2011 Christmas Mini Prompt Fest - Prompt Claiming

Oct 24, 2011 20:02


+ Please make sure to read these rules before you claim!
+ Read the RULES.
+ You can claim a prompt, even if you didn't submit one.
+ The prompt claiming post will be open until November 25th.
+ You may claim as many prompts as you like but must've submitted your first fic/art before grabbing another prompt!
+ In this first round of claiming, each prompt can only be taken by one person. In case you finish your first submission and come back for a second prompt, you may also claim one that's already been claimed by one person, since, in some cases, it would be interesting to see two authors' takes on the same prompt.
+ Please use the following template to claim a prompt:

1st Choice:
2nd Choice:
3rd Choice:
+ We ask you to give us three choices for the case that someone claims your number one before you get the chance to!
+ You will receive a confirmation email with your prompt. Please reply to that email so we know we reserved you the correct prompt.
+ Claimed prompts will be crossed out as soon as they're claimed (or as soon as we get to it), so make sure to refresh the prompt list every once in a while to check if your chosen prompt is still available.



+ You can find all the guidelines in this post.
+ Before claiming, please remember that your deadline is November 30th.
+ Your fics should be between 100 and 2000 words, but can also be longer.
+ If your prompt is too long and specific, you may simplify it but your story should capture the essence of the prompt.

Any questions? Contact us via email (hp.emofest@gmail.com), PM or comment on the rules post.

Ready, Set, Claim!

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!prompt claiming, !winter2011

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