

Characters/Pairing/Gen: Neville/Draco
Time-period or theme: Post-Hogwarts, Nevvy's a Herbology professor
Place: Greenhouse
Sense: Taste
Action: Neville's cut his finger on something, a trowel/plant/etc., and Draco helpfully pops Neville's finger into his mouth. I don't care why Draco's there, he could be the Potions or DADA professor or just randomly hanging about - it matters not!
Maximum rating: You can go as high as you like. If you decide the plant Neville pricked himself on made him go all randy and they have to screw on the Greenhouse floor than I am cool with that. It is NOT necessary though!
Squicks: feminized men, androgyny, cross-dressing, bondage, spanking

Characters/Pairing/Gen: Snape/Draco
Time-period or theme: Could be Hogwarts Era or Post
Place: Potions classroom
Emotion: Coy
Sense: Sight
Action: Snape and Draco are alone in the Potions room. Draco is helping Snape to prepare the ingredients. Snape is cutting something and Draco is measuring something out but Snape can't keep his eyes off Draco.
Maximum rating: As high as you like!
Squicks: feminized men, androgyny, cross-dressing, bondage, spanking

Characters/Pairing/Gen: Phineas Nigellus Black/Draco
Time-period or theme: Up to you!
Sense: Taste
Action: Draco could be just sulkily talking to Phineas' portrait or he could have gotten sent back to Phineas' time - in which case I would like it to get quite a bit more handsy!
Maximum rating: NC-17
Squicks: feminized men, androgyny, cross-dressing, bondage, spanking

Characters/Pairing/Gen: Sir Cadogan and Draco
Time-period or theme: Hogwarts Era
Place: Outside Trelawney's classroom
Emotion: Annoyance
Action: I would love to see Draco berating the knight and his fat pony. They totally should have had more action in canon! I feel like it would have been hilarious.
Maximum rating: Whatever you want to do with it, I'm game!
Squicks: feminized men, androgyny, cross-dressing, bondage, spanking

Characters/Pairing/Gen: Draco/James Jr.
Time-period or theme: Post-Hogwarts for both of them
Place: Someone's flat
Emotion: Affection
Sense: Touch
Action: James touching a preggers Draco's stomach.
Maximum rating: Whatever you want to do!
Squicks: feminized men, androgyny, cross-dressing, bondage, spanking

Characters/Pairing/Gen: Albus Severus/Draco
Object: Jester's hat, long-stemmed rose, golden mask
Maximum rating: NC-17
Squicks: feminized men, androgyny, cross-dressing, bondage, spanking

Characters/Pairing/Gen: Snape/Draco
Emotion: Gentility
Object: crumbled parchment, Mimbulus Mimbletonia, phoenix feather
Maximum rating: NC-17
Squicks: feminized men, androgyny, cross-dressing, bondage, spanking

Characters/Pairing/Gen: Albus/Gellert
Time-period or theme: Pre-falling out
Place: Godric’s Hollow
Emotion: Happiness, love, curiosity
Action: Watching a phoenix/egg
Mood: Sunlight, firelight
Maximum rating: Artist’s choice

Characters/Pairing/Gen: Draco Malfoy/Albus Severus Potter
Time-period or theme: post war
Place: Diagon Alley (or any wizarding street)
Emotion: unrequited love/attraction (from either Draco or Abus)
Sense: sight
Object: Draco's glasses
Action: meeting in the middle of the street (accidental or not)
Mood: excited, tense, giddy, curious
Maximum rating: artist's choice
Squicks: (for this prompt) Albus looking like a child/teenager; disregard for the age difference (meaning: please do show their respective ages)

Characters/Pairing/Gen: Draco Malfoy/Albus Severus Potter
Time-period or theme: after the war
Place: Malfoy Manor or Hogwarts potions laboratory
Emotion: forbidden lust/love, impatience
Sense: touch
Object: clothes
Action: pushing against table
Mood: heat, half-lit room
Maximum rating: artist's choice
Squicks: non-con, disregard for the age difference (meaning: please show their respective ages)

Characters/Pairing/Gen: Harry/Draco
Time-period or theme: post second wizarding war, AU: third wizarding war
Place: battlefield
Emotion: fierceness, courage, also: fear, flight-fight
Sense: sound
Object: swords, wands
Action: Harry and Draco fight in a wizarding battle side by side
Mood: scorching sun, glistening weapons and armour, dust clouds, vision in parts hyper-sharp, in parts fuzzy and vague
Maximum rating: NC-17
Squicks: non-canon looks of Draco and Harry

Characters/Pairing/Gen: Harry/Draco
Time-period or theme: post-war, Snape's funeral
Place: Snape's grave, wizarding graveyard
Emotion: sadness, grief, also: comfort
Sense: touch
Object: single white lily
Action: Harry and Draco attend Snape's funeral as lovers
Mood: sombre colours, late afternoon light
Maximum rating: artist's choice
Squicks: non-canon looks of Harry and Draco, Muggle clothes

Characters/Pairing/Gen: HP/SS
Time-period or theme: Post war
Place: Forbidden Forest
Emotion: passion/love/happiness, surprise.
Sense:smell, taste.
Object:glass bottle, bloom, clothing
Action:artist's choice, form tender kiss to really hot sex are all great!
Mood:sunset/night time with moonlight
Maximum rating:NC-17
Squicks: Un-happy ending, Non-con, Rape.

Characters/Pairing/Gen: Albus/Gellert
Time-period or theme: late teenage years
Place: Godric's Hollow
Emotion: obsession
Sense: touch
Object: half-moon glasses
Action: research
Mood: dark/moody, candlelight
Maximum rating: PG-13
Squicks: N/A

Characters/Pairing: Severus Snape/Alastor Moody
Time-period or theme: first time
Place: Hog's Head
Emotion: wariness
Object: potion
Mood: tense but sexually-charged
Maximum rating: any
Squicks: crack!art, non-con

Characters/Pairing/Gen: James/Albus
Time-period or theme: brotherly love
Place: Hogwarts - either Slytherin or Gryffindor dorms
Emotion: passion/desperation or love/fun
Sense: touch, taste
Object: Gryffindor and/or Slytherin ties - somehow showcasing the two houses and differences between them
Action: sexy times
Mood: sexy, teasing, sneaking/hiding
Maximum rating: NC-17

Harry stepped into the Potions supply cupboard. His eyes raked over the supplies. There were shelves and shelves of them covering every available service, sorted alphabetically and ranging from Acromantula venom to wormwood.

Finally locating what he was looking for, Harry conjured a step stool, climbed atop it and reached up high to grab the needed bottle. Suddenly, he felt a warm body pressed up against his back.

"Do you need help?" Severus purred into his ear as a hand wrapped around Harry's waist to offer extra stabilization.

"Hey." Harry turned to look over his shoulder at his husband. "I remember the days when you would have just as soon pushed me off a much higher ladder than this," he said with a laugh.

"When we first met, I had no idea you would be so important to me."
Maximum rating: PG-13

Albus sat on his bed in the Slytherin dorm, revising his essay on hinkypunk, when James poked his head into the room.

"Hey, little brother." James leaned against the door-frame. "What are you working on? Need any help?"

Albus smirked up at him. "Did you really come all this way to help? Distracting is more your style, isn't it?"

James walked to the bed, sat down next to him, grabbed his parchment and quill and tossed them aside.

"You know me so well." James said with a grin.

He leaned in, tangled his fingers in Albus's hair and kissed him.
Maximum rating: PG-13

Before Regulus ever turns the corner of the bookstacks, he knows what is coming.

The moment he steps around the corner, he is assaulted, pushed up against the shelves of books with a hot mouth attached to his.

Severus isn't gentle and he isn't soft. He's demanding and forceful and everything that Regulus wants. Regulus prides himself on knowing just how far to push Severus in order to get what he's after. And it always works.

Severus's tongue darts out to probe at Regulus' mouth and he opens willingly under the attack. Regulus' hands come up to grasp at Severus' robes, clinging to him as he is pushed back against the shelf more forcefully, the corner of a book digging into his side.

It's right after dinner, the busiest time of day in the library. Tables are filled with study groups, mostly Ravenclaw but with a fair representation of the other classes as well. Regulus knows how easy it would be for them to be caught, yet in their corner, he feels as safe and alone as he can in a library filled with fellow classmates all around them.

Regulus can hear students passing through the nearby aisles and when he moans too loudly, Severus shushes him.
Maximum rating: R/NC-17

Drabble: Seamus' Fault by hamimifk | Pairing: Ron/Seamus

In all honesty, it hadn't been his intent to kiss Seamus. They'd been debating who would make it to the next Quidditch Cup, arguing vehemently too about their favorite teams.

It had been Seamus' fault for the kiss.

In exasperation, he threw his arms up, grabbed the firewhiskey he'd been drinking and sipped in silence, mulling over a way to reason with Ron. Something about the way the light lit up his face, made him seem older and... Ron didn't dare admit the word, even in his own head, but 'snoggable' screamed by in his head for a split second. The next moment, Seamus was setting the bottle down and Ron was leaning into him, hands on his shoulders, and kissing the Irish man.

"Wha' the blinking hel-?" Seamus squeaked.

It was nice. Seamus tasted of smoke from his cigarette and firewhiskey. He tasted of bars and endless jokes about the Healer That Walked Into the Bar. Even when Seamus' shock passed and he pulled away to stare at the redhead in utter confusion, Ron could still taste him.

"Bloody git. Too much firewhiskey for you, mate?" Seamus asked in confusion.

Ron turned away blushing and feeling like a fool.
Maximum rating: PG13
Squicks: Scat, vomit, gore, vore, creatures, bestiality

Drabble: Too Perfect by hamimifk | Pairing: Remus/Severus

His face was like a still frame of perfection as he slept soundlessly. Not even a snore corrupted his perfection. Severus paused in the picture he'd been drawing, comparing his work to its subject. Sighing, he conceded that he had no artistic ability. Either that or he had made the mistake of drawing someone who's essence couldn't be copied down to paper. He watched as Remus turned his head in slumber, long hair covering his face. He put down the art materials in his hands and crept back into bed. What he couldn't draw, he was simply glad he had.
Maximum rating: PG13
Squicks: Scat, vomit, gore, vore, creatures, bestiality

Characters/Pairing/Gen: Draco/Harry
Time-period or theme: Hogwarts (may be 8th year)
Place: On the lawn.
Emotion: Relaxed.
Sense: Touch.
Object: Snitch
Action: Lying; Harry's head on Draco's chest.
Mood: Dawn.
Maximum rating: PG-13
Squicks: Stronger!Harry, Taller!Harry, Muscular!Harry ( I prefer they're almost the same height and both are slender.)

Characters/Pairing/Gen: Ghost!Draco/Harry
Time-period or theme: Post-war, EWE
Place: Bench in a park.
Emotion:Happiness. ("I will always be with you...")
Action:Holding hands.
Maximum rating:PG-13
Squicks: Stronger!Harry, Taller!Harry, Muscular!Harry ( I prefer they're almost the same height and both are slender.)

Characters/Pairing/Gen: Ron/Harry
Time-period or theme: Hogwarts
Place: Gryffindor Dorm
Emotion: Asleep?
Sense: Touch
Object: Blanket
Action: Cuddle
Mood: Tired yet relaxed
Maximum rating: PG-13
Squicks: Muscular!Harry

Characters/Pairing/Gen: Draco/Harry
Time-period or theme: Post-war, EWE
Place: As long as a table is included.
Emotion: Sad
Sense: Touch, maybe plus taste?
Object: Absinthe
Action: Kiss (Kind of the Draco/Harry version of a scene from Leonardo's movie Total Eclipse. Can it be two pics? Like in the first one, from Harry's pov, he saw Draco lift his hand, which is palm-up, and kiss it. The second one. What we can see is only Harry, lifting his hand near his mouth, he kissed the place where was once kissed by Draco.)
Mood:Dim light.
Maximum rating:PG-13
Squicks: Stronger!Harry, Taller!Harry, Muscular!Harry ( I prefer they're almost the same height and both are slender.)

Characters/Pairing/Gen: Severus/Evan Rosier
Time-period or theme: First War
Emotion: love, fear (?)
Sense: touch
Action: hurt/comfort
Mood: subdued
Maximum rating: PG-13
Squicks: incest, violence exceeding PG-13 rating, hardcore kink (scat, necro, bloodplay, etc), BDSM, pedophilia, bestiality

Emotion: love, happiness, desperation,
Sense: touch, taste
Object: knickers, lingerie, skirt
Action:Sext times, Lorcan crossdressing
Mood: erotic
Maximum rating: NC-17

Characters/Pairing/Gen: Remus/Regulus
Time-period or theme: HOgwarts
Place: library
Emotion: flirty
Object: books
Action: study session - possibly with quiet/shy flirting - feet tangled together under the table
Mood: studying, quiet,
Maximum rating: PG for this prompt

Characters/Pairing/Gen: Snape/Draco
Place: Potions labratory
Sense: smell, sight, touch,
Action: working together on a potion, optional stolen kiss ?
Mood: companionship
Maximum rating:

Characters/Pairing/Gen: James (Sr)/Lucius
Time-period or theme: Marauders Era
Place: Hogwarts
Emotion: Desire
Sense: Touch
Object: Tie
Mood: Happy.
Maximum rating: NC-17
Squicks: Non-con/rape, scat, blood. For this prompt dub-con as well.

Characters/Pairing/Gen: Draco/Albus
Place: Party, gala or ministry event
Emotion: desperation
Sense: touch, taste
Object: texedo or formal robes
Action: snogging, hiding (possibly wanking or touching?)
Mood: secrecy, trying not to get caught
Maximum rating: any
Squicks: infidelity

Characters/Pairing/Gen: Snape/Harry
Time-period or theme: Vampire
Emotion: hunger, tenderness
Sense: taste
Object: blood
Action: biting
Mood: sensual, sunset
Maximum rating: NC-17

Characters/Pairing/Gen: Any slash
Time-period or theme: Pirate!AU/shipwrecked shirtless boys
Place: Island or ship
Mood: Adventurous
Maximum rating: Any

Characters/Pairing/Gen: Any slash
Time-period or theme: postwar
Place: home
Emotion: sweet, loving
Sense: the feel of wet skin
Object: wearing only towels,
Action: embracing/kissing,
Maximum rating: Any

Characters/Pairing/Gen: Harry/Draco or Harry/Scorpius or Harry/Teddy
Place: auror office
Object: desk, Auror robes
Action: partially clothed sex
Maximum rating: NC-17

Characters/Pairing/Gen: Harry/Draco
Time-period or theme: Auror partners
Emotion: hurt/comfort
Sense: anxious
Object: bandages
Action: tending to wounds
Mood: tenderness

Characters/Pairing/Gen: nextgen slash
Time-period or theme: Hogwarts
Place: greenhouses
Emotion: pleasure, surprise
Object: naughty plants
Action: Plant/tentacle sex
Mood: enjoyment
Maximum rating: NC-17

Characters/Pairing/Gen: Albus/Scorpius or Scorpius/James
Time-period or theme: Nextgen Hogwarts
Place: Hogsmeade
Emotion: sweet, shy, happy, gentle
Sense: tentative touches
Object: wizarding candy, butterbeer
Action: first date, holding hands

genre: slash, mod: prompt list

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